Tenzin Gyatso
14th Dalai Lama
Dharamshala, India
January 26, 2023
Dalai Lama Summit 2023
March 16-20, 2023

Peter Y. Chou

Robert Thurman
Professor, Columbia University
Founder of Tibet House
Practice of Deity Yoga

Preface: In 2021, I attended the free event on Dalai Lama's theme on Compassion (October 14-18, 2021). It was sponsored by Lion's Roar and Tibet House. I summarized the talks at "Dalai Lama Compassion Conference" and received monthly news from Lion's Roar magazine on Buddhist themes. On February 27, 2023, Lion's Roar sent
me an email on the Free 5-day "Dalai Lama Summit 2023" event that I signed up. They inform me each day on the presentations offered that's free for viewing in 48 hours. Best viewed on Google Chrome. While watching each of these speakers, had half of my 13" laptop screen open to my BBEdit Journal-Haikus page. Typed interesting messages, and scrolled back the video, to record quotes mentioned and their authors. So it took longer than the
time for each talk. The conference has been a tremendous success! Over 50,000 people signed up to be part of this remarkable gathering. Jan Willis introduced each day's themes. The four speakers talked and offered meditation practices enlightening conference on compassion. Since my notes are sketchy and incomplete, it's better to order
their special package @ $197 of illuminating insights and 18 guided meditations, and transcript format, plus 7 special bonuses, including a 5-part online course with Sharon Salzberg and Robert Thurman.

Each day offers teachings on one of five themes— Goodness, Compassion, Ethics, Meditation, and Wisdom. We're invited to cultivate these qualities and find strategies for putting them into action.

DAY 1: Goodness: Bringing Out the Best in Us (March 16, 2023)
Plato's Republic 505a: "the greatest thing to learn is the idea of good". Dante writes in Paradiso 33:81 "my vision reached the Infinite Goodness". And in Genesis I:10, we see after each day's creation— "God saw that it was good." So it's good that Dalai Lama Summit 2023 starts out with
"Goodness" on Day 1 of its conference. (Searched my books for these three quotes & links to web.)

Thupten Jinpa:
Principal English translator to H.H. Dalai Lama,
and founder of Institute of Tibetan Classics
"Essence of Dalai Lama's message to the world"

Robert A.F. Thurman:
Professor Emeritus, Columbia University;
President, Tibet House US; Translator; Author
"Secret of Dalai Lama's Enduring Cheerfulness"

Lisa Miller:
Professor, Columbia University
Author The Awakened Brain
"On positive psychology" in spirituality

Matthew Fox:
Priest & Theologian
Author of 35 books
"Stations of the Cosmic Christ"

DAY 2: Compassion: The Foundation of Connection (March 17, 2023)
Jan Willis: “Our focus today is on compassion. Dalai Lama says 'Be kind whenever possible.'
The 8th century Buddhist poet Santideva said 'All the joy in the world is wishing happiness
to others. Miseries in the world is due to selfishness.'”.

Philippe Goldin:
Clinical neuroscientist
Professor, UC Davis
"Science & Practice of Compassion"

Cyndi Lee:
Teacher of mindful yoga
Author of Om Yoga
"Grounding Touch practice"

Pamela Ayo Yetunde:
Pastoral counselor
Author "Casting Indra's Net"
"Creating a Just & Compassionate Society"

Tony Butterfly Pham:
Certified CCT Instructor
Facilitator and healer
"Deepening into Compassion"

DAY 3: Ethics: Upholding Universal Human Values (March 18, 2023)
Ethics has meaning of foundation. Dhammapada says "Do no harm". Discipline mind, body,
and speech; Training in ethics, meditation, and wisdom. Dalai Lama's earliest book in English— Kindness, Clarity, and Insight.

Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi:
CEO of Dalai Lama Center for
Ethics & Transformative Values at MIT
"Ethical Imagination & Compassionate Leadership"

Brother Phap Luu:
Monk & Plum Village Teacher
"Seeing 5 Mindfulness as a Way Out of Suffering"
"Ethics as a Foundation in a Time of Crisis"

Dr. Joe Loizzo:
Founder and Academic Director,
Nalanda Institute for Contemplative Science
"New Sciece & Practice of Leading with Compassion & Altruism""

Tenzin Geyche Tethong:
Former Secretary to
His Holiness Dalai Lama
Author "His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama: An Illustrated Biography"

DAY 4: Meditation: The Key to Personal & Societal Transformation (March 19, 2023)
Samadhi means bringing together body & mind. 84,000 paths lead to the end of suffering; All these paths involve meditation; Meditation has two components— a calming part and higher seeing part; Meditation comes before Wisdom; The more we practice meditation, the more insights grow.

Jan Willis:
Professor Emerita of Religious Studies,
Wesleyan University
Introduces each day's talks

Dan Zigmond:
Zen Priest
Director of Special Projects at Apple
Author Buddha's Office: The Ancient Art of Waking Up While Working Well

Daniel Goleman:
Psychologist & science journalist
Board, Mind Life Institute
Author of Emotional Intelligence

Ven. Thubten Chodron:
American Tibetan Buddhist nun
Founder & Abbess of Sravasti Abbey
Author of Searching for the Self

Spring Washam:
Founder of East Bay Meditation Center
Author A Fierce Heart:
Finding Strength, Courage and Wisdom in Any Moment

DAY 5: Wisdom: Seeing Reality Clearly (March 20, 2023)
Jan Willis: Welcome— Introduction to Day 5 's Talks "Wisdom"
After Buddha's meditation under the Bodhi Tree—
the monks asked him "Are you a magician?" No;
"Are you a man?" No. "Then what are you?"
Buddha said simply "I am awake."

Robert A.F. Thurman:
Professor Emeritus, Columbia University;
President, Tibet House US; Translator; Author;
"Reciting & Comments on the Heart Sutra"

Thupten Jinpa:
Principal English translator to H.H. Dalai Lama,
and founder of Institute of Tibetan Classics
"The Middle Way of Wisdom"

Dr. Vandana Shiva:
Environmental activist,
"Gandhi of grain"
Author more than 20 books

Pema Khandro Ripoche:
Teacher of Vajrayana
Lineage holder of Nyingma
Founder of Ngakpa International

Melvin McLeod:
Editor-in-Chief, Lion's Roar,
Buddhadharma, Shambhala Sun
Author Best Buddhist Writing 2010

Thursday, March 16, 2023, 7:15-8:00 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Jan Willis: Welcome (4:28); Thupten Jinpa (51:45), Meditation (8:27); Robert A.F. Thurman (63:37), Meditation (15:23);
Lisa Miller (43:04); Matthew Fox (46:31) & (13:08)

The Talks & Meditation Sessions
by four speakers on Day 1 take
about 4 hours. Watch all at once?
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 7:30-8:00 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Since there are 48 hours to view each day's talks & meditations, perhaps it's better to view them in two days; Buddhist's teachings
are like nectar— too sweet to drink all at once.

Will share insights from talks & meditations
from speakers in my haikus each day.
Told 9 friends about Dalai Lama event.
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 8:00-8:23 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Thupten Jinpa: "Essence of Dalai Lama's message to the world"

Dalai Lama's message and practice—
Self-restraint, kindness, generosity.
First do this on yourself, then society will follow.
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 8:23-8:53 pm
Mountain View: Robert A.F. Thurman: "Alright Already:
Dalai Lama's Enduring Cheerfulness" & Guided Practice".

Thurman likes Russian's "Da" meaning "Yes";
Brihdaranyaka Upanishad V.ii.3: Thunder roared:
"Da, Da, Da"— Self-control, sharing, compassion.
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 8:53-9:06 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Lisa Miller: "On positive psychology" in spirituality

Lisa Miller's The Awakened Brain (77% 5-stars)—
Spirituality can ward off depression & teenage suicides;
MRI: difference between spiritual & unspiritual persons.
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 9:06-9:39 pm
Mountain View: Rev. Matthew Fox:
Hildegard of Bingen & Stations of the Cosmic Christ .

Quotes Thomas Merton crossing the street
in Louisville, Kentucky (3-18-1958). seeing
"all walking around shining like the sun."
Friday, March 17, 2023, 7:24-8:00 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Jan Willis: Welcome (3:38); Philippe Goldin: "Science &
Practice of Compassion Meditation" (35:44); Cyndi Lee:
"Tend & Befriend + Grounding Touch practice" (33:00);
"Exploring Unconditional Friendliness" (9:33)

Pamela Ayo Yetunde: "Creating a Just & Compassionate Society" (44:23) & "Guided practices, 3 in 1" (13:30);
Tony Butterfly Pham: "How Deepening into Compassion Calls Us Towards the Practice of Social Justice"
(35:06) & "Guided practice: Working with an
Image to Evoke Compassion" (55:55)
(Around 4 hours of talks & meditations in Day 2).
Friday, March 17, 2023, 7:50-9:00 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Jan Willis (7:50-7:57 pm): “Our focus today is on compassion.
Dalai Lama says 'Be kind whenever possible.' The 8th century Buddhist poet Santideva said 'All the joy in the world is wishing happiness to others. Miseries in the world is due to selfishness.'”

Philippe Goldin (8:20-8:58 pm): Life is uncertain, complex, & ambiguous. Change negativity to positive flexibilty. Pablo Casals: "I feel capacity to care is what gives life its deepest significance." Meditation leads to more compassion for others, decreases anxiety and depression. Dalai Lama: "Love & compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." Einstein quote.
Friday, March 17, 2023, 9:40-10:34 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Cyndi Lee: "Tend & Befriend + Grounding Touch practice"
(9:40-10:10); "Exploring Unconditional Friendliness" (10:10-10:34)

Motivation is the start of all spiritual path. Sama vritti: Breathe in 2, 3, 4, 5. Breathe out 2, 3, 4, 5. I vow to increase my capacity to be a more compassionate person. Inhale hands touching, Exhale hands apart. Head turns left, right, and center. Tend & befriend is a behavior response, not "flight or fight". Ahimsa non-harming brings Matri loving kindness> Dalai Lama says "Everyone I meet is my friend." Meditation (Living Room): White-haired husband in yogic corpse posture, pillow on chest, legs raised on two cushions; Cyndi sits nearby with eyes closed meditating; White poodle dog sleeping quietly on couch. (Video was stuck & didn't move for 10 minues)
Friday, March 17, 2023, 10:34-11:30 pm
Mountain View: Pamela Ayo Yetunde: "Creating Compassionate & Just Society" (10:34-10:41) & "Guided practices"; Invite in confidence & courage: Bring opposing energies together;

Bring in compassionate right action. Meditation; Sit on a chair, gaze to the floor; Transform all evil & mishap into the Bodhisattva. Breathe in suffering, Breathe out relief. Offer a life of service. (10:41-10:55). • Tony Butterfly Pham: "Deepening into Compassion" (11:04-11:27) Compassion is seeing the suffering of others & relieving them from the pain. Compassion can heal and awaken us. & "Guided practice: Working with an Image to Evoke Compassion" (11:27-11:48) May I be free from suffering, free from fear & anger. Invite image of sage, cloud, sun, in your heart, bringing you compassion.
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 4:15-5:43 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Downloaded 25 photos of speakers at Dalai Lama 2023 Talks;
Will design web page of each speaker's presentation

This is what I did 1.5 years ago for
"Dalai Lama Compassion Conference"
(October 14-18, 2021), outlining titles
of talks with photo of each speaker.
I'm taking notes and posting them
in my daily "Haikus-Journal"; Will
include these highlights on web pages.
Spent an hour and half formatting
20 photos of this year's speakers.
50,000 viewers have signed up
for this year's Free Summit 2023
sponsoed by Lion's Roar & Tibet Hose.
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 6:45-8:00 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Day 3— "Ethics: Upholding Universal Human Values" Jan Willis
(6:40-6:46 pm): “Our focus is in Ethics, Meditation, & Wisdom

Ven. Tenzin Priyadarshi (6:48-7:15 pm): "Ethical Imagination and Compassionate Leadership" Need a set of principles to guide us in emerging technology of AI. Easier to be compassionate to those with the same belief system. Ethical imagination keeps us centered and us going. Need to move away from tribalism. We live in a world of leadership deficit. We need more Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Desmond Tutu, Dalai Lama. Leadership is about caring. "Guided Practice: Aspiring to 4 Immeasurables" Brahmavihara: 1. loving-kindness or benevolence (metta);
2. compassion (karuna); 3. empathetic joy (mudita);
4. equanimity (upekkha). (7:16-7:20 pm)
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 8:00-8:30 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Jan Willis: Welcome (3:38); Ven. Tenzin Priyadarshi: "Ethical Imagination & Compassionate Leadership" (24:48); "Guided Practice: Aspiring to 4 Immeasurables" (6:00); Brother Phap Luu:
"Guided practice: Seeing 5 Mindfulness as a Way Out of Suffering" (13:18) & "Ethics as a Foundation in a Time of Crisis" (43:06)

Joe Loizzo: "The New Sciece and Practicae of Leading with Compassion & Altruism" (56:52) & "Guided practice in internalizing & emulating a mentor of compassion and altruism" (12:11); Tenzin Geyche: (in dialogue with Melvin McLeod) on the Dalai Lama & nonviolence (37:24)
(Around 3.5 hours of talks & meditations in Day 3).
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 7:50-9:30 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Brother Phap Luu: "Guided practice: Seeing 5 Mindfulness as a Way Out of Suffering" (8:30-8:49 pm) Imagine a thread coming out from the top of your head; Sit comfortably on chair; Breathe in to be aware of those suffering; Breathe out for those who are victims of violence & injustice, for those hurt by wrongful words.

"Ethics as a Foundation in a Time of Crisis" (8:50-9:30).
Be vegetarian to stop killing animals to eat; Ghosting is stop connecting with others, cutting them off; Keep dialogues open with all; Inspire joy & hope in my speech; Live more simply; cultivate generosity; True love is more compassion & loving kindness. Roots of anger, think others as malicious; walking meditation to reduce anger.
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 9:46-10:44 pm
Mountain View: Joe Loizzo: "The New Sciece and
Practice of Leading with Compassion & Altruism"
Stress & trauma undermine performance & well-being; Need new way of radical consciousness; overcome our ego-centeredness; get out of destructive mode; need to learn to be a happier human being; we become what we focus on; harness power of attention can shape our genes for the better; Darwin stressed cooperation instead of "survival of the fittest" (the most aggressive ones survive)

Individual, social, embodied flow; feel, think, act;
Self-Awareness, Clarity, Presence, Balance, Unbiased, Compassion, Fearlessness; "Guided practice in internalizing & emulating a mentor of compassion
and altruism"
(10:45-10:51); Envision someone whom
you admire; Invite your mentor to enter your heart to
grow your being into clarity & compassion.
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 10:54-11:06 pm
Mountain View: Tenzin Geyche: (in dialogue with Melvin McLeod) on the Dalai Lama & nonviolence (10:54-11:06)
There is so much violence an injustice in the world. Dalai Lama teaches peace & harmony. Respect for other religious orders. Practice compassion an kindness. Disappointing Western countries not criticizing Chinese creating injustice to the Tibetan people. McLeod recommends Tenzin Geyche's book (2020)

"His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama: An Illustrated Biography"— blessed by His Holiness himself— is the most authentic & intimate profile of world's greatest living spiritual figure. Tenzin Geyche Tethong, a close aide of His Holiness for 40 years, offers unprecedented access to Dalai Lama in this book. Dalai Lama's youngest brother, Ngari Rinpoche Tenzin Choegyal, is a personal friend of Tethong and the mentor for this book project.
Sunday, March 19, 2023, 7:30-8:00 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Jan Willis: Welcome (4:15); Dan Zigmond: "Meditation as Social Action" (12:47); "Guided full awareness breathing meditation" (12:06); Daniel Goleman: "Dalai Lama: A Meditation-informed Visionary Social Activist" (24:21) & "Guided loving-kindness meditation" (6:26)

Ven. Thubten Chodron: "The Three Levels of Wisdom" (61:14) & "Guided reflection: Hearing, Thinking, & Meditating on the Dharma" (13:34); Spring Washam: "The Roots of Presence (Embodying Loving Kindness)" (39:40)
& "Guided loving-kindness and compassion meditation" (12:30) (Around 3.5 hours of talks & meditations in Day 4).
Sunday, March 19, 2023, 8:37-9:00 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Dan Zigmond: "Meditation as Social Action" (8:37-8:52); After the rain, lots of snails come out; Be attentive not to step on them; Buddha saw suffering, impermanence, No-self; There's no boundary between myself & others; Meditation is not escape; Meditation allows us to see more clearly.

"Guided full awareness breathing meditation" (8:52-9:00). Sit with your back straight and upright. Be aware of your
In-breath & Out-breath. Give your attention to this sitting & breathing; If thoughts arise, no need to push them away, let them be; Keep your full attention to this moment and the next moment. I'll ring the bell, be aware of your In-breath & Out-breath. Open your eyes.
Sunday, March 19, 2023, 9:30-9:50 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Daniel Goleman: "Dalai Lama: A Meditation-informed Visionary Social Activist" (9:30-9:50) Dalai Lama admires Irish Richard Moore who was blinded at 10 years old by rubber bullet; Dalai Lama says "Each of us has a sphere of influence"; Altruistic motivation— Act now even you won't know the fruit of your
action. We can act to make the world a better place.

"Guided loving-kindness meditation" (10:11-10:20).
May your life be safe, happy, healthy;
May you thrive; Send good wishes to those you love;
The more mindfulness you do, the more benefit comes.
Sunday, March 19, 2023, 8:37-9:00 pm
Mountain View: Ven. Thubten Chodron: "Three Levels of Wisdom" (10:24-11:00) I've been a nun for 45 years; Motivation determines the path we take; 3 pots: upside down, hole in pot & leaks out; pot right side up but dirty inside; Buddha makes us a better character not just going into samadhi easily. Hearing teaching from a Master better to watch online; Anything that's a product of causes is impermanent; Everything changes and is impermanent; Understand syllogisms.

"Guided reflection: Hearing, Thinking, & Meditating on the Dharma" (11:10-11:24) Remember a motivation to become a wise person; Reflect on hearing, thinking, meditating; Establish foundation for spiritual practice.
Sunday, March 19, 2023, 11:25-11:58 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Spring Washam: "The Roots of Presence (Embodying Loving Kindness)" (11:30-12:00) Everything is unstable in the world, except our mind & heart; Loving kindness practice will heal the world and is an antidote to fear; May I be happy & peaceful to feel energy within; These practices helps us to see our true nature

"Guided loving-kindness & compassion meditation" (11:49-11-59). Generate self-love & friendliness within ourselves; Breath coming in & out from our heart; May
I be happy and peaceful, live with ease, joy, & well-being.
Monday, March 20, 2023, 7:15-7:22 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Jan Willis: Welcome— Introduction to Day 5 's Talks "Wisdom"

Wisdom is the crowning jewel of Buddhist teachings.
The mind is the source of our suffering; it is also the source of our liberation. After Buddha's meditation under the Bodhi Tree— the monks asked him Are you a God" No; "Are you a magician?" No; "Are you a man?" No. "Then what are you?" Buddha said "I am awake."
The end of suffering is wisdom.
Monday, March 20, 2023, 6:30-7:15 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Jan Willis: Welcome (6:52); Robert A.F. Thurman: "Heart Sutra: Entering Shakyamuni's Illumination of the Profound Samadhi with Lord of Compassion" (62:46) & "Guided reflection on openness" (19:51); Thupten Jinpa: "The Middle Way of Wisdom" (42:55)

Dr. Vandana Shiva: "Wisdom for Our Environment Crisis + Guided reflection/prayer" (22:54); Pema Khandro Rinpoche: "Wisdom in the Nyingma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism" (49:14) & "Guided zhine (calm abiding) meditation" (16:01); Closing & dedication with Robert A.F. Thurman
& Lion's Roar editor-in-chief Melvin McLeod (13:16)
(Around 4 hours of talks & meditations in Day 5).
Will compose "Dalai Lama Summit 2023" page after talks.
Monday, March 20, 2023, 8:05-9:11 pm
Mountain View: Robert A.F. Thurman: "Heart Sutra: Entering Shakyamuni's Illumination of the Profound Samadhi with
the Lord of Compassion"
(8:05-9:04). We'll chant the Heart Sutra. Ghost, goblins, and demons don't like to hear this chant. Thurman beats a wooden fish while chanting— Matter is Void. Void is matter. Non-dual knowing is the deepest knowing. Female Buddha has transcendental wisdom like Sophia of Gnosticism. "Thus have I heard" is like "Once upon a time". When you know, you'll be happy. If you understand emptiness, have no fear of death. Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha (Gone, gone, gone to the other shore, awakening, svaha)

"Guided reflection on openness" (9:05-9:11 pm)
Solidity is illusory. Gene Kelly dancing in the rain,
is like the figure skater doing a triple axle.
Monday, March 20, 2023, 10:10-11:15 pm
Mountain View: "Dalai Lama: Global Vision Summit 2023"
Thupten Jinpa: "The Middle Way of Wisdom" (10:10-11:15)

Nargajuna teaches the Middle Way (Madhyamaka). Compassion (Karuna) & Wisdom (Prajna) are wings of a bird. Compassion needs action. Wisdom opens the door to liberation. Emptiness represents something deeper within ourselves; Ultimate truth is beyond language & concepts. Impermanence and change are part of our reality. We like to blame others instead of looking at ourselves. Dalai Lama's book "Essence on the Heart Sutra". Attachment is clinging to others. Compassion is giving to others. Wisdom makes us a better more insightful, peaceful, and spacious person.
Monday, March 20, 2023, 11:15-11:40 pm
Mountain View: Dr. Vandana Shiva: "Wisdom for Our
Environment Crisis + Guided reflection/prayer"

We are interconnected with everything on earth. May the peace of the air, and the earth be with you. The Himalayan Mountains provide half of the water for the earth; Petrochemicals & synthetic fibers make the earth sick; Currency means not to finance, but to flow. Currency is the river that flows; Nutrition flows through the web of life. Sacred duty for us to honor this currency of life. Dalai Lama asked me to give a talk on his 60th birthday. I talked about seeds, its diversity, that nurtures us. Dalai Lama said "We should make others happy." Quotes David Bohm. This world of constant creation is the wisdom we need. Prayer from the Rig Veda: "The Earth is my Mother. I am a Child.
The law of the land is giving not grabbing. Food creates life.
Our body is the partaker of food."
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 12:21-1:30 am
Mountain View: Pema Khandro Rinpoche: "Wisdom
in the Nyingma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism" (12:21-1:20)
& "Guided zhine (calm abiding) meditation" (1:20-1:30)

Bodhicaryavatara, 9:1 "Those who wish to pacify suffering, should generate wisdom" Shantideva, "Bochicayavatara" (8th century); Longchenpa, "Treasury of Words & Meaning" (14th century;) Longchenpa, "Finding Comfort & Ease"; Wisdom sees illusory nature of things; end illusions; Emptiness as path to liberation; Wisdom as the Ground; Ground: Ordinary Consciousness, kunzob gi she pa; Underground: Subconscious Latent Karmas, alaya vijnana; Ultimate ground: Ground below Ground, ye shes, gnosis, wakefulness, luminous. Earth has periphery & core. Everything is illusion. 3-fold nature of reality— empty essence, lucid presence, responsive compassion; We have intrnsic wisdom at our core. Meditation: Bring the mind back, Exhale with the breath. May all beings have joy.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 1:32-1:48 am
Mountain View: Closing & Dedication with
Robert A.F. Thurman, President of Tibet House
& Lion's Roar editor-in-chief Melvin McLeod

Melvin McLeod: I had a talk with Tenzin Geyche Tethong which I found enormously inspiring. Like Martin Luther King, Jr, & Mahatma Gandhi, the Dalai Lama practices non-violence teachings. Robert Thurman:
My great gratitude to Dalai Lama & Thupten Jinpa. Dalai Lama is not up on the throne. This planet is Buddha Land, it's not all problems. Buddha is not gone when he died (Parinirvana). Pari is not final but total. Buddha is omnipresent everywhere. Seeing His Holiness as someone who exemplify the Buddha. Tibetan people are peaceful, to conquer oneself instead of others. Lion's Roar is minimizing violence but being more positive. Melvin McLeod: I admire the work at Tibet House to promote Tibetan culture. Bob Thurman chants and invokes Avalokitesvara— dedicating merit to all beings.

| Top of Page | Compassion Conference (2021) | Robert Thurman: "Buddhism More than Religion: Gifts of the Tibetans" (3-3-2006) |
Dalai Lama at Stanford (4-19-1994) | Dalai Lama: "Harry's Last Lecture on a Meaningful Life" (10-14-2010) |
| Dalai Lama: "The Heart of Nonviolence" (11-4-2005) | Four Harmonios Brothers |
| Dr. Tsondue Gyatso: "Tibetan Medicine" (1-21-2004) | Norman Fischer: "Soto Zen" (12-1-2009) | Home |

© Peter Y. Chou, WisdomPortal.com
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (3-21-2023)