Methinks there are no times more glorious
than that of this evening's setting sun
when golden clouds greet the azure sky
above the misty mountains habouring
over the calm crystalline Swiss lake
where snow white swans glide serenely by
and seagulls soar into the twilight's gleam.
Such moments bring joyous tears to the soul
whose flight has lingered for starlight years
to find an illumined beacon of hope
from a compassionate Mind of the World
which abides in a sage sincere in heart
guiding students to their eternal home.
O the face of truth is unveiled at last
not hidden behind some circle of gold
but within the mind and heart of man
shine the real in its radiant formless form
that spirit which is far and close at hand
cannot be known but with the wisdom eye
which sees beauty and justice in all things
and the knowledge which neither comes nor goes
leads us to goodness and graceful bliss.
O dear soul remember this setting sun.
O dear sun remember this striving soul.

— Peter Y. Chou
     Vevey, 9-1-1979

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