Courting Remembrance

It is easy to tell what kind of sweet music
could move our mind to remembrance of heaven
where angels have gathered in the hall of records.

The first moment of the day we court remembrance
of that dream fading into the night, a lifetime can
go by in the space between sleep and wakefulness.

The joy we reap through remembrance resembles
cherry blossoms in spring after a winter's rest
and cotton balls wrens found for nests in the woods.

A thousand gifts await for us if we could see
but we lost remembrance of our true heritage,
craving for crumbs instead of enjoying the feast.

Remembrance resembles snowflakes that know
how to crystallize into six corners and the bees
building hexagonal honeycombs all the time.

Peter, it's regretful that you've forgotten the soul's
past strivings, but the purpose of remembrance
is to be attentive to the present task at hand.

                    — Peter Y. Chou
                        Mountain View, July 22, 2008

Robert Bly's ghazal "Courting Forgetfulness"
in The New Yorker (July 21, 2008) inspired
this respose ghazal on remembrance.

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© Peter Y. Chou,
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (7-22-2008)