Kay's email message
"Thanks for another look
into your questing mind"
made me meditate
Should my mind
be questing or resting?
Buddhists say the mind
is a restless monkey
swinging from tree to tree
so we need to quieten it
to experience Emptiness
(Sunyata) and Nirvana.
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
begins: "Yoga is ceasing
the flow of thoughts"
but a sage gives me
this wise advice
"Yoga is skill in action."
Ramana cites Psalm 46:10
"Be still, and know
that I am God."
I marvel at Hui-neng's
awakening at Guangzhou
after hearing just one line
from the Diamond Sutra
"Abiding nowhere,
let the mind work on."
So I let my mind rest
when I sleep and quest
when I wake...
Peter Y. Chou
Mountain View, 7-20-2011
Mind as Restless Monkey
Sleeping Mind at Rest
Questing Mind
Mind in Illumination