I've been wondering about the time
on those Rolex, Cartier, Tiffany
and Seiko watches in display ads—
Why are they set to 10:09?

Historians tell us that was the time
Lincoln was shot. Or perhaps it was
the other Good Friday when Christ
was crucified with his arms
reaching resembling 10:09.

Merchandisers call it advertising exposure—
hands of watches set to 10:09
will not cover the brand name.

Artists say that 10:09 forms
the diagonals of a golden rectangle
whose sacred ratio runs through
the Great Pyramid, the Parthenon,
Chartres and Notre Dame cathedrals,
the divine proportion Leonardo found
in human hands, faces, and torsos.

On this Easter Eve, dancing
clockwise around the room, I feel
your white silk blouse breathing,
your red plaid skirt swirling,
your eyes dreaming, and suddenly
the wall clock's hands turn into
the wingspan of snow geese soaring
as we waltz slowly beyond time,
your right elbow mirroring
my left— a perfect 10:09

      Peter Y. Chou
      Palo Alto, 4-14-1990