Adobe InDesign Overview

Foothill College (Spring 2019)

My Hero: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

By Peter Y. Chou

Preface: William Cavada's online class "LINC 72B: Adobe InDesign" was to create a Poster on a World Hero. A Tutorial was provided on using a circular marquee to place an image of cactus. Next the Type tool was used to type text in the text box. Decided to honor my hero Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832). I have two dozen books by and about him, and a dozen pages on Goethe at my web site. Listing below the steps used in this Page Layout Project.

(1) Goethe Portrait by Tischbein in Circular Marquee
Portrait of Goethe in Rome (1786) by Wilhelm Tischbein
was placed in the circular marquee. Next to Goethe's image, copied & pasted text on how I learned about Goethe from Albert Schweitzer during my freshman year at Columbia University (1960). Surprised that Goethe meant more to Schweitzer than the Nobel Peace Prize. He loved Goethe's poem Harzreise (Winter Journey in the Harz, 1777). After learning more about this Olympian (a universal man like Leonardo da Vinci), Goethe became my spiritual mentor,
as I emulated his creativity in science and writing poetry.

(2) Goethe's Autograph on his 80th Birthday
There are dozens of Goethe autographs in Google Images. Selected the one he signed on his 80th birthday, 8-28-1829.

(3) Favorite Book: Goethe's Italian Journey: 1786-1788
This is my favorite book of Goethe. After many searches in Google Images, found
the cover of the first edition translated by
W.H. Auden & Elizabeth Mayer published
by Schocken Books, NY (1968) that's in my
library. Wrote a book review on my web site
My Favorite Books. Copied & pasted the text next to the cover. Linked Goethe's epiphany
inspired by Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling.

(4) Goethe Postage Stamps: Germany 10NB6-10NB10
On the bottom of page 1 "GoethePage.indd", placed 5 stamps
honoring Goethe on the bicentennial of his birth (8-28-1749).
These semi-postals issued by East Berlin show portraits of
Goethe as a young man, middle-age, to old age. Found them
issued by Germany Soviet Occupation Zone (7-20-1949) on
ebay in 2 rows & arranged them in one row using Photoshop.

(5) Using Hyperlinks in Adobe InDesign
The Tutorial has no info on linking to other documents.
Consulted John Cruise's InDesign CS4 HOW-TOs (2009), pages 230-231, on how to create Hyperlinks: WINDOW — Interactive — Hyperlink — Enter URL — TYPE — Hyperlinks & Cross References — Convert URLs
to Hyperlinks — Click Done

(6) Goethe Postage Stamps for "GoethePage2.indd"

Germany #B306-B308 (issued 8-15-1949 for his birth bicentennial)

Germany #9N61-63 (issued 7-29-1949 for his birth bicentennial)

France #863
(issued 11-9-1959)

Germany #4N11
(issued 12-17-1945)

Luxembourg #593
(issued 3-14-1977)
(7) Favorite Passages from Goethe's Faust (1808 & 1831):
Typed passages from Goethe's Faust in my Chemistry Ph.D. Thesis Prologue Page at Cornell (1970)— "The better soul awakes to light" (1808). Ending of Faust: "Chorus Mysticus:
Eternal Feminine / Leads us above."
to experience paradise.

(8) More Insights from Goethe (at
"Goethe's Rebirth in Rome" (8-23-1787); "Earth Inhaling & Exhaling" (4-11-1827); "Goethe on Literature" (10-11-1828);
"Goethe on Peace" (1780 & 1808); "Goethe on Rubens"
(4-18-1827); "Goethe & Alchemy" (1768-1769);
"Goethe Visiting Heidelberg" (1795 & 1797); "Goethe's "Gingo Biloba" (9-23-1815); Poem: "Meeting Goethe in Heidelberg" (12-13-2007) & Notes (12-19-2007).

(9) Export Adobe InDesign as PDF Files
John Cruise's InDesign CS4 HOW-TOs (2009), pp. 237-238,
on Exporting Documents as PDF: Choose FILE — Export — In Export Dialogue Box, Check boxes at bottom Bookmarks, Hyperlinks, Interactive Elements; Click Export.

Goethe Page 1

Goethe Page 2