Poetry Writings & Readings
LINC-66E: Cloud-Based Tools
Instructor: William Cavada
Fall 2020, Foothill College
By Peter Y. Chou
Preface: LINC-66e Assignment 3:
(Page 3) Careers: Images of your current career;
Images that represent your future careers. Composed
"Peter the Rock" (page 1) with links to my hobby (Enlightenment)
and favorite web site, KDFC's Classical Music. Composed
"My College Journeys" (page 2) on Learnings at Columbia,
Cornell, Brandeis, Stanford, and Foothill College.
Mentioned leaving Biochemistry career for love in poetry.
This is my current and future focus making poetry
readings and writings to enhance and enlighten our daily lives.
I've taught students to write poems in
CPITS (California-Poets-In-The-School)
program (1991-1996). Honored to have my "Valentine Mints"
cast in bronze near San Francisco's Ferry Building.
I'm quoting four poets who have inspired me Rumi, Dante,
Basho, and Emily Dickinson. I'm sharing videos of four poets
whom I had classes Kenneth Koch, Robert Pinsky, Robert Bly, Kay Ryan.
Writings of Four Poets Who Inspired Me
Syria 1574, Jalal al-Din Rumi
25 Syrian pound, Multicolored,
issued Sept. 25, 2005, a
joint issue
with Iran, Turkey, and Afghanistan
to commemorate the 800th anniversary
of the birth of
Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207).
Rumi writes and whirls
his joy of light dancing
from wheat to bread
to you.
Mevlana Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273)
God's joy moves from unmarked box to unmarked box,
from cell to cell. As rainwater, down into flower bed.
As roses, up from ground...
Part of the self leaves the body when we sleep
and changes shape. You might say, "Last night
I was a cypress tree, a small bed of tulips,
a field of grapevines."...
Tatatumtum tatum tatadum.
There's the light gold of wheat in the sun
and the gold of bread made from that wheat.
I have neither. I'm only talking about them,
as a town in the desert looks up
at stars on a clear night.
Rumi, "Unmarked Boxes"
translated by Coleman Barks,
The Essential Rumi (1995), p. 272
Sufi Dancer;
Whirling Dervish;
Rumi founded the Mevlevi Order
of the Whirling Dervishes (Photos;
Mexico C308,
Dante Alighieri by Raphael
Mount Parnassus, Vatican
2 peso, henna brown,
issued Nov. 23, 1965
Dante shares with us
the bread of angels while
soaring up to the stars.
Dante at Wisdom Portal |
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321),
Paradiso, II.1-12
(Translated by Allen Mandelbaum)
The waves I take were never sailed before;
Minerva breathes, Apollo pilots me,
and the nine Muses show to me the Bears.
You other few who turned your minds in time
unto the bread of angels, which provides
men here with life-but hungering for more
The "bread of angels" is cited in
Psalms 78.25
"Man did eat angels' food" and
Wisdom 16.20
"You gave them the food of angels". In his Notes to Paradiso II.11, John Ciardi writes:
"The bread of angels is the knowledge of God. It is by that, Dante says, that we are able to live,
but no mortal man can grasp enough of it to become satisfied, the Divine Mystery being veiled from man."
Dante writes: "Blessed are the few who sit at the table where the bread of the angels is eaten."
(Convivio I.1.7).
On his ascent to the stars, Dante says none has made such a journey. So he invokes
Apollo, god of poetry as pilot and guide. He asks Minerva, goddess of wisdom to fill the sails
of his ship, and the nine Muses to help him navigate to "the Bears" (Ursa Major & Ursa Minor, where
the Pole Star resides).
Portrait of Matsuo Basho
by Yosa Buson (1716-1784)
Basho sounds like a frog
croaking before plopping
into the pristine pond.
Matsuo Basho (1644-1694)
The original Japanese:
Furu ike ya
kawazu tobikomu
mizu no oto
Translation (Alan Watts):
The old pond,
A frog jumps in:
30 translations of this haiku
In Kawazu Awase (1686), the haiku master Basho writes: "Go to the pine
or bamboo if you want to learn about the pine or bamboo. Leave your ego behind,
otherwise you impose yourself on the object and do not learn. Your poetry comes
naturally when you have become one with the object. When you plunge deep into
the object, you'll see a hidden glimmering there."
Rilke did this on Rodin's advice, went to the Paris Zoo and
wrote his in-seeing "Panther" poem
("First Poem in Paris").
Commentary on Basho's frog haiku.
Basho's The Complete Haiku (2008).
United States 1436,
Emily Dickinson
8¢, Multicolored, greenish,
issued August 28, 1971
Emily whispers
to the bee and butterfly
who inspire her poems.
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
Poem 111 (circa 1859)
The Bee is not afraid of me.
I know the Butterfly.
The pretty people in the Woods
Receive me cordially
The Brooks laugh louder when I come
The Breezes madder play;
Wherefore mine eye thy silver mists,
Wherefore, Oh Summer Day?
Thomas H. Johnson,
Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
Little, Brown & Company, Boston, 1960, p. 53
Emily Dickinson Celebration.
Dove of Discovery; Emily's
Poem 48.
Readings of Four Poets Whom I Had Classes With
Kenneth Koch
(1925-2002) |
Kenneth Koch, (1925-2002)
The Collected Poems of Kenneth Koch
Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2006
Koch was my Freshman English Professor at Columbia, 1959-1960;
He wasn't published then, but became a well known poet of the
N.Y. School.
He taught
children to write poetry in NYC;
inspired my CPITS teaching.
Koch asked the class to memorize Dylan Thomas's poem
"Fern Hill".
It was the hardest homework, more difficult than any chemistry or physics
homework at Columbia. When he gave a reading at SJSU, he signed his book
"To Peter, my former student." |
Kenneth Koch
reading "To You"
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© Peter Y. Chou,
Wisdom Portal P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (11-17-2020)