Switzerland #181: The Mythen
3 francs (issued 1914)
Mountain Resources

Edited by Peter Y. Chou

Switzerland #182: The Mythen
3 francs (issued 1918)

Preface: Google Search of "Mountain Resources" showed 126,000 results. Checked the top 100 web pages on these listings, but they're all commercial sites touting services in mining, natural resources of oil & gas, timber industry. Instead, I've typed the 12 categories in my "Mountains" Table of Contents in Google Search. They are shown below with "Results" and some links to web sites from the Top 10 listings.

"Mountain Symbolism" (31,100 results)

Symbolism of Mountain
(Obstacles, Climbing to make progress, Spiritual improvement, Permanence;
Seclusion & loneliness, Dwelling place of gods, Obstacles for heroes to overcome)

Mountain symbolism & geographical imagination
(2005 Review essay by Kevin S. Blake on books by Robert Macfarlane & Martin Thomas)

Mountain Symbolism in the Bible
(by Edmond Lo, Links to Genesis, Philippians, and Luke)


"Mountain in the Bible" (2,050,000 results)

Mountain in the Bible
(337 occurrences in 14 translations; 283 in Old Testament & 54 in New Testament)

Bible Verses About Mountains
(17 Biblical Verses on Mountains)

Up on the mountain
(Painting of Jesus Praying; 9 Biblical Mountain Quotes)

58 Bible verses about Mountains
(Most Relevant Verses from Psalms & Isaiah; Topics on Mountains)


"Mountain Quotes" (745,000 results)

Best Mountain Quotes to Inspire the Adventure in You
(45 quotes: "The mountains are calling and I must go." — John Muir;
"It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves." — Sir Edmund Hillary;
"Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep on climbing." — Barry Finlay)

Mountain Quotes
(BrainyQuote: Arranged in four columns; "The choices we make lead up to actual experiences.
It is one thing to decide to climb a mountain. It is quite another to be on top of it." — Herbert A. Simon)

27 of the Best Mountain Quotes
("Great things are done when men and mountains meet;
This is not done by jostling in the street." — William Blake)

Mountain Quotes
(FinestQuotes.com has 100+ mountain quotes: "Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees." — John Muir)

Motivational Quotes About Mountains
(Inspirational Quotes: "Body, like the mountain; Heart, like the ocean; Mind, like the sky." — Dogen
"Are not the mountains, waves and skies, a part of me and of my soul, as I of them?" — Lord Byron)


"Mountain Writings" (15,800 results)

John Muir Writings
["Mountain Thoughts" (1870s); "Mountains of California" (1894); "Snow-Storm on Mount Shasta" (1877)]

Sierra Club: John Muir
["Mount Ritter" (1911); "Treasures of the Yosemite" (1890)]

In the Sierra: Mountain Writings
(Kenneth Rexroth's 2012 book on Sierra Neveda with transcendent nature poems)

Mountain Writings: A Poetry and Prose Anthology
(Collection of poetry gathered from 49 writers across the country on theme of mountains)

Climbing Articles
(AAI guides & staff have written many articles about climbing tools, techniques, & trips taken)


"Mountain Mythology" (18,100 results)

Kunlun Mythology
(Kunlun Shan is a mountain range in Chinese mythology, symbol representing
the axis mundi and divinity; dwelling place of various gods and goddesses.)

Jade Mountain
(Jade Mountain is a mythological mountain in Chinese mythology
and residence of The Queen Mother of the West)

Mythological Mountains
(32 links to sacred mountains around the world, Mt. Ararat, Mt. Meru, Mt. Olympus, Mt. Qaf)

Native American Mountain Mythology
(Mountain Gods & Spirits; Legends about Mountains, Books of Mountain Stories)

Artists Explore the Mythology of Mountains in a Group Exhibition
(Four artists, Adam Helms, Harriet Salmon, Jason Tomme, Ana Wolovick show
24 silkscreened felt panels spread out across two converging walls; "Dream of the Dream")
(By Andrew Nunes, Creators.vice.com, 8-23-2016)

Ararat: In search of the mythical mountain, By Frank Westerman
(Climbers of all creeds are captivated by Mt Ararat where Noah's Ark landed)


"Mountain Books" (198,000 results)

The 5 Mountain Books You Should Be Reading Now
(Alone on the Wall, The Bond, Eruptionl, Wild Country, Maverick Mountaineer)

Mountaineering Books for Sale
(Books on mountaineering, mountains, mountain climbing, Mt. Everest)

JP Mountain Books
(Over 6000 used rare antiquarian books on mountaineering, climbing, exploration)

(Mountaineering books by mail order; rare & secondhand mountaineering books)


"Mountain Art" (2,640,000 results)

Mountain Art
(787,695 images of mountain art shown 36 on each web page)

Mountain Art Print
(51,462 prints of mountains for sale)

Mountain Posters
(Posters of mountains arranged by style, subject, mountain ranges)

Mountain Art canvas for sale
(Top selected products and reviews on Amazon.com)


"Mountain Music" (1,440,000 results)

Mountain Music
(Album by Alabama, Randy Owen's song, 1937 film, 1975 short film, Folk music)

"Mountain Music" Lyrics by Randy Owen (1982)
("You see that mountain over there, / Yea, one of these days / I'm going to climb that mountain.")

Mountain Music of Kentucky
(Single LP in 1960, "Mountain Music of Kentucky" was praised as "the greatest Kentucky record
ever issued and one of the greatest records in the entire literature of American folk song".)

Mountain Music Project
(Mission is to encourage the preservation of musical traditions in rural regions around the world)


"Mountain Poetry" (18,600 results)

King's Mountain
(1955 Poem by Muriel Rukeyser: "Seamounts, slow-faring. Colors. Plunge-point of air")

Cold Mountain: Transcendental Poetry
(Collection of 100 poems by the T'ang Zen poet, Han-shan. Poems were found written
on the rocks in a remote region in the Tien Tai mountains in southern China.)

Black Mountain Poetry
(Robert Creeley's Letters; Yang Lian's "Shanshui Legend"— "great rivers and mountains like a little essay")

Summer Poems 2016
(Mountain Gazette: Mountain Notebook; Mountain Vision; Mountain Music)

Form It: A Mountain Poetry Prompt
(By Heather Eure, tweetspeak; Laura Brown's poem "Ascent" shaped like mountain.)


"Mountain Photography" (1,690,000 results)

Mountain Photography by Jack Brauer
(Colorado photographer with beautiful mountain photos; Galleries; Archive of Places & Themes)

Mountain Photography by Thomas Mangelsen
(150 photos of mountains by this nature & wildlife photographer)

Mountain Photography Tips - Part 1
(Jonathan Griffith's 1-19-2016 article on photograph tips; 16 more articles)

10 Tips for Impressive Mountain Photography
(Markus Spiske's 7-28-2017 article on mountain photography)

10 U.S. Locations for Amazing Mountain Photography
(Markus Spiske's 11-21-2016 article: Grand Teton National Park — Wyoming;
Glacier National Park — Montana; Mount Rainier National Park — Washington;
Rocky Mountain National Park — Colorado; Sawtooth National Recreation Area — Idaho;
Shenandoah National Park — Virginia; Great Smoky Mountains National Park — Tennessee
and North Carolina; Mount Shasta — California; Denali National Park — Alaska;
Wrangell — St. Elias National Park — Alaska

Pininterest: 160 Best Mountain Photographs
(Hundreds of Mountain photos mostly in vertical format)

31 Majestic Examples of Mountain Photography
(Tim Kok's 2-20-2016 article of mountain photos selected from his Flickr group.)

Inspiration Ghostly Mountain Photography
(Daniel Laan's 3-22-2017 article showing 14 photos with mystical atmosphere)

Fine Art Photography
(James Bourret's photos: Teton Sunrise; Idaho Landscape)

Pexels: 1000+ Beautiful Mountain Photos (Free)
(Unfortunately none of the photos give the name of the photographer)

20,060 Free Mountain Pictures
(Good source of mountain photos with names of photographers included)

25 Inspiring Mountain Images That Will Have You Climbing Every Mountain To Get That Shot
(Angie's 2-2-2017 article of 25 majestic mountain images with photographers' names)


"Mountain Stamps" (16,500 results)

Mountain Stamp
(Free database for collectors of mountains and volcanoes on postage stamps.
Arranged geographically, Africa, Asia, Europe, North & South America, Oceania)

Mountain Stamps
(1562 links to postage stamps & postmarks showing mountains)

Google Images: "Mountain stamps"
(Hundreds of postage stamps showing mountains)

Mountains on Stamps: India Picks
(21 Stamps from India showing mountains)


"Mountain Resources" (126,000 results)

Mountain Resource Center
(A nonprofit, community-based organization delivering high quality, integrated health
and human services within a 1000+ square mile rural mountain area, serving over 65,000)

Blue Ridge Mountain Resources
(This is an Irving, Texas based independent exploration & production company engaged in the
development of onshore natural gas & oil plays mainly concentrated with the Appalachian region)

Black Mountain Resources Limited
(An ASX listed company focusing on its Namekara Vermiculite Mine located in South Eastern Uganda)

Quartz Mountain Resources Ltd
(This company based in Vancouver, Canada, investigating new opportunities.)

Pele Mountain
(Pele Mountain focuses on development of renewable energy & mineral resources in Northern Ontario)

High Mountain Resources
(This is an Oregon Logging Company located in Lane County. With over 30 years
of experience in the timber industry, and will meet your timber harvesting needs.)

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© Peter Y. Chou, WisdomPortal.com
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (6-25-2018)