Poems & Notes
for Gary Snyder

By Peter Y. Chou

Gary Snyder's "Persimmons" (3-7-2007)
(Going to my first poetry reading in California, 11-28-1986)

Mu Chi's Six Persimmons (3-21-1996)

Two Poems at Gary Snyder Workshop (3-24-1990)

"Speculations on the Soul" (3-20-1993) & Notes (1-8-2006)

Many to the One: Raphael's School of Athens (5-11-1993)
(First meeting with Anthony Damiani, April 5, 1968)

Four Ways to Look at a Painting (3-27-2002)
(Dante's Four Levels of Interpretation)

"The Dalai Lama at Stanford":
A Poem for Anthony Damiani (4-19-1994)

Poetry, Power, & Cultural Definitions (8-6-1995)
(Panel Discussion at 1995 CPITS Conference, 8-26-1995
with Gary Snyder quote on power from The Real Work)

On This Day: May 8— Gary Snyder's "Riprap" (5-11-2000)

Finding My Bronze Plaque "Valentine ♥ Mints Poems"
in San Francisco

Gary Snyder's "Prayer for the Great Family" (2-14-2006)

"What a Soap Box Taught Me About Sage & Sin" (2-27-2007)
& Notes (Meeting Paul Brunton in Switzerland, 8-30-1972)

Robert Bly— Haikus: Basho & Issa (5-21-2008)
(Bly's 1st Stanford Poetry Workshop, April 2, 2008)

"Platonic Lambda Sonnet" (1-19-2011) & Notes

"Vanishing Point" (3-2-2011) & Notes

"Mind: Questing or Resting?" (7-20-2011) & Notes

"What Do You Ride?" (8-27-2011) (Lew Welch epigraph)

"Attachment to Compassion" (3-9-2013)

Telo Tulku Rinpoche: "The Power of Compassion" (3-16-2013)

"Emily Dickinson's Flight on the 17th" (12-17-2003)
(Poem for Gerald D. Fasman who died on 12-17-2003,
centenary of Wright Brothers' first flight at Kitty Hawk)

This Week's Citation Classic (8-10-1987)
(Chou & Fasman "Prediction of Protein Conformation"
was most cited paper in Science Citation Index journal)

Platonic Lambda: Soul of the Universe Cover (7-19-2012)

Newton's Prism: From the One Flows the Many (1-29-2013)
(Platonic Lambda in Prism & Apple Computer's Logo)

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P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (4-12-2013)