Adobe InDesign Overview

Foothill College (Spring 2019)

By Peter Y. Chou

Registered for LINC 72B: Adobe InDesign Overview, an online class at Foothill College, Spring 2019
at Krause Center for Innovation. The instructor is William Cavada. Went to My Portal and logged in to
Canvas. Found Poster as the first assignment. Topics listed: • document set up; • Text box; • Frame Box;
• Wrapping Text; • Creating Text Outlines; • Paste Into; • Layers. Clicking led to downloading
"poster 2" folder to the desktop. There were 7 files plus a folder.note that was empty. Since there were
no instructions, I tried to replicate the final.tif image in Adobe Photoshop. Below is the process used.

(1) final.tif
This Chavez Poster is the final product. Onto the background field will be pasted 5 items— 1) Yellow rectangular box at top; 2) CHAVEZ name;
3) "A True Hero" in yellow, 4) Diagonal Array of Butterflies, and 5) the Chavez portrait in left corner.

(2) background.psd
The B&W image of workers in the field was in grayscale. It was converted to RGB and using Color Balance in Adjustment made duotone (Red-Yellow) to simulate the final Chavez Poster.

(3) HeroBackground-Duotone.jpg
The text.tif image of "A True Hero" was faint yellow.
It was brightened using Curves in Adobe Photoshop Adjustment, and
Pasted under the Mountain Range
at the right side.

(4) HeroBackground-Butterflies.jpg
The "butterflies.tif" transparent image was in layers,
and couldn't be selected, so layer was flattened to
make Butterflies(343x343).jpg file. The Diagonal
Array of Butterflies were pasted next, since the
top need to go under the "CHAVEZ" name.

(5) HeroBackground-ButterfliesYellow.jpg

Rectangular marquee used to cover Mountain Range at top. Edit Filled with Yellow.

(6) HeroBackground-ButterfliesTextYellow.jpg

Pasted "CHAVEZ" over the top of yellow
rectangular box.

(7) ChavezPoster2.jpg

Pasted Cesar Chavez Portrait in lower left
corner to complete "Cesar Chavez" Poster
done in Adobe Photoshop.