"Rhymes with Orange" by Hilary B. Price (11-21-2021)

Gepetto Paints Pinocchio
in his wood-carving shop

Gepetto's Wooden
Puppet Pinocchio

Puppet Without Strings
(thanks to the Blue Fairy)

Where Is Pinocchio's Mom?

Pinocchio tells Jimney Cricket—
"I never met my Mom
All Dad says is that she
was as strong as an oak."

Some say Pinocchio's mother died giving
him birth, that his Mom was a pine tree
since Pino-occhio is pine-eyed in Italian;
these are rumors of the puppet's origin.

No wonder Pinocchio misbehaved
without a mother's loving care
despite his father Gepetto's good
intention sending him to school.

I got no strings to tie me down
To make me fret, or make me frown
I had strings, but now I'm free
There are no strings on me

Hi-ho the merry-o
That's the only way to be
I want the world to know
Nothing ever worries me

until he grows donkey ears
and tail at Pleasure Island.
Show some bravado and courage
to rescue Gepetto from the whale.

Blue Fairy turns wooden puppet
Pinocchio into a real boy when
he proved to be brave & unselfish.
Pinocchio's Mom is the Blue Fairy!

      — Peter Y. Chou
          Mountain View, 11-22-2021

Pinocchio grows donkey
ears at Pleasure Island

Pinocchio resues
Gepetto from the whale

Blue Fairy with magic wand

Blue Fairy turns puppet
Pinocchio into a real boy