Dag Hammarsjöld

Dag Hammarsjöld:
Mountains in Markings

Edited by Peter Y. Chou

(Published 1964)

First entry in Markings

Thus it was (1925)

I am being driven forward
Into an unknown land.
The pass grows steeper,
The air colder and sharper.
A wind from my unknown goal
Stirs the strings
Of expectation.

Still the question:
Shall I ever get there?
There where life resounds,
A clear pure note
In the silence.

(page 5)


Never measure the height of a mountain until you have
reached the top. Then you will see how low it was.

(1930, page 7)


Last entry in Markings

August 24, 1961

Is it a new country
In another world of reality
Than Day's?
Or did I live there
Before Day was?

I awoke To an ordinary morning with gray light
Reflected from the street.
But still remembered
The dark-blue night
Above the tree line.
The open moor in moorUight,
The crest in shadow.
Remembered other dreams
Of the same moimtain country:
Twice I stood on its summits,
I stayed by its remotest lake.
And followed the river
Towards its source.
The seasons have changed
And the light
And the weather
And the hour.
But it is the same land.
And I begin to know the map
A nd to get m y bearings.

(page 222)


The Dag Hammarskjöld interview with biographer Roger Lipsey

Arriving in NY in 1953, he was asked if he liked mountain climbing. Hammarskjöld said:
"This much I know of the sport, that the qualities it requires are just those which I feel we
all need today: perseverance and patience, a firm grip on realities, careful but imaginative
planning, a clear awareness of the dangers but also of the fact that fate is what we make it
and that the safest climber is he who never questions his ability to overcome all difficulties."

(By David P. Gushee, Read the Spirit, 6-9-2013)


| Excerpts from Markings | Hammarsjöld Quotations | 1961 Nobel Peace Prize |
| Muir: Sacred Summits | Muir: Mountains of California | Shih-Tao: Empty and Full |

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email: (5-10-2018)