Memories of a Best Friend for 26 Years

        for Connie Barker (3-13-1938 to 9-9-2016)

Her eyes are magnets for copper pennies,
her heart is ocean wide and sky high
with dollars for beggars & the homeless.

As a beginner in ballroom dancing,
women would not teach me, saying "guys must lead"
but she did, and we became good dance partners.

Since I didn't drive, she moved closer by
to take me grocery shopping as well as
bringing Dad & Mom to their doctor visits.

She worked at AAA for thirty years,
made map routes for travelers with motels,
restaurants, and sightseeing along the way.

She loved cosmology, listened to
Michio Kaku, took my friends and me
to black hole talks at SETI & SLAC meetings.

Practicing transcendental meditation,
she excelled her teachers with fire dreams
experienced by Descartes and Pascal.

A Stanford professor said "Let Connie talk"
when we discussed Joseph Campbell's Power of Myth
since she had experience more than book knowledge.

Ever health conscious, she ate organic food,
drank spring water, grinding almond butter,
preferred baby food without MSG and GMOs.

She went to West Coast Dowsers meetings,
used a pendulum to find the age of oaks,
locate missing objects, and aid in healing.

She took me to Santa Clara UFO Conference
to see George Noory, host of
which she listened nightly on spiritual matters.

When I spent too much time on the computers,
she took me to hundreds of Bay Area hikes
exploring nature and the lofty redwoods.

With no clues on flower names on the trails,
she told me— forget-me-nots, miner's lettuce,
morning glories, and pearly everlasting.

Girl Friday, big sister, Mom-like, best friend—
she reminded me to shave, cut my hair,
do my laundry and pay my bills on time.

She phoned me daily to bring her TV listings
and comics from the Mercury News; I helped with
heavy lifting and more chores as she got weaker.

She passed on at Kaiser Santa Clara with her
two sons at bedside in Room 3303 on 9-9-2016—
square of the Trinity that Dante wrote of Beatrice.

Zipoli's Elevazione is playing on KDFC now—
I always phoned her favorite when it's on the air—
Alas she died yesterday— such sadness on sharing no longer.

                Peter Y. Chou
                Mountain View, 9-10-2016