Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson:
Mountain Poems

Edited by Peter Y. Chou

Complete Poems of
Emily Dickinson

Poem #666 (1863)

Ah, Teneriffe!
Retreating Mountain!
Purples of Ages— pause for you—
Sunset— reviews her Sapphire Regiment—
Day— drops you her Red Adieu!

Still— Clad in your Mail of ices—
Thigh of Granite— and thew— of Steel—
Heedless— alike— of pomp— or parting

Ah, Teneriffe!
I'm kneeling— still—


Poem #667 (1863)

Bloom upon the Mountain— stated—
Blameless of a Name—
Efflorescence of a Sunset—
Reproduced— the same—

Seed, had I, my Purple Sowing
Should endow the Day—
Not a Topic of a Twilight—
Show itself away—

Who for tilling— to the Mountain
Come, and disappear—
Whose be Her Renown, or fading,
Witness, is not here—

While I state— the Solemn Petals,
Far as North— and East,
Far as South and West— expanding—
Culminate— in Rest—

And the Mountain to the Evening
Fit His Countenance—
Indicating, by no Muscle—
The Experience—


Poem #757 (1863)

The Mountains— grow unnoticed—
Their Purple figures rise
Without attempt— Exhaustion—
Assistance— or Applause—

In Their Eternal Faces
The Sun— with just delight
Looks long— and last— and golden—
For fellowship— at night—


Poem #772 (1863)

The hallowing of Pain
Like hallowing of Heaven,
Obtains at a corporeal cost—
The Summit is not given

To Him who strives severe
At middle of the Hill—
But He who has achieved the Top—
All— is the price of All—


Poem #975 (1864)

The Mountain sat upon the Plain
In his tremendous Chair—
His observation omnifold,
His inquest, everywhere—

The Seasons played around his knees
Like Children round a sire—
Grandfather of the Days is He
Of Dawn, the Ancestor—


Poem #1278 (1873)

The Mountains stood in Haze—
The Valleys stopped below
And went or waited as they liked
The River and the Sky.

At leisure was the Sun—
His interests of Fire
A little from remark withdrawn—
The Twilight spoke the Spire,

So soft upon the Scene
The Act of evening fell
We felt how neighborly a Thing
Was the Invisible.


          Mount Rainier, Watercolor Painting

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