Mythical Creatures

Bigfoot (Patterson 1967 film)
in North American forests

Loch Ness Monster
Scottish Highlands (1934 photo)

Champy (Drawing from 1977 Sandra Mansi photograph)
Lake Champlain, Canada

Yeti, Abominable Snowman
in the Himalayan Mountains

Bermuda Triangle
near Florida & Puerto Rico

Aliens in Area 51
Gleason saw aliens (2-19-1973)

Jersey Devil
Rutgers University

Golem of Prague

10-foot Giants
David & Goliath

Come to the Scottish Isles to explore
the Loch Ness Monster— a plesiosaur?
Search for Champy in Lake Champlain
but recent sightings have been in vain.

Is the Bigfoot video fake or real?
More phony claims than honest deal.
Giant footsteps of Yeti in the snow,
giving mountaineers worries and woe.

Bermuda Triangle sucks up ships & planes,
driving sailors and pilots all insane.
Crop circles made by extra-terrestials?
Symbolic designs rendered them special.

Were there UFO sightings in Roswell—
maybe weather ballons some would tell?
Aliens were hidden in Area 51—
Jackie Gleason saw them & kept mum.

Chupacabra sightings in the southwest
more devastating than any wild pest.
Jersey Devil drawing looks quite scary—
goat-headed clawed creature, dark & hairy.

The Golem of Prague is not a fairy,
Ghosts were spotted on the Queen Mary.
Goliath and Giants roamed in ancient days,
Gargoyles at Notre Dame kept demons away.

If any of these creatures were to appear—
Be brave, say your prayers, and have no fear.

— Peter Y. Chou
     Mountain View, 12-30-2022

Crop Circle
Wiltshire Museum, England

UFO in Roswell (1947)
by Kevin D. Randle (1991)

Amarillo, Texas

Ghosts on Queen Mary
Hollywood Gothique

Gargoyles at Notre Dame