2. Average Students Test Scores (May 17, 2023)
In Spring LINC-405 class on May 17, Will Cavada demonstrated in Google Sheets doing Average Students Test Scores after dropping their lowest test scores. He spent half-hour on the right formula that didn't work. Then used ChatGPT, which provided the right formula. Unfortunately, the Skills Workshop Tape was not available. Cavada emailed me on June 7
@ 6:29 pm on the formula "=AVERAGE(QUERY(A1:A10, "SELECT A WHERE A <> "&MIN(A1:A10)))" This formula uses the QUERY function to filter out the lowest score
from the range A1:A10, and then calculates the average of the remaining points. Adjust
the range (A1:A10) to match the actual range of your scores. This formula will provide
the average of the scores after dropping the lowest one. Unfortunately, couldn't find the
place to enter the formula. Did the averaging after dropping lowest score manually,
for the Average scores in Row 8. Took screen shot of Google Sheet seen at left. (Done: June 11, 2013)
3. Google Drawings: Cycle, Timelines, Grid (June 7, 2023)
In Spring LINC-405 Skills Workshop on June 7, Will Cavada demonstrated in
Google Drawings how to use Cycle (5 choices), Timelines (6), Grid (4), and Diagram (5).
After Clicking "New" in Google Drawing, and Page Setup 16:10,
I couldn't find Cycle, Timelines, Grid, and Diagram.
The taped session was not available. Emailed Will Cavada (6/12, 6:07 pm)
and Gene Tognetti (6/12, 6:11 pm) for help. Gene responded promptly @ 6:26 pm.
He took a screen shot showing "Insert" in Google Draw
that led to Diagram: Grid, Timeline, Cycle.
I was able to do Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" in Cycle (8:00-8:11 pm);
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter (11:41 pm) (Don't know how to change background color
to Red, Yellow, Green, White for the seasons);
MLB Logo (9:17 pm);
NFL Logo (9:23 pm);
NBA Logo (9:26 pm);
NHL Logo (9:30 pm);
San Francisco Giants Logo (10:04 pm);
Grid: Bay Area Sports:
SF Giants, SF 49ers, Golden State Warriors, San Jose Sharks (11:25 pm) (No room for Logos of 49ers, Warriors, and Sharks
in the Grid);
Timelines: 1960s-2010s (11:33 pm);
Arranged Cycle, Timelines, Grid
in Photoshop (800x1100 pixels) shown at left @ 25% (12:07 am).
HTML (12:19 am).
(Done: June 12, 2013) |
4. Google Forms: Favorite Musical Movies (June 14, 2023)
In Spring LINC-405 Skills Workshop on June 14, William Cavada demonstrated
in Google Forms, that allows using different fonts, which was not available before.
He did "Favorite Movies" for Title, typed "Blade Runner" for Text,
and imported
image of "Blade Runner" from Google Images.
(Screen shot of William Cavada's
"Google Forms" lesson).
Could not type text to the right of the image, where I
want to list the film director, cast of actors and actresses, film reviews,
and links
to movie trailer and clips. Cavada said I could type that information
in the
Answer Box below the image.
I have listed my three favorite Musical Movies
"My Fair Lady" (1964), "The Sound of Music" (1965), "Yankee Doodle Dandy"
(1942). This was done first done in HTML, and then in Google Forms.
As can be seen, the HTML version had more information on the background
of the movie with web links to the cast, film reviews, and trailers. Had trouble
typing texts in Google Forms, so info is quite skimpy.
(Done: June 24, 2023)
"Bette Davis Eyes"
Song in Google Slides |
5. Google Slides: Favorite Songs (June 21, 2023)
In Spring LINC-405 Skills Workshop on June 21, William Cavada showed
"Google Slides" of Graphic Tree Image, but lesson was not posted.
Will try to replicate HTML verson of Favorite Songs:
"Kim Carnes
singing "Bette Davis Eyes" (1981)
in Google Slides;
Slide 1: Title Slide "Favorite Songs";
Slide 2: Photos of Bette Davis & Singer Kim Carnes;
Took an hour to do this slide Imported 3 images from my folder "Favorite Songs"; Resized and placed next to each other covering "Enter Title";
Typed "Bette Davis (1908-1980)" in text box, Arial, font size 12 pixels, centered), Copy & Pasted two duplicates;
Typed "Kim Carnes singing 'Bette Davies Eyes' (1981)" in one box,
and "Bette Davis in Jezebel (1938) in other box;
Aligned the text under the Photos.
Slide 3: Lyrics to "Bette Davie Eyes"
Couldn't do this in two columns as in HTML;
Slide 4: Text about the Song
"Bette Davis Eyes"
Song in HTML
"Sunday Morning Early"
Poem in Google Slides |
6. Google Slides: Favorite Poems (June 27, 2023)
Will Cavada's 4-26-2023 lesson Import text from Rumi in Google Slides;
For one of my favorite poems, I chose David Romtvedt's
poem "Sunday Morning Early" (2017).
I have many favorite poets Rumi, Hafiz, Basho, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Mary Oliver. Never heard of
David Romtvedt from Wyoming until June 25, 2023. My friend Cathy from Las Vegas sent June 25 email @ 9:35 am
wishing me "Happy Birthday" with poem I'd like
David Romtvedt's "Sunday Morning Early" from June 25, 2017 issue
of "The Writer's Almanac".
It's a beautiful nature poem on father & daughter
kayaking "how short a time we are granted"
followed by story of George Orwell
born June 25, 1903, 120 years ago.
I love the silence at the end of Romtvedt's poem,
reminding me of Heather McHugh's
"What He Thought"
about Bruno burned at the stake with iron mask on his face,
so he could not speak.
(Done: 6-27-2023)
"Sunday Morning
Early" in HTML
"Pigeons in park with rain"
done by Adobe Firefly |
7. Firefly: Adobe Generative AI (June 29, 2023)
Gene Tognetti's 6-28-2023 lesson (6:00-6:30 pm) Used
Adobe Firefly
to create instant photos: Text to Image, Generative Fill, & Text Effects.
He typed "Racecars in forest" & "Pigeons in the park with rain"
and four images popped up in seconds. He placed sunshine in the forest
and blue building in the park using "Generative Fill". For "Text Effects",
he placed tree twigs or wires inside the fonts. Using Adobe Firefly,
I replicated "Pigeons in the park with rain". Prompted for photo of Hemingway & Fitzgerald
at a Paris Café, but received drawings instead, none looking like Hemingway.
For "Text Effects", placed "stars" inside font of my web site "Wisdom Portal".
(Done: June 29, 2023)
"Pigeon flying in center"
done by Adobe Firefly |
| Top
| 4x4 Magic Square
| Average Students Test Scores
| Google Drawings: Cycle, Timelines, Grid
| Google Forms: Musical Movies
| Google Slides: Favorite Songs
| Google Slides: Favorite Poems
| Firefly: Adobe Generative AI |
| LINC-405 Winter 2023
| Resumé in Google Docs
| Lion & Elephant at Well in Google Slides |
| Alligator Tears Metal Fence in Google Docs
| March Fourth Sonnet
| 38 at the Garden
| Translate Text |
| Download Photos to Google Drive
| LINC-405 Fall 2022
| LINC-405 Spring 2022
| LINC-405 Fall 2021 |
| LINC-405 Summer 2021
| Haikus 2023
| Poems 2023
| Nature Walks
| Favorite Quotes
| Mercury News
| New York Times
| Books
| A-Z Portals
| Home |
© Peter Y. Chou,
Wisdom Portal P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (6-29-2023)