Patrick McDonnell's Mutts (4-25-2014)

The Mountains Are Calling

Mallory climbed Everest
because it was there,
never reaching the top.

Hillary and Tenzing
were the first to reach
the summit of Everest

on May 29, 1953
and the news broke
on QE II's coronation.

Gary Snyder heard
mountain ranges singing
and dreamt of Ramana.

Ramana heard the call
of Mt. Arunchala and
stayed there all his life.

Paul Brunton wrote
A Hermit in the Himalayas
and was enlightend by Ramana—

When I told him about my dream
in a car about to crash into
Matterhorn and flying over it,

PB took me up
Mont Pèlerin to visit
Geshe Rabten Rinpoche.

Later I went to Mt. Shasta
for a Medicine Walk and
sweat lodge with Red Hawk.

I sang wind songs to hawks
flying above and birds
ate seeds from my hand.

Allen Ginzberg saw a glow
in Mont Sainte-Victoire
painted by Cézanne

and I was carried away
by Mussorgsky's roaring
Night on Bald Mountain.

The mountains are calling
because it's really our soul
calling us to come home.

— Peter Y. Chou
    Mountain View, 5-19-2014