Arthur Rimbaud

Arthur Rimbaud (1864-1891):
"Aube" ("Dawn")

from Illuminations (1875)

I bought a paperback copy of Rimbaud's Illuminations when studying at Cornell University (circa 1967). I was browsing through books searching for enlightenment experiences like those in Richard Bucke's Cosmic Consciousness (1901). That's why Rimbaud's Illuminations caught my attention. However I was disappointed not finding examples in Rimbaud comparable to those mystical illuminations of the saints and sages. When I attended the Stanford Symposium "The Descent of Grace" (May 15, 2009), Professor Robert Harrison cited Rimbaud's "Aube" ("Dawn") as an example of heightened awareness in his talk on "Grace and Genius". Looking at this poem, I agree that Rimbaud had an experience of awakening. (Peter Y. Chou)

AUBE from Illuminations (1875)

J'ai embrassé l'aube d'été.

Rien ne bougeait encore au front des palais. L'eau était mortre. Les camps d'ombres ne quittaient pas la route du bois. J'ai marché, réveillant les haleines vives et tièdes; et les pierries regardèrent, et les ailes se levèrent sans bruit.

La première enterprise fut, dans le sentier déjà empli de frais et blêmes éclats, une fleur qui me dit son nom.

Je ris au wasserfall blond qui s'échevela à travers les sapins: à la cime argentée je reconnus la déesse.

Alors je levai un à les voiles. Dans l'allée, en agitant les bras. Par la plaine, où je l'ai dénoncée au coq. A la grand'ville elle fuyait parmi les clochers et les dômes, et, courant comme un mendiant sur les quais de marbre, je la chassais.

En haut de la route, près d'un bois de lauriers. Je l'ai entourée avec ses voiles amassés, et j'ai senti un peu son immense corps. L'aube et l'enfant tombèrent au bas du bois.

Au réveil, il était midi.


DAWN from Illuminations (1875)

I embraced the summer dawn.

Nothing stirred on the face of the palaces. The water was still. Crowds of shadows lingered on the road to the woods. I walked, dreaming the warm, brisk winds, and precious stones looked on, and wings soared in silence.

The first venture, on the path already full of fresh and pale glitterings, was a flower who told me her name.

I laughed at the white waterfall dishevelled through the pine trees: at its silvery summit I recognized the goddess.

Then, one by one, I lifted her veils. In the pathway, waving my arms. In the open field, where I betrayed her to the cock. In the city she fled amid the steeples and the domes, and running like a beggar on the marble piers, I chased her.

At the top of the road, near a wood of laurels, I wrapped her in her mass of veils, and felt a little of her immense body. Dawn and the child fell at the edge of the woods.

When I awoke it was noon.

— Above version based on the following translations:

— Arthur Rimbaud, Illuminations
     translated by Bertrand Mathieu
     Boa Editions, Brockport, NY, 1979, pp. 32-33
— Arthur Rimbaud, Illuminations
     translated by Daniel Sloate
     Guernica, Montreal, Canada, 1990, pp. 78-79
— Arthur Rimbaud, A Season in Hell and Illuminations
     translated by Mark Treharne
     J.M. Dent, London, 1998 (no page #)


Web Links to Arthur Rimbaud

Books & Writers: Arthur Rimbaud
    (Biography, Selected Works)
Academy of American Poets: Arthur Rimbaud
    (Biography, Poems, Prose, Surrealist & Symbolist Poets)
Awakening with Rimbaud
    (By Dana Wilde with Rimbaud's "Aube")
Wikipedia: Arthur Rimbaud
    (Life & work, Influence, Trivia, Bibliography, Online Texts)
Arthur Rimbaud & Patti Smith
    (Biographical notes on Rimbaud by Fiona Webster)
Arthur Rimbaud Website
    (By Peter Pullicino)
Arthur Rimbaud Timeline
    (Rimbaud's Life: October 20, 1854-November 10, 1891)
Dawn (English & French version)
Aube (Online Text of French)
Aube (Critique by Cecil Arthur Hackett)

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© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (5-17-2009)