Going Places Truck Distributing Kits Above & Beyond Video |
Project-Based Learning Collaboration Above & Beyond Video |
Charlie & Maya's Finish Line Victory Above & Beyond Video |
Above & Beyond For Project-Based Learning class, assigned to watch Above & Beyond video and our reaction to this story. First impression was "Rah! Rah! Rah! Hurray!" for Charlie & Maya designing a car that could fly and won the race. Is not "Above & Beyond" better than "Below & Staying Still"? Keep moving ahead faster & faster. But there's another calling from sages and enlightened masters When asked "What is your star?" Chung Gang dropped to his knees and felt around the floor. Mang Gong said to him "You have truly become a Buddha." In The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, Joseph Campbell cites Hindu sages on finding transcendence within. A Bombay organizer of Picnic Races for Chinmaya Mission asked for advice, Swami Chinmayananda wrote back "Medals for winners, medals for losers food aplenty for attendees, gifts for parents and children let everyone leave happy!" The truck is going places above and beyond, but I'm staying home right here residing within. Peter Y. Chou Mountain View, 5-24-2018 |
Above & Beyond Video (2011) When asked "What is your star?" Chung Gang search around the floor Joseph Campbell's Inner Reaches of Outer Space Swami Chinmayananda (1916-1993) |