The M Showed Me The M took me to a wedding at Cana where I watched red heart-shaped mulberry leaves turn to silk and morning glories sing bells of transformation. The M stretched the marrow of her bones and shrank the morrow of time. She planted seeds of the macrocosm in the microcosm and the muse into music. The M told me about man the measure of all things, midway between atoms and the Milky Way. She taught me about harmony & wire-walking the Golden Mean. The M bathed me in moonlight and myrrh, unveiled the mem & mim of the Hebrews and Arabs, the mu & m of the Greeks and Romans. She wove the sigil of the Virgin. The M sang the sacredness of her song from the first Ma of the babe to the last Mmm of the dying man. She carried me through the mandalas, mantras and OM's of the yogis. The M spun the medicine wheel and showed me her dragon mountaintops, her phoenix valley spirit and she taught me how to spread my wings. Peter Y. Chou Palo Alto, 6-4-1992 |