Notes to Poem:
Sextillion Stars
Peter Y. Chou |
Preface: On December 1, 2010, the #1 Trending Now Yahoo! news item was "Sextillion". I rarely click
on this list of movie stars popular with web browsers. I thought this giant number is the name of some new
music rock group for my number collection. When the link connected to
"300 Sextillion Stars in Universe",
it piqued my interest as 3 x 1023 is just half of Avogadro's Number, 6.022 x 1023.
When I was at Foothill Krause Center, December 3 (3:14-5:10 pm), my friend Rudy showed me his
"Photoshop Phobia Project".
His recurring dreams of bulls and cows chasing him off a cliff stem from his 12-year old trauma of
bulls chasing him up a tree when he trespassed a meadow. I told Rudy the same joke to my 6-year old
niece Elisa, that our Milky Way was created by a Cow God. A day earlier I learned that
Cow Goddesses Hathor (Egypt) and Aditi (India) were associated with the Milky Way.
So I tell Rudy that "Cow Goddesses are trying to wake you up to Cosmic Consciousness,
and when you realize that you'll shout Holy Cow!" My new interpretation of Rudy's dream
was a revelation to me and inspired this poem in two hours. Half an hour was spent looking
through photos of cows on streets in India to complement my poem. I read this poem that
evening at Palo Alto's Waverley Writers, the first time I had read a poem on the day
it was written. These Notes were compiled a week later.