Ask Me Anything

My Favorite Book

My Happy Place

Rise and Shine
Canva: My Story

Hundreds of templates
in Canva's "Your Story"—
Selected eight of them
to tell "My Story".

Ask Me Anything:
Embarrassing moment,
failures & lost loves,
golden epiphanies.

Music, Art, & Friends:
Beethoven's Symphonies,
Leonado's "Last Supper",
better shared with friends.

My Favorite Book:
to read in a desert island—
Ramana Maharshi's Talks
to find our True Self.

Today's Inspiring Thought:
Dante and Goethe,
Rumi, Emily Dickinson—
poems to illuminate us.

My Happy Place:
Montreux. Switzerland
where sage Paul Brunton
showed me wonder and peace.

Eat, Pray, Love:
In Kyoto— rice cake
and green tea served by Roshi
with prayer poem and much love.

Rise and Shine:
My 6-year-old niece shouted
to wake me up in Palo Alto
for some green eggs and ham.

Spring Is Here!:
Red robin singing,
buttercups blooming.
spring forward to joy.

— Peter Y. Chou
    Mountain View, 3-20-2021

Music, Art, & Friends

Inspiring Thought

Eat, Pray, Love

Spring Is Here!