Israel #93 Menorah Candles
(issued 4-26-1955)
Belarus #531 Ash Leaves
(issued 3-24-2004)
Japan #839 Leaf-like Tree & Sun
(issued 5-9-1965)
Vatican #550 "There Was Light"
(issued 4-23-1974)
Flaming Leaf from Ash Tree
Rushing for the bus, I turned back
to my courtyard to pick up this
bright flaming leaf from an ash tree.
Most leaves are now brown or yellow,
but this one seems extra special
golden veins like Menorah candles.
Recall ash leaves Belarus stamp,
Japan's leaf-like tree with the sun,
Vatican stamp: "And there was light".
This flaming ash leaf reminds me
of "Fire! Fire! Fire!" Pascal's vision
and Buddha's famous "Fire Sermon".
Just realized baseball bats are made
from ash trees whose wood are harder
and more solid than maple or oak.
Thousands of batters have swung
those Louisville Slugger wooden bats,
but none as renowned than Hank Aaron,
the home run king who just died
so this flaming ash leaf is for your
courage, excellence, & endless grace.
Peter Y. Chou
Mountain View, 1-27-2021
White Ash Tree
(Fraxinus americana)
Baseball Bats
(Louisville Slugger)
Aaron Hits 715th Home Run
surpassing Babe Ruth (4-8-1974)
Hank Aaron breaks Babe Ruth
career 714 homers record (1935)
that lasted for 39 years (1974)