Grateful Dead's song "Ripple" by Robert Hunter (1970)

Inspired by "Ripple"

Golden words glowed as sunshine
tunes flowed on the harp—
voice came with music

"Ode to Joy" hand-me down
from Schiller to Beethoven
filling the air.

No wind or tossed pebble
to make ripple— it must
be from angel's wings.

May your cup be full
of beauty and wonder
filled with bountiful days.

There is a fountain
flowing from lower to
upper waters in you—

taste celestial delight
in Solomon's Garden
from the "Song of Songs".

From dawn to dusk the road
is clear— walk straight ahead
with wind at your back.

Follow Navaho's blessing—
walk with beauty above.
and below you.

If you're lost, don't worry—
stay calm and pray for
sages to bring you home.

— Peter Y. Chou
    Mountain View, 6-24-2020