Beethoven, Ninth Symphony, Ode to Joy, music quotes


I see joy in the creation of heaven and earth
I see joy in creation's perpetual destiny.

I see joy in the beauty and wonder of earth
I see joy in earth's kindness and generosity.

I see joy in the warmth of a flaming fire
I see joy in fire's brilliant radiance.

I see joy in the carefree movement of air
I see joy in air's winged flight to the sky.

I see joy in the crystal lucidity of water
I see joy in water's delicacy and strength.

I see joy in the fragrance of a budding flower
I see joy in the flower's greeeting of spring.

I see joy in the whisperings of the summer wind
I see joy in the wind's caressing of trees and hills.

I see joy in the falling of golden autumn leaves
I see joy in the leaves' rustling tunes of farewell.

I see joy in the snowflake descending from heaven
I see joy in the snowflake's kissing of winter earth.

I see joy in the brightness of a morning sunshine
I see joy in the morning's slow voyage into noon.

I see joy in the quietness of a starry evening
I see joy in the evening's guest— a crescent moon.

I see joy in the planting of a good seed and deed
I see joy in the seed and deed bearing good fruits.

I see joy in a grain of sand filling up a desert
I see joy in dance of atoms making up the sand.

I see joy in the dewdrop so fragile and fleeting
I see joy in dewdrop's journey back to the sea.

I see joy in the flight of a little bird
I see joy in the bird's singing to the tree.

I see joy in the sweet innocence of a child
I see joy in the child's spontaneous activities.

I see joy in the ceaseless creativity of man
I see joy in man's searching for eternal things.

I see joy in the wisdom in men of old
I see joy in old men's recall of childhood.

I see joy in the fascinating adventure of science
I see joy in science discovering beauty everywhere.

I see joy in the melodic words of poetry
I see joy in poetry's revelation of truth.

I see joy in the towering majesty of architecture
I see joy in the architecture of a tiny blade of grass.

I see joy in the tragedies and comedies of drama
I see joy in drama's grandiose tapestry of mankind.

I see joy in the harmonic expression of music
I see joy in music's tender touches on the sublime.

I see joy in the dancer's eloquent leap across space
I see joy in the dancer's spiritual triumph over time.

I see joy in the vivid colorings and forms of painting
I see joy in painting's unveiling of the human soul.

I see joy in the solidity and unity of sculpture
I see joy in sculpture's ability to sparkle into life.

I see joy in the prayer and celebration of life
I see joy in life's unlimited dreams and promises.

I see joy in all of nature and her hidden laws
I see joy in nature's infinite variety.

I see joy in the shining purity of light
I see joy in the light within our inner heart.

I see joy in the myriad workings of the mind
I see joy in the mind's fulfillment of all things.

I see joy in the spirit traveling faster than light
I see joy in the spirit enduring forever.

I see joy in the faith of many things not seen
I see joy in faith bringing all miracles to pass.

I see joy in hope— enchantress of the future
I see joy in hope waiting with eternal patience.

I see joy in the love which binds atoms to atoms
I see joy in the love which moves suns and stars.

I see joy in the infinite masks of God
I see joy in God without faces or masks.

I see joy in worlds and stars crumbling to chaos
I see joy in chaos, son and father of creation.

                        Peter Y. Chou
                        Ithaca, 6-8-1968