Edited by Peter Y. Chou, Computer Lab Consultant
intransitive verb:
1: RUSH, DASH used of flowing water
2: to break forth in or like a sudden flame or flare
3a: to appear suddenly (an idea flashes into her mind)
3b: to move with great speed (the days flash by)
4a: to break forth or out so as to make a sudden display (the sun flashed from behind a cloud)
4b: to act or speak vehemently and suddenly especially in anger
5a: to give off light suddenly or in transient bursts
5b: to glow or gleam especially with animation or passion (her eyes flashed with anger)
6: to change suddenly or violently into vapor (hot water flashing to steam under reduced pressure)
7: to expose one's genitals usually suddenly and briefly in public
8: to have sudden insight often used with on
transitive verb:
1a archaic: SPLASH b : to fill by a sudden inflow of water
2a: to cause the sudden appearance of (light) b: to cause to burst violently into flame
c(1): to cause (light) to reflect (2): to cause (as a mirror) to reflect light
(3): to cause (a lamp) to flash d: to convey by means of flashes of light
3a : to make known or cause to appear with great speed (flash a message on the screen)
b: to display obtrusively and ostentatiously (always flashing a roll of bills)
c: to expose to view suddenly and briefly (flashed a badge)
4: to cover with or form into a thin layer: as (a): to protect against rain by covering with
sheet metal or
(b): to coat (as glass) with a thin layer (as of metal or a differently colored glass)
5: to subject (an exposed photographic negative or positive) to a supplementary uniform exposure
to light before development in order to modify detail or tone
mean to send forth light.
FLASH implies a sudden and transient outburst of bright light (lightning flashed).
GLEAM suggests a steady light seen through an obscuring medium or against a dark background
(lights gleamed in the valley).
GLINT implies a cold glancing light (glinting steel).
SPARKLE suggests innumerable moving points of bright light (the sparkling waters of the gulf).
GLITTER connotes a brilliant sparkling or gleaming (glittering diamonds).
GLISTEN applies to the soft sparkle from a wet or oily surface
(glistening rain-drenched sidewalks).
GLIMMER suggests a faint or wavering gleam (a distant glimmering light).
SHIMMER implies a soft tremulous gleaming or a blurred reflection (a shimmering satin dress).
noun (Date: 1566):
1a: a sudden burst of light b: a movement of a flag in signaling
2: a sudden and often brilliant burst (a flash of wit)
3: a brief time (I'll be back in a flash)
4a: SHOW, DISPLAY; especially: a vulgar ostentatious display
4b archaic: a showy ostentatious person
4c: one that attracts notice; especially: an outstanding athlete 4d: PIZZAZZ
5 obsolete: thieves' slang
6: something flashed : as a: GLIMPSE, LOOK b: SMILE c: a first brief news report
d: FLASHLIGHT: a quick-spreading flame or momentary intense outburst of radiant heat
e: FLASHLIGHT: a device for producing a flashlight for taking photographs
8: the rapid conversion of a liquid into vapor
adjective (Date: circa 1700):
flash back (intransitive verb, 1944):
flash card (noun, 1923):
flash flood (noun, 1940):
flash-forward (noun, 1949):
flash in the pan (1901):
flash point (noun, 1878):
green flash (noun, 1912):
hot flash (noun, 1910):
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(by kuntal choksi, Web Developer and Designer)
Stanford FLASH Multiprocessor
1a: FLASHY, SHOWY b: of, relating to, or characteristic of flashy people or things
c: of, relating to, or characteristic of persons considered social outcasts (flash language)
2a: of sudden origin and short duration (a flash fire)
2b: involving very brief exposure to an intense altering agent (as heat or cold)
[flash drying of milk] [flash freezing of food]
1: to focus one's mind on or vividly remember a past time or incident
usually used with to
2: to employ a flashback (as in a film)usually used with to
a card bearing words, numbers, or pictures that is briefly displayed
(as by a teacher to a class) usually as a learning aid
a local flood of great volume and short duration generally resulting
from heavy rainfall in the immediate vicinity
interruption of chronological sequence (as in a film or literary work) by interjection
of events of future occurrence; also : an instance of flash-forward
Etymology: from the firing of the priming in the pan of a flintlock
musket without discharging the piece
1: a sudden spasmodic effort that accomplishes nothing
2: one that appears promising but turns out to be disappointing or worthless
1: the lowest temperature at which vapors above a volatile combustible
substance ignite in air when exposed to flame
2: a point at which someone or something bursts suddenly into action or being
a momentary green appearance of the uppermost part of the sun's disk
at sunrise or sunset that results from atmospheric refraction
a sudden brief flushing and sensation of heat caused by dilation of skin capillaries
usually associated with menopausal endocrine imbalance called also hot flush
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(By Shawn Ryder, Flash Kit, 7-10-2001)
Hillman Curtis Interview
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(The Basics & Exercises: By Shawn Ryder)
(EZwebdesign.com site for web designers & developers)
FlashPlanet Tutorials
(Levels 1-3: Easy, Medium, Hard Tutorials on using Macromedia Flash)
ExtremeFlash Tutorials
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(The Flash Webring is only for sites that use Flash extensively, or sites
that offer tips or tutorials in the use of Flash.)
Webryder.com: Internet Design and Consulting
(Services, Portfolio, Web Design, Consulting, Promotion)
(Designing a High Impact Website in Just Minutes; Over 40 templates)
Moock's Website
(Colin Moock, author of "ActionScript: The Definitive Guide")
PRIMEZERO: Providing Solutions For Innovative Developers and E-Businesses
(Services, Products, Free Downloads, Tutorials, Articles, Company Info)
Arthur Rimbaud Poetry
(Honoring the French poet Rimbaud and his poetry)
Done in A Flash: 10 recommended books
(by Kasper Katje, man./webmaster FlashFruit.com)
Becoming Flash Professional: 10 recommended books
(by Jacky Kwok, A self-taught Flash programmer)
Flash 5 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide
(by Katherine Ulrich, Peachpit Press; ISBN: 0201716143)
Flash 5 Advanced for Windows and Macintosh Visual QuickPro Guide (With CD-ROM) (2000)
(by Russell Chun, Peachpit Press; ISBN: 0201726246)
Flash 5 Hands-on Training (2001)
(by Kymberlee Weil, Green. Garo, Lynda Weinman, Peachpit Press; ISBN: 0201731347)
Macromedia Flash 5: Training from the Source (2001)
(by Chrissy Rey, Peachpit Press; ISBN: 0201729318)
Instant Macromedia Flash 5 (2001)
(by Jim R. Caldwell, Jr. & Samuel Wan, Osborne McGraw-Hill; ISBN: 0072131446)
Flash 5 Bible (with CD-ROM) (2001)
(by Robert Reinhardt & Jon Warren Lentz, Hungry Minds, Inc; ISBN: 0764535153)
Complete Idiot's Guide to Macromedia Flash 5 (2000)
(by David Karlins & Paul Mikulecky, Que; ISBN: 0789724421)
Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Flash 5 in 24 Hours (2000)
(by Phillip Kerman, Sams; ISBN: 067231892X)
10 Minute Guide to Macromedia Flash 5 (2002)
(by Joe Sullivan, Que; ISBN: 0789726734)
Advanced Flash 5, ActionScript in Action (2001)
(by Dan Livingston, Prentice Hall PTR; ISBN: 0130931276)
Foundation Flash 5 (2000)
(by Sham Bhangal, Amanda Farr, Patrick Rey, Friends of Ed; ISBN: 1903450314)
New Masters of Flash: The 2002 Annual (2001)
(by Pete Barr-Watson, et. al., Friends of Ed; ISBN: 1903450365)
ActionScript: The Definitive Guide (2001)
(by Colin Moock, O'Reilly & Associates; ISBN: 1565928520)
ActionScripting in Flash (2001)
(by Phillip Kerman, Sams; ISBN: 0672320789)
Flash 5 Dynamic Content Studio (with CD ROM) (2001)
(by Philippe Archontakis, et. al., Friends of Ed; ISBN: 1903450063)
Flash 5 Actionscript Studio (2001)
(by David Beard, et. al., Wrox Press Inc; ISBN: 1903450357)
How To Do Everything with Macromedia Flash¿ 5 (2001)
(by Bonnie Blake, Osborne McGraw-Hill; ISBN: 0072127147)
Fireworks 4 for Windows and Macintosh Visual Quickstart Guide (2001)
(by Sandee Cohen, Peachpit Press; ISBN: 0201731339)
(Design of the FLASH "FLexible Architecture for SHared memory" multiprocessor)
Flash 9.61
Greek radio station on-line from Athens
(Greek radio station on-line from Athens)
© Peter Y. Chou,
Foothill College, 12345 El Monte Rd., Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 email: peter@wisdomportal.com (3-25-2002) |
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