![]() Stanford Rodin Sculpture Garden |
The Janitor Crushed Me Debating on Rodin "Only the janitor is here" Connie tells me. He says "This is my garden." We've come to The Gates of Hell at Stanford's Rodin Garden for Waverley Writers Full Moon Poetry Reading from 9 pm to midnight using flashlights, but looks like all the poets have gone home on this Saturday, August 15, 1992. I read "Cacountala" honoring Camille Claudel, Rodin's mistress, implying he had stolen ideas from her after seeing a recent film about them. The janitor protests "She was just a schoolgirl when Rodin sculpted The Kiss. I try to impress him, saying "The Philadelphia Museum is second in Rodin's sculptures", but he tells me that "Stanford is now second in size after Paris." He asks me "Where did you learn art history?" "At Columbia Hibbard's 'Art 101', Howard Davis' 'Northern Renaissance Art' & Dustin Rice's 'Modern Art'." He asks "Did Rodin do anything else beside sculptures?" I reply "He drew watercolors on "Cambodian Dancers". "Good for you!" he smiles, as if throwing me a bone as brownie points after my poor debate performance. His lady friend says "We enjoyed your poetry, perhaps you'll come to his lecture on Matisse Oh, let me introduce him Professor Albert Elsen." I nearly fainted the world's greatest scholar on Rodin no wonder he knew so much when I thought he was just a janitor. I went to the Art History Department and picked up flyers on Elsen's lecture "Matisse: His Importance to Modern Art" at 5:30 pm, September 15, 1992. Felt I could do better designed two flyers with Matisse's Polynesia, the Sea (1946) and France stamp of Matisse's Blue Nudes swirling in a kaleidoscopic spiral. Sent them to Elsen along with a brochure of CPITSteaching kids to write poetry. His handwritten September 11th letter is such a heart-warming treasure. Elsen like Jameel Din's poem in the CPITS brochure, saying "I wish I had been exposed to your program as a child. No question it would have made me a better writer, if not a poet." Connie came to Elsen's "Matisse" lecture at the packed Anneberg Auditorium, saying "With suit and tie, he looks like a professor and not a janitor." I took 18 pages of notes with sketches of 120 slides Picasso & Matisse were the greatest in 20th century "Betweeen 1907 and 1912, they changed art more drastically than the previous five centuries." After his talk, I brought Elsen's first book Auguste Rodin: Readings on His Life & Work for him to sign. This $2.95 paperback bought at Book Sales Gallery in Ithaca (9-21-1969) was marked down to 89¢ since 1/3 of the back cover & last page was torn off. I bargained it down to 50¢. Elsen signed "For Peter from an admirer of his poetry Al Elsen." Peter Y. Chou Mountain View, 1-1-2020 |