On the Number 44

44 in Mathematics
1) The 22nd even number = 44
2) The 14th palindromic number = 44
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 33, 44)
3) The 10th happy number = 44
(1, 7, 10, 13, 19, 23, 28, 31, 32, 44)
4) The 29th composite number = 44
5) Sum of the 2nd & 13th prime numbers = 3 + 41 = 44
6) Sum of the 4th & 12th prime numbers = 7 + 37 = 44
7) Sum of the 6th & 11th prime numbers = 13 + 31 = 44
8) Sum of the 6th & 20th composite numbers = 12 + 32 = 44
9) Sum of the 7th & 19th composite numbers = 14 + 30 = 44
10) Sum of the 9th & 18th composite numbers = 16 + 28 = 44
11) Sum of the 10th & 16th composite numbers = 18 + 26 = 44
12) Sum of the 11th & 14th composite numbers = 20 + 24 = 44
13) Sum of the 7th prime & 3rd cube numbers = 17 + 27 = 44
14) Sum of 3rd, 6th, 9th Fibonacci numbers = 2 + 8 + 34 = 44
(Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci, 1170-1250)
15) Sum of the 1st, 5th, 7th triangular numbers = 1 + 15 + 28 = 44
16) Sum of the 1st & 12th lucky numbers = 1 + 43 = 44
17) Sum of the 3rd & 11th lucky numbers = 7 + 37 = 44
18) Sum of the 5th & 9th lucky numbers = 13 + 31 = 44
19) Sum of the 3rd & 4th abundant numbers = 20 + 24 = 44
20) Square root of 44 = 6.633249581
21) Cube root of 44 = 3.530348335
22) ln 44 = 3.784189634 (natural log to the base e)
23) log 44 = 1.643452676 (logarithm to the base 10)
24) Sin 44o = 0.694
Cos 44o = 0.719
Tan 44o = 0.965
25) 1/44 expressed as a decimal = 0.022727272
26) The 239th & 240th digits of e = 44
e = 2.7182818284 5904523536 0287471352 6624977572 4709369995
         9574966967 6277240766 3035354759 4571382178 5251664274
         2746639193 2003059921 8174135966 2904357290 0334295260
         5956307381 3232862794 3490763233 8298807531 9525101901
         1573834187 9307021540 8914993488 4167509244 7614606680
(Note: The 99th-108th digits of e = 7427466391 is the first 10-digit prime in
consecutive digits of e. This is the answer to the Google Billboard question
that may lead to a job opportunity at Google.com, San Jose Mercury News, 7-10-2004)
27) The 59th & 60th digits of pi, π = 44
The 125th & 126th digits of pi, π = 44
The 182nd & 183rd digits of pi, π = 44
28) The 58th & 59th digits of phi, φ = 44
The 179th & 180th digits of phi, φ = 44
Phi or φ = 1.61803 39887 49894 84820 45868 34365 63811 77203 09179 80576
                      28621 35448 62270 52604 62818 90244 97072 07204 18939 11374
                      84754 08807 53868 91752 12663 38622 23536 93179 31800 60766
                      72635 44333 89086 59593 95829 05638 32266 13199 28290 26788
1.61803398874989484820 is an irrational number,
also called the Golden Ratio (or Golden number).
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) first called it the sectio aurea,
(Latin for the golden section) and related it to human anatomy.
Ratios may be found in the Pyramids of Giza & the Greek Parthenon.
29) Binary number for 44 = 101100
(Decimal & Binary Equivalence; Program for conversion)
30) ASCII value for 44 = ,
(Hexadecimal # & ASCII Code Chart)
31) Hexadecimal number for 44 = 2C
(Hexadecimal # & ASCII Code Chart)
32) Octal number for 44 = 054
(Octal #, Hexadecimal #, & ASCII Code Chart)
33) The Greek-based numeric prefix tetracontakaitetra- means 44.
34) The tetracontakaitetragon is a polygon with 44 straight sides.
35) The tetracontakaitetrahedron is a solid polyhedron with 44 planar faces.
36) The Latin Quadraginta quattuor means 44.
37) The Latin-based numeric prefix quadrage- means 40.
A person who is from 40 to 49 years old is a quadragenarian.
38) The Roman numeral for 44 is XLIV.
39) Sì Shí Sì (4, 10, 4) is the Chinese ideograph for 44.
40) is the Babylonian number for 44
Georges Ifrah, From One to Zero: A Universal History of Numbers,
Penguin Books, New York (1987), pp. 326-327
41) 44 is expressed in Hebrew as Mem Dalet
Hebrew alphabet has numerical equivalence.
In Hebrew Gematria 44 means "blood, sap, juice".
42) The smallest Euler brick,
discovered by Paul Halcke in 1719,
has edges (a, b, c) = (44, 117, 240)
and face diagonals (d, e, f ) = (125, 244, 267).
43) On Bastille Day of 1951, Frenchman A. Ferrier proudly announced that
the 44-digit number 2098 8936657440 5864861512 6425661022 2593863921
was prime. Ferrier thus broke the 75-year record held by Edouard Lucas
who had checked the primality of 2127 - 1 by hand. Ferrier confirmed his
number's primality by using only a desk calculator was prime.
— Derrick Niederman, Number Freak (2009), pp. 135-136
44) 44 in different languages:
Dutch: vierënveertig, French: quarante-quatre, German: vierundvierzig, Hungarian: negyvennégy,
Italian: quarantaquattro, Spanish: cuarenta y cuatro, Swedish: fyrtiofyra, Turkish: kirk dört

44 in Science & Technology

45) Atomic Number of Ruthenium (Ru) = 44 (44 protons & 44 electrons); Atomic weight = 101.07
It is a rare transition metal belonging to the platinum group of the periodic table.
Like the other metals of the platinum group, ruthenium is inert to most other chemicals.
Russian-born scientist of Baltic-German ancestry Karl Ernst Claus discovered the element
in 1844 at Kazan State University and named ruthenium in honor of Russia. Ruthenium is
usually found as a minor component of platinum ores. Most ruthenium produced is used in
wear-resistant electrical contacts and thick-film resistors. A minor application for
ruthenium is in platinum alloys and as a chemistry catalyst.
46) Inorganic compounds with molecular weight = 44:
Carbon Dioxide, CO2, MW = 44.0095
Nitrous oxide, N2O, MW = 44.0128
Hydrazoic acid, DN3, MW = 44.0342
47) Organic compounds with molecular weight = 44:
Ethenol, C2H4O, MW = 44.0526
Acetaldehyde, C2H4O, MW = 44.0526
Ethylene oxide, C2H4O, MW = 44.0526
Ammonium cyanide, CH4N2, MW = 44.0559
Methyl diazene, CH4N2, MW = 44.0559
48) Organic compounds with boiling point = ±44oC:
Cyclopentene, C5H8, BP = 44oC
2-Amino-2-mrthylpropane, C4H11N, BP = 44oC
49) Organic compounds with melting point = ±44oC:
P-Toluidine, C7H9N1, MP = 44oC
P-Chlorophenol, C6H5O1C11, MP = 44oC
50) 44th amino acid in the 141-residue alpha-chain of Human Hemoglobin is Proline (P)
44th amino acid in the 146-residue beta-chain of Human Hemoglobin is Glutamic Acid (E)
Single-Letter Amino Acid Code
Alpha-chain sequence of human hemoglobin:
Beta-chain sequence of human hemoglobin:
51) The 44th amino acid in the 153-residue sequence of sperm whale myoglobin
is Aspartic Acid (D). It is next to Phenylalanine-43 & Arginine-45.
Aspartic Acid-44 is two residues away from the 7-residues C-helix.
[A.B. Edmundson, Nature 205, 883-887 (1965)]
Richard E. Dickerson & Irving Geis, Structure and Action of Proteins (1969), p. 52
52) The 44th amino acid in the 124-residue enzyme Bovine Ribonuclease
is Asparagine (N). It is next to Valine-43 and Threonine-45.
[C. H. W. Hirs, S. Moore, and W. H. Stein, J. Biol. Chem. 238, 228 (1963)]
53) Pepsin is expressed as a zymogen called pepsinogen, whose primary structure
has an additional 44 amino acids compared to the active enzyme.
In the stomach, chief cells release pepsinogen. This zymogen is activated
by hydrochloric acid, which is released from parietal cells in the stomach lining.
54) "The 44-amino-acid E5 protein of bovine papillomavirus type 1
is the shortest known protein with transforming activity"

B.H. Horwitz, A.L. Burkhardt, R. Schlegel, D. DiMaio, Mol. Cell Biol, Vol. 8, 4071-8 (1988)
55) Messier M44, known as the Beehive Cluster, is an open cluster in the constellation
Cancer. One of the nearest open clusters to Earth, it contains a larger population of
stars than other nearby bright open clusters. Under dark skies, the Beehive Cluster
looks like a small nebulous object to the naked eye, and has been known since
ancient times. Classical astronomer Ptolemy described it as a "nebulous mass in
the breast of Cancer". It was among the first objects that Galileo studied with his
telescope. It is 610 lighy-years from Earth.
56) NGC 44 is a double star galaxy in the Andromeda constellation. It has apparent magnitude 14.6.
Dicovered by William Herschel (November 22, 1827) (Digital Sky Survey Image)
57) Asteroid 44 Nysa is a large and very bright main-belt asteroid, and the brightest member of the Nysian asteroid family. It is classified as a rare class E asteroid and is probably the largest of this type (though 55 Pandora is only slightly smaller). It was discovered by Hermann Goldschmidt on May 27, 1857, and named after the mythical land of Nysa in Greek mythology. It has a mass of 3.7 x 10 kg., a period of 3.77 years, with dimension of 113x67x65 km.
58) Lockheed Martin X-44 MANTA (Multi-Axis No-Tail Aircraft) was an American conceptual aircraft design by Lockheed Martin that has been studied by NASA and the U.S. Air Force. It was intended to test the feasibility of full yaw, pitch and roll authority without tailplanes (horizontal or vertical). Attitude control relies purely on 3D thrust vectoring. The aircraft design was derived from the F-22 Raptor and featured a stretched delta wing without tail surfaces. Designed to
have reduced mechanical complexity, increased fuel efficiency & greater agility.
Photo Source: Lockheed Martin X-44 (deviantart.com/)
59) 44 FJ-4B Fighter Jet was designed as an attack aircraft and not just any attack aircraft,
but the first one designed to carry a nuclear bomb off of a carrier deck. The FJ-4B
weighed in at 13,500 lbs empty and a takeoff gross weight of 28,000 lbs. It could travel
1,640 nautical miles on internal fuel but could extend its range to 2,500 miles with four
external 200 gallon drop tanks. The FJ-4B was extensively utilized, including being
deployed with nine US Navy and three Marine units, later replaced in the 1960s by
the Douglas A-4 Skyhawk. Photo Source: 44 FJ-4B Fighter (warbirdsnews.com)
60) 44th Fighter Squadron is a unit of the United States Air Force, part of the 18th Wing at Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan. The 44th Pursuit Squadron was activated on 1 January 1941 and assigned to the 18th Pursuit Group. The 44th Fighter Squadron is equipped with the F-15C/D Eagle. In World War II, The 44th Flew patrols over the Pacific from Hawaii from 7 December 1941-October 1942. It went on to fly combat missions in the South and Southwest Pacific from 21 December 1942-15 August 1945. From 3-30 September 1955, 44th Fighter-Bomber Squadron deployed to Taoyuan Air Base, Taiwan with F-86 Sabre, returning again in 1962-1963 in support of "BLUE SKY" military exercise. Photo Source: 44th Fighter Squadron (commons.wikimedia.org)
61) INS Tabar (F44) (translates as "battle axe") is the third of the Talwar-class frigate of the Indian Navy. The frigate was commissioned on 19 April 2004 in Kaliningrad, Russia with Captain (later Vice Admiral) Biswajit Dasgupta. INS Tabar, a vessel in the Talwar class to be armed with supersonic BrahMos anti-ship cruise missiles. She is also equipped with Barak 1 missiles. INS Tabar reached her home-port of Mumbai on 31 July 2004. Assigned to Indian Navy's Western Naval Command, head-quartered in Mumbai. INS Tabar is a well-equipped warship that has ability to handle air / surface / sub-surface missions or defending herself operating either independently on maritime missions or supporting a larger naval task force. Length: 409 ft; Beam 50 ft; Speed: 35 mph; Range: 4850 nautical miles; Complement: 180 (18 officers). Photo Source: F44 INS Trishul Frigate (commons.wikimedia.org).
62) Brazilian frigate Independencia (F-44) is a Niteroi-class frigate of the Brazilian Navy. The Independencia was the fifth ship of her class ordered by the Brazilian Navy, on 20 September 1970. The Independencia was launched on 2 September 1974, and was commissioned on 3 September 1979. Operation Lebanon XIII from March to September 2018, to prevent entry into Lebanese territory, illegal arms
and smuggling. Displacement: 3200 tons; Length: 424 ft; Beam 44 ft; Draught:
18 ft; Speed: 35 mph; Range: 5300 nautical miles; Complement: 209.
Photo Source: F44 Independence Frigate (shipspotting.com)
63) USS S-44 (SS-155) was a third-group (S-42) S-class submarine of the United States
Navy. Her keel was laid down on 19 February 1921 by the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation's Fore River Shipyard in Quincy, Massachusetts. She was launched on 27 October 1923 sponsored by Mrs. H. E. Grieshaber, and was commissioned on 16 February 1925 with Lieutenant Arnold H. Bateman in command. On the 5th patrol, September 1943 in World War II, she was struck on 7 October, by the Japanese escort Ishigaki. 56 sailors died as the ship sank, only 2 survived. Photo Source: SS-44 Submarine (commons.wikimedia.org)
64) T-44 medium tank is a medium tank first developed & produced near end of WW II by Soviet Union. It was the successor to the T-34, offering improved ride and cross-country performance and much greater armor. Designed to be equipped with an 85 mm main gun, by the time it was fully tested the T-34 had also moved to this weapon. Both tanks offered similar performance, so introducing T-44 was not considered as important as increasing
T-34 production. Fewer than 2,000 T-44s were built, compared to 58,000 T-34s. T-44 was available by end of the war, but not used in combat. Mass: 32 tons; Length: 19 ft 11 in.; Width: 10 ft 8 in; Height: 8 ft; Crew: 4; Speed 34 mph. Photo Source: T-44 (wikimedia.org).
65) DRG Class 44 Locomotive was a ten-coupled, heavy goods train steam locomotive built for the Deutsche Reichsbahn as a standard steam engine class (Einheitsdampflokomotive). It was intended for hauling goods trains of up to 1,200 tonnes on the routes through Germany's hilly regions (Mittelgebirge) and up to 600 tonnes on steep inclines. German railwaymen nicknamed the Class 44 locomotive the "Jumbo" because of its power. The top speed of the standard variant was 80 km/hr. In order to simplify the work and hold its power steady, 32 locomotives were converted to oil-firing by the DB in 1958 and 91 by
the DR in 1963. Photo Source: DRG Class 44 Locomotive (commons.wikimedia.org).
66) British Rail Class 44 or Sulzer Type 4 diesel locomotives were built by British Railways' Derby Works between 1959 & 1960, intended for express passenger services. Originally numbered D1-D10 and named after British mountains, and, along with similar Class 45 & 46 locomotives, they became known as Peaks. The class worked regularly over West Coast Main Line prior to its electrification, and also between London St Pancras and Manchester Central. Length: 67 ft 11 in.; Width: 8 ft 10.5 in.; Height: 12 ft 10 in.; Loco weight: 133 long tons; Speed: 75 mph; Withdrawn: 1976-1980. Photo: British Rail Class 44 (commons.wikimedia.org)
67) Engine 44 of Chicago Fire Department is located at 412 N. Kedzie Ave, Chicago, Illinois. Chicago Fire Department is the 3rd largest in the United States, after NY & California.
It was established on August 2, 1858, with 5143 employees. There were 739,867 calls in 2013. There are 98 stations. Engine 44-Ambulance 64 is in the 4th District and is the 17th Battalion. Logo of Engine 44 has "In Omnia Paratus" (Ready for anything) below Chicago Fire Dept and two shamrocks. At the center is "Fighting Forty Four" logo of the New York Fire Dept. Photo source: Fire Engine 44 ()chicagoareafire.com)
68) Nascar 44: The Petty organization first used the No. 44 in 1954 for a single race with driver Bob Welborn. It wasn't used in a full-time capacity by the organization until 1993, following retirement of 7-time series champion Richard Petty. His #43 was renumbered 44 for a single season with driver Rick Wilson behind the wheel. Last full season a Petty entry featured No. 44 was 2009 with driver AJ Allmendinger. Entries bearing No. 44 have won 13 times in Nascar's premier series, most recently by Terry Labonte (1986) when Nascar Hall of Fame driver was competing for Billy Hagan. Photo: Nascar 44 (m.nascar.com)
69) 1916 Oldsmobile Model 44 Speedster: Ransom Eli Olds' gasoline-powered runabout the famous 'Curved Dash'— was first offered for sale in 1901, following a fire at the factory that had destroyed every other prototype. Over 11,000 of the three Curved Dash models were constructed before production ceased in 1907, making it the first volume produced American automobile. For 1916 the company introduced its first V8: the Model 44. Oldsmobile's largest and most expensive model. This restored Model 44 was for many years part of the St Louis Motor Museum. Photo Source: ()lassicdriver.com)
70) 1913 Henderson Model 44 Roadster: Henderson Motor Car Company was formed by a pair of brothers, C.P. and R.P. Henderson, in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1912. The brothers had worked for the Cole Motor Car Company before striking out in 1912 to form their own company. The Model 44 was a 2-seat Roadster, powered by a 280.6ci 4-cylinder water-cooled engine supplied by Buda that produced 44 hp. This was hooked to a 3-speed manual transmission with a conventional shaft drive to the rear end. As you can see from this photo, this is definitely an air-cooled engine. Photo Source: (arnfinds.com/)

44 in Mythology & History

71) The Angel Number 44 represents the amplified energy and symbolism
of the number 4. This number symbolizes hard work, practicality and
foundation. It also symbolizes grounding. Master number 44 is also
called the "Master Healer". People who resonate with angel number 44
need longer time to mature. They need stability & strong foundation in life.
Number 44 people are good at organizing, they are very good lawyers,
doctors, CEOs, engineers. The number 44 symbolizes stability, support,
willpower, ability, success, wholeness, and inner wisdom.
72) Paper 44 of The Urantia Book (1924) is titled "The Celestial Artisans".
Topics covered include Celestial Musicians, Heavenly Reproducers, Divine Builders,
Thought Recorders, Energy Manipulators, Designers and Embellishers, Harmony Workers.
73) The 44th day of the year = February 13
British economist Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834), born Februay 13, 1766;
American painter Grant Wood (1891-1942), born February 13, 1891;
Belgian writer Georges Simenon (1903-1989), born February 13, 1903;
American physicist William Shockley (1910-1989), born February 13, 1910;
American soprano Eileen Farrell (1920-2002), born February 13, 1920;
American aviator Chuck Yeager (1923-2020), born February 13, 1923;
American actress Susan Oliver (1932-1990), born February 13, 1932;
American actress Kim Novak, born February 13, 1933;
American actor George Segal, born February 13, 1934;
American actor Oliver Reed, born February 13, 1938;
American actress Carol Lynley, born February 13, 1942;
American gnostic Elaine Pagels, born February 13, 1943
74) 44 B.C.
Julius Caesar (100 BC-44 BC) is made dictator for life. He reduces
    the number of Romans receiving free grain from 320,00 to 150,000.
Julius Caesar is assassinated at the Senate March 15
    by conspirators who include Decimus Junius Brutus and Marcus Junius Brutus,
    both former governors of Gaul, and Gaius Cassius Longinus, who had been
    pardoned by Caesar for fighting alongside Pompey at Pharsalus in 48 BC.
• Caesar's mistress Cleopatra returns to Egypt with her son Caesarion
    and murders her brother (and former husband) Ptolemy IV to make
    room for Caesarion as ruler of Egypt.
• Roman orator Marc Antony (83 BC-30 BC), 39,
    persuades the Romans to expel Caesar's assassins.
— James Trager, The People's Chronology, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, NY, 1979, p. 32
75) 44 A.D.
• The apostle James (3 AD-44 AD) who has preached the divinity of Jesus
    becomes the first Chrisian martyr. He is executed on orders
    from the Judean king Herod Agrippa.
• Judea's Herod Agrippa (11 BC-44 AD) dies at age 54 after a 3-year reign
    and Judea becomes a procuratorial province of Rome once again.
    Agrippa's 17-year-old son is studying at the court of emperor Claudius
    in Rome and beginning in 48 AD will reign for 5 years as Herod Agrippa II.
• The capon is created by Romans who geld cocks to make them grow larger.
Vomitoriums gained popularity in Rome. The emperor Claudius and
    others employ slaves to tickle their throats after they have eaten their
    fill in order that they may return to the banquet tables and begin again.
    Most Romans live on bread, olives, wine, and some fish, but little meat.
— James Trager, The People's Chronology, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, NY, 1979, pp. 36-37
76) Wyoming is a landlocked state in the western United States. The 10th largest state by area, it is also the least populous and least densely populated state in the contiguous United States. It is bordered by Montana to the north and northwest, South Dakota and Nebraska to the east, Idaho to the west, Utah to the southwest, and Colorado to the south. The state capital and the most populous city is Cheyenne. Wyoming was 44th State admitted to the Union on July 10, 1890.
Wyoming's area is 97,914 square miles, with population of 578,759 (2019),
50th in rank among 50 states. State flag shows circular seal inside a buffalo.
Tourist highlights include Yellowstone Geysers and Devils Tower.
77) Barack Obama was the 44th President of the United States (2009-2017).
Born August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii. A member of the Democratic Party, Obama
was the first African-American president of the United States. He previously served as a U.S. senator from Illinois from 2005 to 2008 and an Illinois state senator from 1997 to 2004. After graduating from Columbia University in 1983, he worked as a community organizer in Chicago. In 1988, he enrolled in Harvard Law School, where he was the first black person to be president of Harvard Law Review. After a close primary campaign against Hillary Clinton, Obama was elected over Republican nominee John McCain and was inaugurated alongside Joe Biden on January 20, 2009. Nine months later, he was named
the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. After winning re-election by defeating Republican opponent Mitt Romney, Obama was sworn in for a second term in 2013.
Photo Source: Barack Obama (wikimedia.org)
78) At Age 44:
John Napier (1550-1617) invented logarithms (1594)
at age 44. He is a Scttish land-owner whose interests
include theology, agricultural experiments, military,
and mathematics. He now works for over 20 years
part-time, to calculate his logarithmic tables, which
are published when he is 64. At 65, he invents rods
("Napier bones") which can be used in calculations.
He dies at 67. Development of common logs is by
Henry Briggs (53 in 1614), who publishes his results
when he is 63. Photo Source: John Napier (wikimedia.org)

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was an English mathematician, physicist,
astronomer, theologian, and author. His Principia was published in 1687.
This is written in Latin, and brings together his work since 23 on gravity,
force, and motion. Newton did work on alchemy, that is less well known.
Newton's publication at 44 starts a revolution of thought— first in astronomy
(infinitization of space), and more widely in the Age of Enlightenment. At 53
he is appointed at the Mint, in London, on coin manufacture and pursuit of
forgers. In the 1690s, Newton wrote religious tracts dealing with symbolism
in the Bible. At 60, he becomes president of the Royal Society.
Photo Source: Isaac Newton (wikimedia.org)

Robert Walpole (1676-1745) is Chancellor of the Exchequer
and First Lord of the Treasury (April 3, 1721) at age 44
gradually becoming the first-ever Prime Minister. Prior to
Walpole, government members were directly responsible
to the sovereign; now they become responsible to one
senior member of the government, who is then
responsible for the whole team to the sovereign.
Walpole builds Houghton Hall (45-58), his gigantic
country house, using profits gained from the South
Sea Bubble
. Photo Source: Robert Walpole (wikimedia.org)

James Cook (1728-1779) was a British explorer, navigator, cartographer,
and captain in the British Royal Navy, famous for his three voyages in the
Pacific & Australia. First to sail south of Antarctic Crcle (1773) at age 44.
He made detailed maps of Newfoundland and achieved the first recorded
European contact with eastern coastline of Australia & Hawaiian Islands,
and first recorded circumnavigation of New Zealand. He mapped lands
from New Zealand to Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean in greater detail than
previous explorers. Cook was attacked and killed in his 3rd exploratory
Pacific voyage (1779). Highest mountain in New Zealand (12,218 ft)
is named Mt. Cook. Photo Source: James Cook (commons.wikimedia.org)

Emma, Lady Hamilton (1765-1815) was an English model and actress,
who is best remembered as the mistress of Lord Nelson and as the muse
of the portrait artist George Romney. Emma worked as a model and dancer
at the "Goddess of Health" for James Graham, a Scottish "quack" doctor.
At 15, Emma met Sir Harry Fetherstonhaugh, who hired her as hostess
at his estate & becoming his mistress. She then became Charles Greville's
mistress, and later wife of Sir William Hamilton in Naples. She met Lord
Nelson in 1793 and fell in love with him, having an affair lasting to his
death in 1805 (at 44 wrong age in book). That Hamilton Woman film (1941).
Photo Source: Lady Hamilton by GeorgeRomney (wikimedia.org)

William Wordsworth (1770-1850) was an English Romantic poet who,
with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped to launch Romantic Age in
English literature with their joint publication Lyrical Ballads (1798).
Wordsworth's magnum opus is The Prelude, a semi-autobiographical
poem of his early years that he revised a number of times. At age 44,
he publishes The Excursion, part of projected poem The Recluse (1814).
His "Tintern Abbey" (1798) is my favorite. Wordsworth was Britain's
poet laureate (1843-1850). In his book Cosmic Consciousness (1901),
Richard Bucke includes Wordsworth with Blake, Dante, & Whitman
who had a transcendental experience. Photo: Wordsworth (wordsworth.org.uk)

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) resigns from administrative duties (1867)
at age 44 that came to him due to his great success as a researcher
(at 25, he had produced a paper which led to the foundation of
stereochemistry). He now returns to full-time lab work, and
first looks at the causes of decay in fresh food. Having proved
the existence of bacteria, he invents the process of briefly heating
milk so that certain microrganisms are killed— thus, pasteurization.
His most spectacular work is against rabies in 1885, at age 62.
Elected to Académie Française in 1881. He was director
of the Pasteur Institute, established in 1887, until his death.
Photo Source: Russia 2608 Pasteur (hipstamp.com) (issued 6-30-1962)

Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) was a Russian playwright and short-story writer who
is considered to be among the greatest writers of short fiction in history. His career as
a playwright produced four classics, and his best short stories are held in high esteem
by writers and critics. Along with Henrik Ibsen & August Strindberg, Chekhov is often
referred to as one of three seminal figures in the birth of early modernism in the theatre.
Chekhov practiced as a medical doctor throughout most of his literary career: "Medicine
is my lawful wife", he said, "and literature is my mistress". Chekhov's "Sakhalin Island"
(1890), his long investigation of prison conditions in Siberia, is the best work of journalism written in the 19th century. He died at age 44. Photo: Anton Chekhov (commons.wikimedia.org)

Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British writer and physician. He created
the character Sherlock Holmes in 1887 for A Study in Scarlet, the first of four novels
and 56 short stories about Holmes and Dr. Watson. He revives Sherlock Holmes
(Oct. 1903) at age 44, having killed him off 3 years earlier. Sherlock Holmes stories
are considered milestones in the field of crime fiction. Doyle was a prolific writer;
his works include fantasy and science fiction stories about Professor Challenger and
humorous stories about Napoleonic soldier Brigadier Gerard, plays, romances, poetry,
non-fiction & historical novels. In "Our Second American Adventure" (1924) on his
visit to Muir Woods: "All words are futile to describe tremendous majesty of the great
redwoods, 300 feet in height, 2000 years of age, not even fire, can destroy them." He was
referring to "goosepens" that I've cited. Photo: Arthur Conan Doyle (commons.wikimedia.org)

James M. Barrie (1860-1937) was a Scottish novelist & playwright, best remembered
as creator of Peter Pan at age 44. He was born & educated in Scotland and then moved
to London, where he wrote a number of successful novels and plays. There he met the
Llewelyn Davies boys, who inspired him to write about a baby boy who has magical
adventures in Kensington Gardens (included in his 1902 adult novel Little White Bird),
then to write Peter Pan, a 1904 "fairy play" about an ageless boy and an ordinary girl
named Wendy who have adventures in the fantasy of Neverland. Barrie unofficially
adopted the Davies boys following their parents' death. Before his death, he gave the
rights to Peter Pan works to Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London,
which continues to benefit from them. Photo Source: James M. Barrie (ommons.wikimedia.org)

F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) was an American novelist, essayist, screenwriter,
& short-story writer. He was best known for his novels depicting the flamboyance
and excess of the Jazz Age— a term he popularized. During his lifetime, he published
4 novels, 4 collections of short stories, and 164 short stories. Although he achieved
popular success and fortune in the 1920s, Fitzgerald only received wide critical &
popular acclaim after his death. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest American
writers of the 20th century. Fitzgerald dies in Los Angeles (1940) at age 44, with his
The Last Tycoon unfinished. The tycoon is Irving Thalberg of MGM, who had died
recently at 37. Although he was a heavy drinker, he dies not from alcholism, but from
a heart attack, while reading Princeton Alumni Weekly. Photo: Fitzgerald (wikimedia.org)

Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) has her first cabinet position
at 44 (June 1970), as Secretary of State for Education & Science.
She has been an MP (Member of Parliament) since since 33.
One of her jobs now is to abolish subsidized milk for older
children (aged 7-11), and she is subject to vicious personal
criticism because of doing this— though her opponents
never reintroduce it when they later get the chance.
Mrs. Thatcher becomes leader of the Conservative Party
at 49 (1975-1990), and first-ever woman Prime Minister
at 53. Dubbed the "Iron Lady", she overtook Falkland
from Argentina (1982). Photo: Thatcher (wikimedia.org)

Virgil (70 BC-19 BC) wrote The Aeneid (26 BC) at 44;
Jan van Eyck (1390-1441) painted The Arnolfini Wedding (1434) at 44;
Jacques Cartier (1491-1557) explores St. Lawrence River, Canada,
    and locates Quebec City and Montreal (1535) at 44;
Mary Queen of Scots (1542-1587) in prison at 25, executed (1587) at 44;
Robert Burton (1577-1640) wrote Anatomy of Melancholy (1621) at 44;
Frans Hals (1582-1666) painted "The Laughing Cavalier" (1624) at 44;
John Bunyan (1628-1688) wrote first part of Pilgrim's Progress in jail (1672) at 44;
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750 composed St. Matthew Passion (1729) at 44;
George Washington (1732-1799) is 44 at signing of Declaration of Independence (1776);
John O'Keefe (1747-1833) wrote play Wild Oats (1791) at 44;
Robert Bunsen (1811-1899) invented the Bunsen Burner (1855) at 44;
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), author of Walden, dies 1862 at 44;
Ivan Turgenev (1818-1883) wrote Fathers and Sons (1862) at 44;
Charles Kingsley (1819-1875) wrote The Water Babies (1863) at 44;
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) wrote Principle of Biology (1864) at 44;
R. D. Blackmore (1825-1900) wrote Lorna Doone (1869) at 44;
James George Frazer (1854-1941) wrote The Golden Bough (1890) at 44;
Ida Tarbell (1857-1944) publishes chapter 3 of a study (1903) at 44;
    of Standard Oil & John D. Rockefeller in the history of muckraking
John Carrère (1858-1911) designed NY Public Library (1902) at 44 with Thomas Hastings;
Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925) becomes first -ever President of Republic of China (1911) at 44;
D. W. Griffith (1875-1948) directs Broken Blossoms (1919) at 44;
Josef Stalin (1878-1953) takes gradual control of Russia (1924) at 44 after death of Lenin;
A. A. Milne (1882-1956) wrote Winnie-the-Pooh (1926) at 44;
Al Jolson (1885-1950) stars in 1st talking film The Jazz Singer (1927) at 44;
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969) becomes head of the Bauhaus school (1930) at 44;
Boris Karloff (1887-1969) stars in Frankenstein (1931) at 44;
John Ford (1894-1973) directs Stagecoach (1939) at 44;
Paul Gallico (1897-1976) wrote The Snow Goose (1941) at 44;
Robert Redfield (1897-1958) wrote Folk Cultures of the Yucatán (1941) at 44;
Peggy Guggenheim (1898-1979) opens her gallery "Art of This Century" (1942) at 44;
Humphrey Bogart (1899-1957) stars in Casablanca (1943) at 44;
B. F. Skinner (1904-1990), psychologist, wrote Walden Two (1948) at 44;
Billy Wilder (1906-2002) directs Sunset Boulevard (1950) at 44;
Edward Teller (1908-2003) oversaw first explosion of an H-bomb (1952) at 44;
Lorne Greene (1915-1987) stars in TV series Bonaza (1959-1971) at 44;
Theodore H. White (1915-1986) begins work on The Making of the President (1959) at 44;
Federico Fellini (1920-1993) directs Juliet of the Spirits (1965) at 44;
Charlton Heston (1923-2008) stars in Planet of the Apes (1968) at 44;
Paul Newman (1925-2008) stars in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) at 44;
Peter Falk (1927-2011) stars in TV series Columbo (1971-1977) at 44;
Willie Shoemaker (1931-2003), jockey, wins his 5000th race (1976) at 44;
Dudley Moore (1935-2002) stars in 10 eith Bo Derek (1980) at 44;
Jane Byrne (1933-2014) becomes first woman myor at major city (Chicago) at 44;
Andrew Young (b. 3-12-1932) becomes U.S. ambassador to United Nations (1977) at 44;

[Sources: Jeremy Baker, Tolstoy's Bicycle (1982), pp. 311-318; and Wikipedia Web Links.]

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) was a German composer and pianist. He was a
crucial figure in the transition between the classical and romantic eras in classical
music and is considered to be one of the greatest composers of all time. During his
life, he composed 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, one violin concerto, 32 piano
sonatas, 16 string quartets, 2 masses, and opera Fidelio. His Symphony #8 premiered
on February 27 1814 with Beethoven himself conducting in Vienna at age 44. First
performance of Fidelio opera (3rd Version) on May 23, 1814. Have 120 pages honoring
Beethoven on my web siteMusic Quotes, Eroica Symphony #3, 5th Symphony,
Beethoven's Religious Beliefs, Schulz's Beethoven. "KDFC Top 250 Classical Music" lists 5 Beethoven works in top 10. Image: Beethoven (1815) by Joseph W. Mähler (commons.wikimedia.org)

Harold A. Scheraga (1921-2020), American physical chemist of proteins & macromolecules, Cornell University Todd Professor Emeritus in Chemistry was still active at age 98 (2020), doing both experimental & theoretical research on protein structure folding. Scheraga has published over 1300 scientific articles, and was editorial & advisory board member of nine scientific journals. In 2005, he received a Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Gdansk. "My 65 years in protein chemistry" [Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 48, 117-177 (May 2015)] published at age 94. "A Conversation with Harold A. Scheraga" is an Oral History Project of Cornell's Department of Chemistry with extended interviews with senior faculty members. Scheraga shares his life's journey, professional interests and reflections about his department and its nurturing environment. (Web). Scheraga's book Protein Structure was published by Academic Press (1961) at age 39. He had 31 publications in 1965 at age 44, 11 with Douglas C. Poland on helix-coil transitions [J. Chem. Phys. 43, 2071-2074 (1965); Biopolymers 3, 401-419 (1965).. He was Chairman of Cornell's Chemistry Dept
(1960-1967), when I chose him as my Ph.D. advisor and mentor (1963-1970), where 40 scientists worked in his research laboratory. Poem: "Memories of Professor Harold A. Scheraga" (9-22-2020)

44 in Geography

79) In geography, the latitude of a location on the Earth is the angular distance of that location
south or north of the Equator. The latitude is an angle, and is usually measured in degrees
(marked with o). The equator has a latitude of 0o. The North Pole has a latitude of 90o north
(written 90o N or +90o). The South Pole has a latitude of 90o south (written 90o S or -90o).
80) Cities located at 44o west longitude:
São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil: 44o 18' W longitude & 2o 32' S latitude
81) Cities located at 44o north latitude:
Montpelier, VT, USA: 44o 15' N latitude & 72o 34' W longitude
Augusta, Maine, USA: 44o19 N latitude & 69o 47' W longitude
Craiova, Romania: 44o 20' N latitude & 23o 49' E longitude
Pierre, SD, USA: 44o22 N latitude & 100o 20' W longitude
Genoa, Italy: 44o 24' N latitude & 8o 55' E longitude
Ravenna, Italy: 44o 25' N latitude & 12o 12' E longitude
Bucharest, Romania: 44o 26' N latitude & 26o 06' E longitude
Bologna, Italy: 44o 30' N latitude & 11o 21' E longitude
82) 44 is used as the country code for telephones in United Kingdom.
83) European Route E44 an intermediate E-road. Its route is
Le Havre, Amiens, Charleville-Mézières, Luxembourg,
Trier, Koblenz, Wetzlar, Giessen; Length: 501 miles;
West end: Le Havre, France; East end: Giessen, Germany
84) I-44 (Interstate 44) is a major Interstate Highway in the central U.S. It follows a more southwest-northeast alignment. Its western terminus is in Wichita Falls, Texas, at a concurrency with US 277, US 281, and U.S. Route 287 in Texas; its eastern terminus is at I-70 in St. Louis, Missouri. I-44 is one of five Interstates built to bypass U.S. Route 66; this highway covers the section between Oklahoma City and St. Louis. Virtually the entire length of I-44 east of Springfield, Missouri, was once US 66, which was upgraded from two to four lanes from 1949 to 1955. Length: 633.79 miles.
85) California State Route 44 is a state highway in the U.S. State of California that travels in an east-west direction from State Routes 273 and 299 in Redding to Lassen Volcanic National Park before ending at State Route 36 west of Susanville. This final portion, between the park and its terminus,
is part of the Volcanic Legacy Scenic Byway (500 miles), a National Scenic Byway, along Cascade Range past numerous volcanoes. Photo on CA-44 web site shos State Route 44 containing a sheet
of ice in the winter. CA-44 Length is 107.02 miles; Existed from 1935 to present.
86) Louisiana Highway 44 is a state highway in Louisiana that serves Ascension, St. James, and
St. John the Baptist Parishes. It runs from west to east, parallel to the east bank of the Mississippi
River, from Prairieville to LaPlace. It spans a total of 50.1 miles (80.6 km). Throughout its run,
LA 44 is known as North/South Burnside Avenue, River Road, West/East Jefferson Highway,
West 5th Street, and Main Street. and State Route 37. Existed from 1955 renumbering to present.
87) King's Highway 44 was a provincially maintained highway in the Canadian province of Ontario.
The 15.9-kilometre (9.9 mi)-long route began at Highway 15 in the town of Almonte and travelled eastward through Lanark County towards Ottawa, ending at Highway 17. Highway 44 was
assumed by the province in 1938 along existing unimproved roadway. A significant portion
of the highway was incorporated into a new routing of Highway 17 in 1966. The highway
alignment remained generally unchanged for next three decades until it was decommissioned
in 1997 and transferred to Lanark County and what is now the City of Ottawa. The road has
since been redesignated as Lanark County Road 49 and Ottawa Road 49.
88) Japan National Route 44 s the easternmost of the national highways of Japan. It connects
the cities of Kushiro and Nemuro in eastern part of the Route 44 was originally designated
on 18 May 1953 as National Route 242, and this was redesignated as Route 44 when the route
was promoted to a Class 1 highway. Length: 124.8 kilometers (77.5 mi); Origin: Kushiro,
Hokkaido (originates at the terminus of Route 38); Terminus: Nemuro, Hokkaido;
Major cities: Akkeshi. Photo Source: Japan Route 44 (commons.wikimedia.org)
89) New Zeaand State Highway 44 is a New Zealand state highway. At 5.2 km (4 miles),
it is one of the shortest highways on the network. Its entire length is within the New
Plymouth city area. SH 44 was created in response to an increase in truck traffic
between SH 3 and Port Taranaki and the resulting damage being caused to the
preferred route (Breakwater Rd/St Aubyn St/Molesworth St).
90) National Highway 44 (NH 44) is the Second longest-running major north-south
National Highway in India. It came into being by merging seven national
highways. Passing through States Jammu and Kashmir: (189 miles),
Punjab: (158 miles), Haryana: (114 miles), Uttar Pradesh: (117 miles),
Madhya Pradesh: (313 miles), Maharashtra: (144 miles),
Telangana: (313 miles), Andhra Pradesh: (160 miles),
Karnataka: (78 miles), Tamil Nadu: (390 miles)
. Length 4,112 km (2,555 miles).
91) 44-story Park Court Akasaka Hinokicho The Tower is located close to
Tokyo Midtown and adjacent to Hinokicho Park. It is designed by the
world-famous Japanese architect, Mr. Kengo Kuma adding warmth to
the building and its base isolated and vibration damping structure
provides high aseismatic performance. It comes with the full range
of the latest shared facilities and services such as various lounges,
a fitness gym, concierge service. It was completed in February, 2018.
Photo Source: Akasaka Condo (tai.moonfactory.co.jp)
92) Seattle Boren Tower is a 44-story high-rise at 2019 Boren Ave, Seattle.
Reported at Daily Journal of Commerce (By Brian Miller, Nov. 19, 2018)—
The 44-story tower will have 393 units, seven levels of underground
parking, accessed from the alley to the west, for 369 vehicles, and
200 bike stalls. The tower will include 47,675 square feet of offices
in the podium for tenants likely to include Cornish College (one
of the sellers). About 7,150 square feet of ground-floor arts space,
will be divided into a gallery space and a 180-seat performing arts
hall. For tenants, there will be indoor amenity space and terraces
on the fifth floor, with a pool on the larger south terrace.
Photo: Seattle Boren Tower (djc.com)
93) Jersey City Tower: is a 44-story luxury rental building in Jersey City's
Liberty Harbor North district. The 448-unit building at 33 Park Ave.
will be the first of two high-rises at the waterfront site, with plans also
including the development of a 267-room Marriott hotel, Fisher said.
The firm expects to complete the first tower by spring 2017. The project
has been designed by Perkins Eastman and calls for a host of amenities
and retail space. Fisher has retained Marketing Directors of Manhattan
to market and lease the residences. Photo Source: Jersey City Tower (njbiz.com)
94) East 44th Street, New York City
1st Ave: United Nations Headquarters; 2nd Ave: 310 Beaux Arts Apartments
3rd Ave: Costello's 699 East 44th St.; Lexington Ave: Fitzpatrick Grand Central
Hotel 141 Eat 44th St.
, Vanderbilt Ave: Grand Central Terminal,
& Graybar Building; 5th Ave: Cornell Club 6 East 44th St. (opened 1989)
Photo Source: East 44th Street Sign NYC (dreamstime.com)
95) West 44th Street, New York City
10th Ave: Actors Studio 432 W. 44th St. (Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe studied here);
9th Ave: Record Plant 321 West 44th St. (Jimi Hendrix & John Lennon recorded here)
8th Ave: Majestic Theatre 245 West 44th St.; Sardi's 234 West 44th Street;
6th ave: Algonquin Hotel 59 West 44th St. (Literary Round Table)
Photo: West 44th Street Sign, NYC (abcn.com)
96) MIT Building 44 (Cyclotron): Address: 51 Vassar St., Cambridge, MA 02139.
MIT has identified a preferred location for the new MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman
College of Computing headquarters: the current site of Building 44. The new
building, which will require permitting & approvals from City of Cambridge
will sit in a centralized location that promises to unite the many centers,
MIT departments, and labs that integrate computing into their work.
97) Number 44 Coffee Shop is located at 4 Groes Road, Colwyn Bay LL29 8PU Wales
Inscibed on storefront are "Food for Thought" & "Specialty Coffee" & on the window
are "Gluten-Free Food" & "Gallery & Events". Received 4.5 out of 5-stars in 7 reviews
of TripAdvisor. "A hidden gem full of delicious snacks, cakes and drinks, which
through are aimed at vegan/vegetarian are delicious and reasonably priced.
The actual place is very relaxing and the staff are always friendly making
a perfect place to chill out." Photo Source: Number 44 (tripadvisor.com/)
98) Microsoft Building 44 is located at 15595 NE 36th Street, Redmond 98052, WA.
It is part of the Redmond Main Microsoft Campus & also part of Augusta Campus.
99) 44 Rue Cler, Paris has Boutique Pralus, a bakery with excellent reviews—
"We tried all 10 flavours of macaroons. Coffee, hazelnut, pistachio and
chocolate were the best. We also got pink Praluline & it was amazing."
Rue Cler is near the Eiffel Tower, 75007 Paris.
"École Militaire" is the nearest metro station.
Photo Source: 44 Rue Cler, Paris (tripadvisor.com)
100) Kitchen Shop is at 44 Rue Pelleport 75020 Paris
It sells kitchen items, bakery and pastry equipment.
Their web site offers lots of ideas for cooking
and making pasteries and candies.
Open Monday to Friday: 11:30 am-7:30 pm.
Photo Source: Cuisine Shop (cuisinedaubery.com)
101) Stanford Bronze Plaque 44 on the ground to the right of
Stanford's Memorial Church, is 17 paces from front door
of Building 60 (classrooms of Physics Learning Center).
It is dedicated to the Class of 1944. The first graduating
class at Stanford was 1892. In 1980, Stanford Provost
Don Kennedy strolled around the Inner Quad and
calculated that it would take 512 years for the bronze
class plaques embedded in the walkways to circle
the entire area ending with the Class of 2403.
44 in Sports & Games
102) Baseball's 44th World Series (1947) matched New York Yankees against Brooklyn Dodgers.
The Yankees won the Series in seven games for their first title since 1943, & their 11th World
Series championship in team history. Yankees manager Bucky Harris won the Series for the
first time since managing the Washington Senators to their only title in 1924. In 1947, Jackie Robinson, a Brooklyn Dodger, was first black player in a World Series. Yankees won 1st game
5-3 beating Branca. Allie Reynolds won 2nd game 10-3 striking out 12. Dodgers won 3rd game
9-8 in Brooklyn. Lavagetto's double in 9th broke up Beven's no-hitter, driving 2 runs to win 4th game for Dodgers 3-2. Yankees won 5th game 2-1 with DiMaggio's homer. Gionfriddo's great catch of DiMaggio's 415-foot drive won 6th game for Dodgers 8-6. Yankees won 7th game 5-2.
— Joseph L. Reichler (Ed.) The Baseball Encyclopedia, 7th Ed., Macmillian, NY (1988), p. 2760.
Photo Source: 1947 World Series Program (ebay.ca)
103) NFL's Super Bowl XLIV: New Orleans Saints (NFC) defeated Indianapolis Colts (AFC)
31-17, earning their first Super Bowl win, at Sun Life Stadium (now Hard Rock Stadium) in Miami Gardens, Florida, on February 7, 2010. The Saints scored 18 unanswered points, including Tracy Porter's 74-yard interception return for a touchdown, to clinch the victory. New Orleans quarterback Drew Brees, who completed 32 of 39 passes for 288 yards and two touchdowns, was named the Super Bowl MVP. Photo Source: Super Bowl XLIV (wikipedia.org)
104) 44th NBA Finals (1991) was the championship round of the 1990-91 National Basketball Association (NBA) season, and conclusion of the season's playoffs. Eastern Conference champion Chicago Bulls defeated Western Conference champion Los Angeles Lakers 4-1
(June 2Ð12, 1991). It was Michael Jordan's first NBA Finals appearance, Magic Johnson's last,
and the last NBA Finals for Lakers until 2000. Jordan averaged 31.2 points on 56% shooting,
11.4 assists, 6.6 rebounds, 2.8 steals & 1.4 blocks en route to his first NBA Finals MVP Award.
The 1991 Finals marked the first time the Bulls defeated the Lakers in a playoff series.
Photo Source: 1991 NBA Finals Logo (wikimedia.org)
105) Even though the Stanley Cup Finals was first awarded in 1893, it did not become official
until 1914 Stanley Cups Finals. So the 44th NHL Finals is the 1958 Stanley Cup Finals.
It was between the two-time defending champion Montreal Canadiens and Boston Bruins in a rematch of 1957 Finals. The Canadiens, who were appearing in the Finals for 8th consecutive year, won the series, 4-2, for their 3rd straight Cup victory & 10th in the team's history. Dates April 8-April 20: Montreal captain Maurice "Rocket" Richard led playoff goal-scoring race with 11. In Game 5, he notched his sixth career playoff overtime goal (3 of which occurred in this & previous Stanley Cup Finals). Photo: 1958 NHL Champions (icehockey.fandom.com)
106) Most Home Runs Hit in Same Game by Teammates: 44 by Ken Griffey Jr. and Edgar Martinez
[#1: 75 by Hank Aaron & Eddie Matthews #2: 73 by Babe Ruth & Lou Gehrig,
#3: 68 by Willie Mays & Willie McCovey]
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 45
107) Most Career Games with Multiple Home Runs:
44 by Willie McCovey, Mike Schmidt, Alex Rodriguez
(#1: 72 by Babe Ruth; #2: 69 by Barry Bonds)
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 47
108) Most Career Leadoff Home Runs: 44 Brady Anderson
(1st 81: Rickey Henderson, 2nd 50: Craig Biggio)
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 47
109) Joe DiMaggio got 91 hits during his 56-game hitting streak.
His 44th consective hit game was on July 1, 1941 with hit
off Jack Wilson of Boston Red Sox.
110) Rickey Henderson had his 44th stolen base (2nd base)
in the 9th inning against Dwight Bernard of Milwaukee Brewers
on May 26, 1982 in his season stolen base record of 130 in 1982.
111) Highest Batting Average in a Season since 1893r
.440: Hugh Duffy, NL, Boston Beaneaters, 1894
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 102
112) Most Consecutive Games with a Hit in a Single Season3
44: Willie Keeler, NL, Baltimore Orioles, 1897 (April 22 to June 18);
Pete Rose, NL, Cincinnati Reds, 1978 (June 14 to July 31)
(#!: Joe DiMaggio 56, New York Yankees, 1941)
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 147
113) 40 Home Runs & 200 Hits in a Season
Hank Aaron, Milwaukee Braves (1963): 44 Homers, 201 Hits;
Mo Vaughn, Boston Red Sox (1996): 44 Homers, 207 Hits;
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 153
114) Most Home Runs by a Left Fielder in a Season
44: Carl Yastrzemski, Boston Red Sox, 1967 (23rd),
Juan González, Texas Rangers, 1993, Adam Dunn, Cincinnati Reds, 2004
(#1: Hack Wilson 56, Chicago Cubs 1920)
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 168
115) Most Home Runs by a Right Fielder in a Season
44: Hank Aaron, Milwaukee Brewers 1963, 1969 (12th)
Dale Murphy, Manny Ramirez, Vladmir Guerrero, Jermaine Dye
(#1: Sammy Sosa, Chicago Cubs 1998)
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 169
116) Most Career Shutouts by a Pitcher
44: Babe Adams & Bob Feller (36th rank)
(#1: Walter Johnson 110, #2: Grover Cleveland Alexander 90)
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 205
117) Batting Champions by Widest Margin
Rod Carew, Minnesota Twins (.350) (12th rank)
over George Scott, Milwaukee Brewers (.306) in 1973
(Carew also led by .052 in 1977 and .048 in 1974 over runner-ups)
Lyle Spatz (Ed.), The SABR Baseball List & Record Book (2007), p. 143
118) 4th widest victory margin in College Football Bowl Games
44— Fresno State beats Bowling Green 51-7 in 1985 California Bowl.
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 36.
119) Most Points Scored in NCAA Football
2nd highest: 44Marshall Faulk, San Diego State vs. Pacific (Sept. 14, 1991)
He set an NCAA record with 386 yards, scoring 7 touchdowns.
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 48.
120) Longest Winning Streak in NCAA Basketball
44Texas from 1913-1917, ended by Rice 24-18
Texas' streak would stand as the NCAA record for 40 years
before San Francisco would break it in 1957 with 60 straight.
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 83.
121) 1st Highest Scoring Average in NCAA Single Season
44.5 by Pete Maravich, Louisiana State (1970, 1381 points)
(#1 Pete Maravich, Louisiana State, 1970, 44.5 avg, 1381 points;
#2 Pete Maravich, Louisiana State, 1969, 44.2 avg)
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 86.
122) 2nd Highest Scoring Average in NBA Single Season
44.8 by Wilt Chamberlain, San Francisco Warriors (1962-63, 3586 points)
(#1 Wilt Chamberlain, Philadelphia, 1961-62, 50.4 avg, 4029 points,
#3 Wilt Chamberlain, Philadelphia, 1960-61, 38.4 avg, 3033 points)
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 108.
123) 2nd Most Points Scored in NHL Playoff in Single Season
44 by Mario Lemieux, Pittsburg Penguins, 1991, 23 games, 16 goals
(#1: 47 points, Wayne Gretzky, Edmonton, 1985, 18 games, 17 goals)
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 120
124) Oldest Winner in PGA Championship in Golf
44 years, 262 days, by Lee Trvino, in 1984 with score of 277
(#1; Julius Boros, 48 years, 140 days, in 1968 with 281 score)
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 144.
125) 10th Most Singles Titles in Tennis
43 by Thomas Muster, Austria
(#1: 109, Jimmy Connors, #2: Ivan Lendl, #3: John McEnroe)
Mike Meserole, The Ultimate Book of Sports Lists 1998
DK Publishing, Inc. New York, 1997, p. 168.
126) 44th Wimbledon Mens Tennis: Jean Borotra beats René Lacoste
(6-1, 3-6, 6-1, 3-6, 6-4) on July 5, 1924.
127) 44th Wimbledon Womens Tennis: Cilly Aussem beats Hilde Krahwinkel
(6-2, 7-5) on July 3, 1931.
128) 44th Kentucky Derby was won by Exterminator in 2:10.8
with Jockey Willie Knapp aboard (May 11, 1918).
129) 44th Preakness Stakes was won by Sir Barton in 1:53.00
with Jockey Johnny Loftus aboard (May 15, 1918).
130) 44th Belmont Stakes was won by Sweep in 2:22.00
with Jockey James H. Butwell aboard (May 30, 1910).
131) 44th U.S. Golf Open: Lawson Little shoots a 287 and defeated Gene Sarazan
in an 18-hole playoff to win his only professional major, at Canterbury
Golf Club in Beachwood, Ohio (June 9, 1940).
132) 44 Best by Number: Who Wore What with Distinction
What if? When Hank Aaron brokein with the Milwaukee Braves in 1954, he was a skinny outfielder with quick wrists, a sweet swing and a big 5 on the back of his jersey. Baseball's
future home run king hit 13 in that rookie season. Fortunately, he switched to a beefier 44
in 1955 and began his Hall of Fame journey. So where would No. 44 be now without the
Hammer, whose single-season homer total matched his uniform number four times?
Probably not in the career resumés of Reggie Jackson, Willie McCovey, & numerous other would-be home run kings who wanted to crank like Hank. If not for Aaron's fortuitous switch 44 might be mostly a basketball number, sported by such heavyweights as Jerry West, George Gervin, and Dan Issel. Reference: Sporting News, Best By Number: Who Wore What With Distinction (2006), p. 134; Photo Source: Hank Aaron hitting homer 715 breaking Ruth's record (encyclopediaofalabama.org)
133) Baseball & Football Players with Uniform #44

Reggie Jackson #44
Oakland A'ss (1967-75)
NY Yankees (1977-81)

Willie McCovey #44
SF Giants (1959-73)
San Diego Padres (1974-76)

Eric Davis #44
Cincinnati Reds (1984-91)
L.A. Dodgers (1992-93)

Jim Brown #44
Syracuse University

Ed Mariano #44
Cornell University
Reggie Jackson (b. May 18, 1946): is an American former professional baseball right fielder who played 21 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Kansas City / Oakland Athletics, Baltimore Orioles, New York Yankees, and California Angels. Jackson was inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 1993. Jackson was nicknamed "Mr. October" for his clutch hitting in the postseason with Athletics and Yankees. He helped Oakland win 5 consecutive American League West divisional pennants, 3 consecutive American League pennants and 3 consecutive World Series titles, from 1972 to 1974. Jackson helped New York win 4 American League East divisional pennants, 3 American League pennants & two consecutive World Series (1977-1981). He also helped California Angels win two AL West divisional pennants in 1982 & 1986. Jackson hit 3 consecutive home runs at Yankee Stadium in the clinching game 6 of 1977 World Series against Dodgers. Steve Garvey clapped inside his glove at 1st base when it happened.
Willie McCovey (1938-2018): nicknamed "Stretch", "Mac", and "Willie Mac", was an American professional baseball player. He played in MLB as a first baseman from 1959 to 1980, most notably as a member of San Francisco Giants for whom he played for 19 seasons. McCovey also played for San Diego Padres and Oakland Athletics in latter part of his MLB career. A fearsome left-handed power hitter, at the time of his retirement in 1980, McCovey ranked second only to Babe Ruth in career home runs among left-handed batters, and seventh overall. As of 2020, he ranks 20th overall on baseball's all-time home run list. He was a six-time All-Star, three-time home run champion, MVP, and was inducted into Baseball Hall of Fame in 1986 in his first year of eligibility, only the 16th man so honored, at the time.
Eric Davis (b. May 29, 1962): is an American former center fielder for several Major League Baseball (MLB) teams, most notably the Cincinnati Reds, to which he owes his nickname Eric the Red. Davis was 21 years old when he made his major league debut with the Reds on May 19, 1984. Davis spent eight seasons with the Reds and later played for the Los Angeles Dodgers, Detroit Tigers, Baltimore Orioles, St. Louis Cardinals, and San Francisco Giants. A right-handed batter and fielder, Davis was blessed with a mesmerizing combination of athletic ability, including excellent foot and bat speed, tremendous power, and superlative defensive acumen. He became one of baseball's most exciting players during his peak, achieving a number of rare feats. In 1987, he became the first player in major league history to hit three grand slams in one month & first to achieve at least 30 home runs & 50 stolen bases in the same season.
Jim Brown (b. Feb. 17, 1936): is a former American football player, sports analyst and actor. He was a fullback for
the Cleveland Browns of the NFL from 1957 to 1965. Considered to be one of the greatest running backs of all time,
as well as one of the greatest players in NFL history, Brown was a Pro Bowl invitee every season he was in the league,
was recognized as the AP NFL Most Valuable Player three times, and won an NFL championship with the Browns in
1964. He led the league in rushing yards in eight out of his nine seasons, and by the time he retired, he had shattered
most major rushing records. In 2002, he was named by The Sporting News as the greatest professional football player
ever. Brown earned unanimous All-America honors playing college football at Syracuse University, where he was an
all-around player for Syracuse Orangemen football team. He also excelled in basketball, track & field, and lacrosse.
The football team later retired his number 44 jersey. He was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1995.
Ed Marinaro (b. March 31, 1950): played college football at Cornell University, where he set over 16 NCAA records.
He was the first running back in NCAA history to run for 4,000 career rushing yards and led the nation in rushing
in 1971. Marinaro was runner-up to Pat Sullivan for the Heisman Trophy in 1971, the highest finish for an Ivy League
player since the league de-emphasized football in the mid-1950s. Princeton's Dick Kazmaier won the award in 1951
when the Ivy was still considered a major football conference. Marinaro won the 1971 Maxwell Award and the UPI
College Football Player of the Year as the top player in college football. He holds two NCAA records: most rushes
per game in a season (39.6 in 1971) and career average carries per game (34.0, 1969-1971).
Reference: Sporting News, Best By Number: Who Wore What With Distinction (2006), pp. 134-137;
Photo Sources: Reggie Jackson (pinterest.com); Willie McCovey (pinterest.com); Eric Davis (notinhalloffame.com);
Jim Brown (syracuse.com); Ed Mariano (sicovers.com)
134) Basketball Players with Uniform #44

Jerry West #44
Los Angeles Lakers

George Gervin #44
San Antonio Spurs

Kevin McHale #44
Univ. of Minnesota

Dan Issel #44
Denver Nuggets

Paul Westphal #44
Boston Celtics (1972-75)
Phoenix Suns (1975-1980)
Jerry West (b. May 28, 1938) s an American basketball executive and former player. He played professionally for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). His nicknames included "Mr. Clutch", for his ability to make a big play in a clutch situation, such as his famous buzzer-beating 60-foot shot that tied Game 3 of the 1970 NBA Finals against the New York Knicks; "the Logo", in reference to his silhouette being incorporated into the NBA logo; "Mr. Outside", in reference to his perimeter play with the Los Angeles Lakers. West's NBA career was highly successful. Playing the guard position, he was voted 12 times into the All-NBA First and Second Teams, was elected into the NBA All-Star Team 14 times, and was chosen as the All-Star MVP in 1972, the same year that he won the only title of his career. West holds NBA record for highest points per game average in a playoff series with 46.3. West was inducted
into the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame in 1980 and voted as one of the 50 Greatest Players in NBA history in 1996.
George Gervin (b. April 27, 1952) nicknamed "the Iceman", is an American retired professional basketball player who played in both American Basketball Association (ABA) & National Basketball Association (NBA) for Virginia Squires, San Antonio Spurs, & Chicago Bulls. Gervin averaged at least 14 points per game in all 14 of his ABA and NBA seasons, and finished with an NBA career average of 26.2 points per game. In 1996, Gervin was named as one of the 50 Greatest Players in NBA History.
Kevin McHale (b. Dec. 19, 1957) is an American former professional basketball player, coach and analyst who played his entire professional career for the Boston Celtics. He is a Basketball Hall of Fame inductee & is regarded as one of greatest power forwards of all time. He was named to NBA's 50th Anniversary All-Time Team. The 6 ft 10 in McHale played basketball at power forward position for University of Minnesota (Golden Gophers) from 1976 to 1980, with career averages of 15.2 points & 8.5 rebounds per game. He was named All-Big Ten in 1979-1980 & still ranks second in school history in career points (1704) & rebounds (950). In 1995, to coincide with University of Minnesota basketball's 100th anniversary, he was selected as the top player in the history of University of Minnesota men's basketball.
Dan Issel (b. Oct. 25, 1948) is an American former professional basketball player and coach. An outstanding collegian at the University of Kentucky, Issel was twice named an All-American en route to a school-record 25.7 points per game for his career. The American Basketball Association Rookie of the Year in 1971, he was a six-time ABA All-Star and a one-time NBA All-Star. A prolific scorer, Issel remains the all-time leading scorer at the University of Kentucky, the second-leading scorer of all time for the NBA's Denver Nuggets, and the second-leading scorer of all time for the American Basketball Association itself. Upon Issel's retirement from the NBA in 1985, Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and Julius Erving were the only basketball players to have scored more career points. Issel was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 1993.
Paul Westphal (1950-2021) was an American basketball player, head coach, and commentator. Westphal played in the NBA from 1972 to 1984. Playing the guard position, he won an NBA championship with the Boston Celtics in 1974. Westphal played in the NBA Finals again in 1976 as a member of the Phoenix Suns. His NBA career also included stints with the Seattle SuperSonics and the New York Knicks. In addition to being a five-time All-Star selection, Westphal earned three All-NBA First Team selections and one Second Team honor. In 2019, Westphal was inducted into the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame. Reference: Sporting News, Best By Number: Who Wore What With Distinction (2006), pp. 134-137;
Photos: Jerry West (lakersuk.com); George Gervin (photos.com); Kevin McHale (comc.com); Dan Issel (minoapps.com); Paul Westphal (aa.com.tr).
135) Nascar Driver with Car #44 and Football & Hockey Players with Uniform #44

Terry Labonte
Nascar Car #44
(1985 Champion)

John Riggins #44
Washington Redskins
(1976-79, 1981-85)

Leroy Kelly #44
Cleveland Browns

Chris Pronger #44
Edmonton Oilers
Terry Labonte (b. Nov. 16, 1956) is an American former stock car driver and current racing commentator, who raced from 1978 to 2014 in the former NASCAR Winston Cup and Sprint Cup Series (now called the NASCAR Cup Series). A two-time Cup Series champion and 1989 IROC champion, he is the older brother of 2000 Cup Series champion Bobby Labonte, and the father of former Nationwide Series driver Justin Labonte. He also co-owns a Chevrolet dealership in Greensboro, North Carolina with Rick Hendric. He won the Nascar championship in 1985 driving his Car #44.
John Riggins (b. August 4, 1949) nicknamed "the Diesel" and "Riggo", is an American former professional football player who was a fullback in the National Football League (NFL) for the New York Jets and Washington Redskins. He played college football for the Kansas Jayhawks. He was known for his powerful running style and productivity well into the latter years of his career: in 1983 at age 34, he rushed for an NFL single-season record 24 touchdowns and again led the league in rushing touchdowns the following year at age 35. Although he earned only one Pro Bowl appearance in his career, Riggins had his greatest success in the postseason and was named the Most Valuable Player of Super Bowl XVII where he scored one touchdown and rushed for 166 yards in a 27-17 win for the Washington Redskins over the Miami Dolphins. Riggins was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1992.
Leroy Kelly (b. May 20, 1947) is a former American football player. A Pro Football Hall of Fame running back, he played for the Cleveland Browns in the National Football League (NFL) from 1964 to 1973. When Jim Brown retired before the 1966 season, Kelly became the starter. For the next three years, he rushed for 1,000 yards, led the NFL in rushing touchdowns, and won All-NFL and starting Pro Bowl honors. Kelly also played in three other Pro Bowls following the 1969, 1970 and 1971 seasons, and earned first-team All-NFL in 1969 and 1971. In 1968, he scored a touchdown in a franchise-record 12 games, and two-or-more touchdowns in a franchise-record 7. In game 12 of the 1970 season, he passed Bill Brown as the career rushing-yards leader among active players, a position he maintained until his retirement in 1974. Kelly led the NFL in rushing for two consecutive seasons (1967-1968). He also was a talented punt and kick returner, who averaged 10.5 yards per punt return and 23.5 yards per kick return for his career.
Chris Pronger (b. Oct. 10, 1974) is a Canadian retired professional ice hockey defenceman who was a senior advisor of hockey operations for the Florida Panthers of the National Hockey League (NHL). Originally selected second overall by the Hartford Whalers in the 1993 NHL Entry Draft, Pronger has played for Hartford, the St. Louis Blues, Edmonton Oilers and Anaheim Ducks before being traded to the Philadelphia Flyers before the 2009-10 season. He was captain of the Blues, Ducks and Flyers. He has appeared in the Stanley Cup finals with three different teams (Edmonton, Anaheim and Philadelphia), winning the Cup with the Ducks in 2007. Pronger won the Hart Memorial Trophy as the NHL's most valuable player for the 1999-2000 season, becoming the first defenceman to win the award since Bobby Orr in 1971-72. A mainstay on Team Canada, Pronger won Olympic gold medals at the 2002 and 2010 Winter Olympics and is a member of the Triple Gold Club. In 2017, he was named one of the "100 Greatest NHL Players" in history.
Reference: Sporting News, Best By Number: Who Wore What With Distinction (2006), pp. 134-137;
Photos: Terry Labonte (pinterest.com); John Riggins (fs64sports.blogspot.com); Leroy Kelly (ranker.com); Chris Pronger (legendsrevealed.com).

44 in Collectibles, Coins & Postage Stamps

135) 1944 Coins in U.S. Currency: Washington Quarter 25¢, Mercury Dime 10¢, Jefferson Nickel 5¢, Lincoln Penny 1¢

Note: Wartime composition of the Jefferson Nickel: 56% copper, 35% silver, 9% Manganese;
Image sources: Washington Quarter (usacoinbook.com; ; Mercury Dime (usacoinbook.com );
Jefferson Nickel (usacoinbook.com); Lincoln Penny (usacoinbook.com)
136) 1944 U.S. Walking Liberty Half Dollar
Obverse: Lady Liberty walking, holding branches, sunrise ahead
Reverse: Bald Eagle rising from a mountaintop perch
U.S. 1944 Walking Liberty Half Dollar was a silver 50-cent piece
or half dollar coin issued by the U.S. Mint from 1916 to 1947.
Designed by Adolph A. Weinman. Obverse resembles Oscar Roty's "Sower" design for French coins. Art historian Cornelius Vermeule regarded Walking Liberty half dollar to be "one of the greatest United States coins— if not of the world". American Silver Eagle (1986-present) uses Weinman's original "Walkimg Liberty" design. Image source: Walking Liberty Half Dollar (usacoinbook.com)
137) 1844 U.S. Seated Liberty Silver Half-Dollar
Obverse: Seated Liberty with 13 Stars & Coinage Year
Reverse: Bald Eagle with Olive Branches & Arrows
U.S. 1842 Liberty Seated Dollars were designed by U.S. Mint engraver
Christian Gobrecht who also designed the Half-Dollar. Silver dollars
were struck from 1840-1873. 1,766,000 of the 1843 Half-Dollars were
minted with No Motto. $1,728 for uncirculated coins.
Image source: 1844 Half-Dollar (usacoinbook.com)
138) 1844 U.S. Braided Hair Large Cent
Obverse: Lady Liberty with Braided Hair & Coinage Year
Reverse: One Cent surrrounded by Olive Branches
U.S. 1843 Braided Hair Lady Liberty was designed by U.S. Mint engraver
Christian Gobrecht. Coin was 100% copper with diameter of 28.5 mm
(1.12 inch). 1844 Braided Hair Large Cent (Penny) features a smaller
and petite liberty head on the obverse & large letters on the reverse side.
Image source: 1844 Braided Hair Large Cent (usacoinbook.com)
139) 1844 Bank of Montreal Half Penny,
Obverse: Bank of Montreal; Reverse: X in oval, beaver at bottom
During first half of the 19th century there was a chronic shortage of small
coins in Lower Canada. In 1835, following a government decision to remove
all lightweight pieces from circulation, the shortage became acute. No official
coins were issued but Bank of Montreal, Quebec Bank, City Bank & La Banque
du Peuple were given authority to issue penny & halfpenny tokens of a weight
similar to that of British copper coins. Image: 1844 Half-Penny (coinsandcanada.com)
140) 1844 Spain Isabella 80 Reales Gold
Obverse: Queen Isabella II facing right
Reverse: Crown on top, shield at center
showing lions, castles, fleur de lis
Denomination: 80 reales;
Composition: Gold; Price: $975.00
Image source: 1844 Spain Isabella (catawiki.com); Reverse: ebay.com
141) 1844 Prince Albert & Queen Victoria New Royal Exchange Medal
Obverse: Prince Albert & Queen Victoria facing left
Reverse: New Royal Exchange London Building,
First stone laid Jan. 17, 1842
by H.R.M. Prince Albert;
Opened by Queen Victoria
on Oct. 18, 1844; Price: $156.84
Image source: 1844 Albert & Victoria Medal (ebay.com
142) 1844 Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association Medal
Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association (MCMA) founded
in 1795, with Paul Revere as its president, and incorporated in 1806.
Obverse: Youth with hand on shoulder of seated Mother figure
with wheel, drill, and mallet under her right arm;
Reverse: Award to Mrs. Coindreau for a Specimen
of Embroidery, Exhibition of 1844; Design by Christian Gobrecht
Image source: 1844 Massachusetts Medal (jkamericana.com)
143) There are 100 Marvel Value Stamps
issued 1974-1976 in Marvel Comic Books
Stamp #44 The Absorbing Man
from Journey into Mystery #121
Published October 01, 1965
Artist: Jack Kirby
Comic Issues containing this stamp:
Defenders #16, October 1974, p. 19
Strange Tales #174, June 1974, p. 19
144) There are 200 cards in Wings: Friend or Foe (Topps 1952)
Card #44 is AJ Savage, U.S. Navy Attack Bomber
145) There are 160 cards in World on Wheels (Topps 1953)
Card #44 is 1902 Panhard Racer
146) There are 135 cards in Look 'n See (Topps 1952)
Card #44 is Cleopatra (Queen of Egypt) (Source)
147) There are 156 cards in Scoop (Topps 1954)
Card #44 is East Meets West (May 10, 1869)
148) There are 64 cards in Firefighters (Bowman 1953)
Card #44 is Modern Rescue Truck (Source)
149) There are 80 cards in Flags of the World (Topps 1956)
Card #44 is Denmark
150) There are 48 cards in Antique Autos (Bowman 1953)
Card #44 is Thomas
(Back of card with 3-D drawing viewed with 3-D glasses in gum packs)
151) There are 80 cards in Davy Crockett (Topps 1956, orange back)
Card #44 is You're Cheating, Mister
152) United States Postage Stamps with 44¢ denominations
U.S. First class mail postage rate: 41¢ (5-14-2007 to 5-11-2008),
42¢ (5-12-2008 to 5-10-2009), 44¢ (5-11-2009 to 1-21-2012).
No 43¢ postage stamps were issued by the United States.
Note: Stamps were downloaded from the web; Click on stamp for their source.

U.S. #4405a

King & Queen of Hearts
44¢ (issued 5-8-2009)
U.S. #4406

Bob Hope
44¢ (issued 5-29-2009)
U.S. #4421

Gary Cooper
44¢ (issued 9-10-2009)
U.S. #4423a

Brown Pelican
44¢ (issued 10-1-2009)
U.S. #4421b

"I Love Lucy"
44¢ (issued 8-11-2009)
U.S. #4414e

44¢ (issued 8-11-2009)
U.S. #4414f

44¢ (issued 8-11-2009)
U.S. #4414g

"Hopalong Cassidy"
44¢ (issued 8-11-2009)
U.S. #4414h

"You Bet Your Life"
44¢ (issued 8-11-2009)
U.S. #4421j

"The Ed Sullivan Show"
44¢ (issued 8-11-2009)
U.S. #4414n

"Perry Mason"
44¢ (issued 8-11-2009)
U.S. #4414m

"The Lone Ranger"
44¢ (issued 8-11-2009)
U.S. #4414o

"Alfred Hitchcock Presents"
44¢ (issued 8-11-2009)
U.S. #4414r

"The Tonight Show"
44¢ (issued 8-11-2009)
U.S. #4414s

"The Twilight Zone"
44¢ (issued 8-11-2009)
U.S. #4414t

"The Honeymooners"
44¢ (issued 8-11-2009)
U.S. #4435: Year of the Tiger

Year of the Tiger
Chinese Lunar New Year
44¢ (issued January 14, 2010)

Hans Hofmann
"The Golden Wall"
44¢ (issued March 11, 2010)
U.S. #4444b

William de Kooning
44¢ (issued March 11, 2010)
U.S. #4444c

Mark Rothko
"Orange & Yellow"
44¢ (March 11, 2010)
U.S. #4444d

Jackson Pollack
44¢ (issued March 11, 2010)
U.S. #4444e

Arshile Gorky
"The Liver is the Cock's Comb"
44¢ (issued March 11, 2010)
U.S. #4303

American Flag
Flags of Our Nation
44¢ (issued April 16, 2010)
U.S. #4446

Roy Rogers
44¢ (issued 4-17-2010)
U.S. #4447

Tom Mix
44¢ (issued 4-17-2010)
U.S. #4448

William S. Hart
44¢ (issued 4-17-2010)
U.S. #4449

Gene Autry
44¢ (issued 4-17-2010)
U.S. #4450

Love: Pansies in Basket
44¢ (issued 4-22-2010)
U.S. #4461

Katharine Hepburn
44¢ (issued 5-12-2010)
U.S. #4463

Kate Smith
44¢ (issued 5-27-2010)
U.S. #4475

Mother Teresa
44¢ (issued 9-5-2010)
U.S. #4477

Angel with Lute
44¢ (issued 10-21-2010)
U.S. #1CVP127

44¢ (issued 2010)
U.S. #4467

Beetle Bailey
44¢ (issued 7-16-2010)
U.S. #4468

Calvin & Hobbes
44¢ (issued 7-16-2010)
U.S. #4469

44¢ (issued 7-16-2010)
U.S. #4470

44¢ (issued 7-16-2010)
U.S. #4471

Dennis the Menace
44¢ (issued 7-16-2010)
U.S. #C116

Father Junipero Serra
44¢ (issued August 22, 1985)
U.S. #U668

Seabiscuit Stamped Envelope
44¢ (issued May 11, 2009)
U.S. #4422a

Felix Frankfurter
44¢ (issued September 22, 2009)
U.S. #4422c

Louis Brandeis
44¢ (issued September 22, 2009)
153) Foreign Postage Stamps with 44 denomination:

Canada 1171, 44¢
Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)
(issued Jan. 18, 1989)

Canada 1257, 44¢
Snowy Scene
(issued October 26, 1989)

Ireland 865, 0.44 Euro
Discovery of America
(issued May 14, 1992)

Germany 2202, 0.44 Euro
Berlin Philharmonic
(issued Dec. 27, 2002)

Belgium 2026g, 0.44 Euro
European Union
(issued June 5, 2004)

Hungary 3862, 44 Forint
Fuchsii Flower
(issued Sept. 23, 2003)

Hungary 3867
Christmas 2003
(Oct. 31, 2003)

Slovenia 939, 0.44 Euro
Europa 2012
(issued March 30, 2012)

Slovenia 942
0.44 Euro, Primrose
(issued March 30, 2012)

Fr. Polynesia 348
44 Francs, Couple
(issued July 10, 1981)

Fr. Polynesia 387, 44 Francs
Crown of Flowers
(issued Oct. 19, 1983)

Fr. Polynesia 413
44 Francs, Woman
(issued Feb. 20, 1985)

Fr. Polynesia 494, 44 Francs
Sea Slug Shell
(issued Sept. 21, 1988)

Fr. Polynesia 556
44 Francs, Views
(issued Jan. 9, 1991)

Netherlands 1262
0.44 Euro, Kissing Lips
(issued Dec. 11, 2006)

Netherlands 1268, 0.44 Euro
Numeral 44
(issued Dec. 11, 2006)

Netherlands 1279b,
0.44 Euro, Bison
(issued Oct. 17, 2007)

Netherlands 1279d,
0.44 Euro, White Stork
(issued Oct. 17, 2007)

Netherlands 1285, 0.44 Euro
Oak Tree (Quercus robur)
(issued June 21, 2007)

Netherlands 1355a, 0.44 Euro
125 years Windmill
(issued March 23, 2010)

Netherlands 1355d, 0.44 Euro
50 Years Euromast Rotterdam
(issued March 23, 2010)

Netherlands 1355e, 0.44 Euro
25 years Djoser
(issued March 23, 2010)

Netherlands 1356, 0.44 Euro
Four Leaved Clover
(issued March 29,2010)

Palau 98a, 44 cents
Return of Halley's Comet
(issued Dec. 21, 1985)

Palau 98b, 44 cents
Return of Halley's Comet
(issued Dec. 21, 1985)

Palau 98c, 44 cents
Return of Halley's Comet
(issued Dec. 21, 1985)

Palau 98d, 44 cents
Return of Halley's Comet
(issued Dec. 21, 1985)
Note: Postage stamps with 44 denomination were found on the web. Consulted 2020 Scott Standard Postage
Stamp Catalogue Volumes 1A-6B
(Los Altos Library) for Scott Catalogue #s. Stamps shown were downloaded
from the web using Google Images & eBay searches. Click on catalogue #s for image source where the stamp
appears. Some stamps were retouched in Photoshop for centering & perforations with black background added.
The dates of issue were found in Scott Catalogues as well as the Scott Catalogue #s. Click on stamp to enlarge.

44 in Books & Quotes
154) Quotes on 44:
Again I was lucky with the Psalms: the Sunday before there
had been forty-four verses; this Sunday there were forty-three,
seven below the danger line

L.P. Hartley (1895-1972)
    The Go-Between (1953)

The Oxford English Dictionary defines a 'forty-four' as either:
a) a forty-four-gun ship; or
b) a bicycle with a wheel forty-four inches in diameter.
This seems a peculiar unfortunate linguistic coincidence,
full of opportunities for confusion and misunderstanding.

William Hartson (1812-1889)
    The Book of Numbers (2000), p. 95

Forty-four is also the number of
years to which the oldest Tower
of London raven,
Jim Crow, lived.
William Hartson (1812-1889)
    The Book of Numbers (2000), p. 95

Forty-four is also the number of
languages into which
Bram Stoker's
Dracula has been translated.
William Hartson (1812-1889)
    The Book of Numbers (2000), p. 95

• He lived forty-four years and no one cried at his funeral.
John Grisham (b. 1955), The Client (1993)
155) Bollingen Series XLIV is Victor Zuckerkandl's
Sound and Symbol: Music and the External World (1956);
(Princeton University Press, NJ, 1969)
156) Volume 44 of Time Magazine runs from
July 3, 1944, XLIV, No. 1 (Admiral Shimada)
to Dec. 25, 1944, XLIV, No. 26 (Bishop Berggrav)
General Montgomery (7-10-1944, XLIV.2)
Ernie Pyle (7-17-1944, XLIV.3)
Paris (9-4-1944, XLIV.10)
Thomas E. Dewey (10-23-1944, XLIV.17)
General Douglas MacArthur (10-30-1944, XLIV.18)
Harry S. Truman (11-6-1944, XLIV.19)
Edgar Bergen (11-20-1944, XLIV.21)
Lt. Gen. Omar Bradley (12-4-1944, XLIV.23)
Photo Source: General Douglas MacArthur (time.com)
158) Volume 44 of Dictionary of Literary Biography
is titled "American Screenwriters, Second Series" published by Gale Research, Detroit, 1986
Screenwriters, once only needed to provide continuity and dialogue in the form of title cards
for silent movies, achieved true prominence with the advent of sound in 1927. Over the years,
as the landscape of American film has grown and developed into an art form, the screenplay has
emerged as a new form of literature . Motion-picture writers covered in American Screenwriters
are a representative— yet significant— sampling, ranging from the artistically important to the
commercially successful to the relatively obscure. Among the 62 screenwriters featured in this
volume are Woody Allen, Robert Bloch, Richard Brooks, Paddy Chayefsky, Francis Ford Coppola,
Carol Eastman, Abby Mann, Frances Marion, Paul Mazursky, S. J. Perelman and Mae West..
159) Books with 44 in the Title

Tom Rob Smith
Child 44 (2008)

Rich Vermillion
Angel Flight 44 (2007)

Alexander McCall Smith
44 Scotland Street (2004)

Danielle Steele
44 Charles Street (2011)

Staff of The Undefeated
The Fierce 44 (2019)
Click on book cover for source of photo image
160) Books, CD, DVD, Blue Ray with 44 in the Title

Ania K. (2020)
44: Becoming Self

Tony Shaff
44 Pages (2018)

Train Pink
Now 44 CD (2012)

Michael Madsen stars
44 Minutes DVD (2003)

Bruce Willis stars
Catch .44 Blue Ray (2011)
Click on book cover for source of photo image

44 in Art, Music, & Film
Krishna Print 44
shows a portrait of Mother
Yasoda with Baby Krishna
Darshan Art Gallery featuring 122 paintings
of Lord Krishna. Source: Krishna (stephen-knapp.com)
162) Woodblock Print 44 of 100 Views of Edo (1856-1858)
by Japanese painter & printmaker Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858) is titled
"View of Nihonbashi Töri" (1858). Notes from Brooklyn Museum:
It is a hot summer day in the middle of Main Street of Edo in the bustling
Nihonbashi district, and almost everyone hides under a hat or a parasol,
intent on avoiding the sun. Under a huge two-tiered parasol is a group of
dancers performing celebratory shrine dances for donations. Called Sumiyoshi
dancers because of their origin as seasonal minstrels from Sumiyoshi Shrine near
the city of Osaka, they had evolved by Hiroshige's time into native Edo street
performers. Following them is a different sort of street minstrel, from outcast
hinin class. Such women sang songs accompanied by the samisen, a lute-like
instrument, and were always escorted at a distance by a husband or a father.
No. 44 (1955) by Mark Rothko (1903-1970) is an oil painting on canvas 81.5" x 43.1");
Collection of Walker Art Center, Gift of Judy & Kenneth Dayton, 1991
By 1950, Rothko had reduced the number of floating rectangles to two, three, or four
and aligned them vertically against a colored background. This was to be known as his
signature style, and from this time on, he would work almost invariably within this format,
suggesting in numerous variations of color & tone an astonishing range of atmospheres & moods.
The urge for self-transcendence had not lessened; the same impulse that prompted earlier artists
to invent gods motivated Rothko to seek self-transcendence through nonobjective painting.
One of his most stimulating associations was with poet Stanley Kunitz, who describes Rothko as
"a primitive, a shaman who finds the magic formula and leads people to it."" These conversations
between painter and poet fed into Rothko's enterprise. They gave him confirmation of his intuitions.
— Elizabeth Leigh Doland, "The effect of war on art: the work of Mark Rothko" (2010), pp. 41-49.
Source: No. 44 (>walkerart.org)
164) THEMIS Images as Art #44 (2015) The Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS)
was developed by Arizona State University, Tempe, in collaboration with Raytheon
Santa Barbara Remote Sensing. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the
2001 Mars Odyssey mission. This THEMIS visual image has not been radiometrically
nor geometrically calibrated for this preliminary release. An empirical correction
has been performed to remove instrumental effects. A linear shift has been applied
in cross-track & down-track direction to approximate spacecraft & planetary motion.
Photo Source: THEMIS Art #44 (jpl.nasa.gov)
165) Johann Sebastian Bach's Church Cantata #44 (BWV 44)
Sie werden euch in den Bann tun (They will put you under banishment),
was composed in Leipzig for Exaudi, the Sunday after Ascension,
and first performed on 21 May 1724. The prescribed readings for
the Sunday were from the First Epistle of Peter, "serve each other"
(1 Peter 4:8-11), and from Gospel of John, (15:26-16:4). The cantata
in seven movements is scored for four vocal soloists (soprano,
alto, tenor and bass), a four-part choir, two oboes, bassoon,
two violins, viola and basso continuo. (YouTube)
166) Joseph Haydn's Symphony #44 in E-minor (1772).
It is popularly known as Trauer (English: Mourning).
An apocryphal story relates that Haydn asked for
the slow movement of this symphony to be played
at his funeral. The work is in four movements and
is scored for two oboes, bassoon, two horns
(in E and G), continuo (harpsichord) and strings.
Since all of the movements have the same tonic,
the work is homotonal. (YouTube)
167) Beethoven's Opus #44 is Variations in E-flat major piano trio,
a series of fourteen variations on a theme, written for piano,
violin and cello. Although this may be one of Beethoven's
early works (written in around 1792, i.e., at around age 22)
it was assigned its opus number when it was published by
Hoffmeister in Leipzig, more than a decade after Beethoven
began writing it. Following common practice at the time,
Beethoven incorporated variations on popular themes from
opera. Playing time is usually 13 to 14 minutes. (YouTube)
168) Frederic Chopin's Opus #44 is Polonaise No.5 In F Sharp Minor.
for solo piano written in 1841. It is often referred to as the
"tragic" polonaise. It is dedicated to Princess Ludmilla
de Beauveau, a prominent member of the Polish émigré
community in Paris. Despite its title, the polonaise is a
composite work in ternary form, with a central mazurka
section in A major. A typical performance of the polonaise
lasts around eleven minutes. (YouTube: Anna Fedorova,
Vladimir Horowitz, Arthur Rubinstein, Evgeny Kissin at 15)
169) Robert Schumann's Opus #44 is Piano Quintet in E-flat major.
Composed in 1842 and noted for its "extroverted, exuberant" character,
Schumann's piano quintet is considered one of his finest compositions
and a major work of 19th-century chamber music. Composed for piano
& string quartet, the work revolutionized instrumentation & musical
character of the piano quintet and established it as a quintessentially
Romantic genre. Schumann dedicated it to his wife, Clara Schumann.
She first performed it (1-8-1843), and pronounced the work "splendid,
full of vigor & freshness." (YouTube: Martha Argerich, Emerson Quartet)
170) Johannes Brahms' Opus 44 is 12 Lieder and Romances (1859-1860).
Composed for 4-part female chorus with optional piano accompaniment.
12 Songs: 1. Minnelied. Con moto; 2. Der Bräutigam. Allegro; 3. Barcarole.
Allegretto grazioso; 4. Fragen. Sehr lebhaft und rasch; 5. Die Müllerin. Allegro;
6. Die Nonne. Andante; 7. Nun stehn die Rosen in Blüte. Allegro; 8. Die Berge
sind spitz. Andantino; 9. Am Wildbach die Weiden. Angenehm bewegt;
10. Und gehst du über den Kirchof. Andante; 11. Die Braut. Andante
espressivo; 12. Märznacht. Poco Allegro. Average duration
of the whole set is 17 minutes. (YouTube)
171) Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's Opus #44 is Piano Concerto No. 2 in G major.
Written in 1879-1880 and dedicated to Nikolai Rubinstein, who had insisted
he be allowed to perform it at the premiere as a way of making up for his
harsh criticism of Tchaikovsky's First Piano Concerto. But Rubinstein was
destined never to play it, as he died in March 1881, and the work has
never attained much popularity. The premiere performance took place
in New York City, on 12 November 1881. The soloist was Madeline Schiller,
and Theodore Thomas conducted the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.
(YouTube: Mikhail Pletnev; Alexandre Kantorow; Yuja Wang)
172) Sergei Rachmaninoff's Opus #44 is Symphony No. 3.
In melodic outline & rhythm it is his most expressively Russian symphony, particularly
in the dance rhythms of the finale. What was groundbreaking in this symphony was its
greater economy of utterance compared to its two predecessors. This sparer style, first
apparent in Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, enhances the emotional power of the work.
Premiered on Nov. 6, 1936, with Leopold Stokowski conducting Philadelphia Orchestra.
Public opinion was negative toward the work. Rachmaninoff conducted Philadelphia
Orchestra in the first recording of the work in 1939. Following the reevaluation of his
work in the 1970s, the symphony has been viewed in a more favorable light. (YouTube)
173) Jean Sibelius's Opus #44 is Valse Triste (1904).
Sibelius wrote six pieces for the 2 December 1903 production of Kuolema. The first was
titled Tempo di valse lente— Poco risoluto. In 1904 he revised the piece, and performed in
Helsinki on 25 April of that year as "Valse triste". It was an instant hit with the public,
took on a life of its own, and remains one of Sibelius's signature pieces. Program notes:
Sick mother is dying. Sad music floats in the window. Sleeping mother awakens, rises
from her bed and, in her long white garment, which takes the semblance of a ball dress,
begins to move silently and slowly to and fro. She is waltzing with invisible guests.
There's a knock on the door— Death has come to take her. (YouTube: von Karajan)
174) Band +44 was an American rock supergroup formed in Los Angeles, California in 2005.
The group consisted of vocalist and bassist Mark Hoppus and drummer Travis Barker
of Blink-182, lead guitarist Shane Gallagher of The Nervous Return, and rhythm guitarist
Craig Fairbaugh of Mercy Killers. Hoppus and Barker created +44 shortly after the initial
2005 breakup of Blink-182 and before it was later reformed. The band's name refers to the
international dialing code of United Kingdom, the country where the duo first discussed
the project. Early recordings were largely electronic in nature, and featured vocals by
Carol Heller, formerly of the all-girl punk quartet Get the Girl. Their album "When Your
Heart Stops Beating"
(2006) received mixed reviews from critics. Band inactive after 2009.
175) House No. 44 is a 1955 Hindi film directed by M. K. Burman
and produced by Dev Anand for his banner Navketan Films.
The movie stars Dev Anand and Kalpana Kartik in a lead role.
The film is also noted for its popular songs with music by
S. D. Burman, with lyrics by Sahir Ludhianvi, including
"Teri Duniya Mein Jeene Se" and "Chup Hai Dharti Chup
Hain Chand Sitaare", sung by Hemant Kumar. Plot: Ashok
works for the notorious gangster Sunder. He meets Nimmo
and falls in love with her. She asks him to leave the gang.
But without food, he returns to the gangster lifestyle.
176) Movie 44 (2007) is based on true events— the story of Migs,
an 18 year old high school student trapped between the two
opposing forces of his father, a drug dealer and convicted felon,
and his mother, an NYPD cop. For the last two years, Migs has
been leading a double life. His ambitious yet arrogant father has
placed Migs in charge of his drug operation while he is incarcerated.
Migs lives with his well-meaning but hot-tempered mother. He tries
to win over Jessica, the girl he's falling for, while detaching himself
from his father's influence. Film was written & directed by Miguel Aviles.
177) 44th Academy Awards were presented April 10, 1972, at Dorothy Chandler
Pavilion in Los Angeles. Ceremonies were presided over by Helen Hayes,
Alan King, Sammy Davis Jr., and Jack Lemmon. Highlights was appearance
of Betty Grable, battling cancer, who died the following year.
Best Picture: The French Connection (Philip D'Antoni, producer);
Best Director: William Friedkin for French Connection;
Best Actor: Gene Hackman for French Connection;
Best Actress: Jane Fonda for Klute
Best Supporting Actor: Ben Johnson for The Last Picture Show;
Best Supporting Actress:: Cloris Leachman for Last Picture Show;
Best Documentary: David L. Wolper for The Hellstrom Chronicle.

44 in the Bible
178) 44 occurs in the Bible 5 times:
The sons of Reuben... and half the tribe of Manasseh
... were 44,760 that went out to the war.
1. Chronicles, 5.18 (1300 BC)
And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred
and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.
Revelations, 7:4 (96 AD)
And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred
forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.
Revelations, 14:1 (96 AD)
And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before
the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but
the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.

Revelations, 14:3 (96 AD)
And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits,
according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.
Revelations, 21:17 (96 AD)
The Complete Concordance to the Bible (New King James Version)
Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN (1983), p. 325
179) In the 44th Psalm, The church, in memory of former favors:
  1. We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us,
      what work thou didst in their days, in the times of old.
  4. Thou art my King, O God: command deliverances for Jacob.
  5. Through thee will we push down our enemies: through thy name
      will we tread them under that rise up against us.
  6. For I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me.
  8. In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy name for ever. Selah.
  23. Awake, why sleepest thou, O Lord? arise, cast us not off for ever.
  26. Arise for our help, and redeem us for thy mercies' sake.
      — Psalms 43 (1023 BC),
180) Isaiah: Ch. 44: God exhorts Israel to trust in his mercy (712 BC)
44:1 Yet now hear, O Jacob my servant; and Israel, whom I have chosen:
44:2 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and
through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest
through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
44:3 For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground:
I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring:
44:6 Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts;
I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.
44:23 Sing, O ye heavens; for the Lord hath done it: shout,
ye lower parts of the earth: break forth into singing,
ye mountains, O forest, & every tree therein: for the Lord
hath redeemed Jacob, and glorified himself in Israel.
181) Jeremiah: Ch. 44: Destruction of Egypt foreshewnEgypt (587 BC)
44:1 The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews which dwell
in the land of Egypt, which dwell at Migdol, and at Tahpanhes,
and at Noph, and in the country of Pathros, saying,
44:13 For I will punish them that dwell in the land of Egypt, as I have
punished Jerusalem, by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence:
44:29 And this shall be a sign unto you, saith the Lord, that I will punish you
in this place, that ye may know that my words shall surely stand against you for evil:
182) Ezekiel: Ch. 44: Ordinaces for the priests(574 BC)
44:1 Then he brought me back the way of the gate of the outward
sanctuary which looketh toward the east; and it was shut.
44:2 Then said the Lord unto me; This gate shall be shut, it shall
not be opened, and no man shall enter in by it; because the Lord,
the God of Israel, hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be shut.
44:4 Then brought he me the way of the north gate before the house:
and I looked, and, behold, the glory of the Lord filled the house
of the Lord: and I fell upon my face.
44:21 Neither shall any priest drink wine, when they enter into the inner court.
44:23 And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy
and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.
183) 44th Book of Enoch describes Astronomical secrets revealed:
Also another phenomon I saw in regard to the lightnings:
how some of the stars arise and become lightnings
and cannot part with their new form.

Book of Enoch, XLIV (circa 105 B.C.-64 B.C.)
     translated by R. H. Charles, S.P.C.K., London, 1917, p. 62
184) 44th Saying of Gospel of Thomas:
Jesus said, "Whoever blasphemes against the Father will be forgiven, and whoever
blasphemes against the son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against
the holy spirit will not be forgiven, either on earth or in heaven."

Gospel of Thomas Saying #44 (114 sayings of Jesus, circa 150 A.D.)
     (trans. Marvin Meyer, 1992; adapted by Elaine Pagels, Beyond Belief, p. 238)
185) Chapter 44 of Pistis Sophia (circa 150 A.D.):
It came. to pass thereafter that Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto
his disciples: "Then did Pistis Sophia cry to the Light. It forgave her sin, in that she had
left her region and gone down into the darkness. She uttered the sixth repentance, saying thus:
  1. I have sung praises unto thee, O Light, in the darkness below.
  3. O Light, if thou thinks on my sin, I shall not be able to stand before thee, and thou wilt abandon me,
  4. For thou, O Light, art my saviour; because of the light of thy name I have had faith in thee, O Light.
  5. And my power hath had faith in thy mystery; and moreover my power hath trusted in the Light
when it was among those of the height; and it hath trusted in it when it was in the chaos below.
  6. Let all the powers in me trust in the Light when I am in the darkness below,
and may they again trust in the Light if they come into the region of the height.
  7. For it is [the Light] which hath compassion on us and delivers us; and a great saving mystery is in it.
  8. And it will save all powers out of the chaos because of my transgression.
    For I have left my region and am come down into the chaos.'     "Now, therefore, whose mind is exalted, let him understand."

Pistis Sophia, Chapter 44
     (Translated by Violet MacDermott, Edited by Carl Schmidt,
     (Nag Hammadi Studies, IX: Pistis Sophia, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1978, pp. 61-62)
186) In Chapter 44 of The Aquarian Gospel, Jesus visits Greece and is welcomed by Athenians.
Meets Apollo. Addresses the Grecian masters in the Amphitheatre. The address.
  1. The Greek philosophy was full of pungent truth, and Jesus longed
to study with the masters in the schools of Greece.
  3. Now, the Athenians had heard of him as teacher and philosopher, and they
      were glad to have him come to them that they might hear his words of truth.
  5. Apollo opened up for Jesus all the doors of Grecian lore, and in the Areopagus he heard the wisest masters speak.
  6. But Jesus brought to them a wisdom greater far than theirs; and so he taught.
  20. The senses were ordained to bring into the mind mere pictures of the things that pass
      away; they do not deal with real things; they do not comprehend eternal law.
21. But man has something in his soul, a something that will tear
      the veil apart that he may see the world of real things.
22. We call this something, spirit consciousness; it sleeps in every soul,
      and cannot be awakened till the Holy Breath becomes a welcome guest.
23. This Holy Breath knocks at the door of every soul, but cannot
      enter in until the will of man throws wide the door.
25. The secret spring that throws ajar the door of soul is touched
      by nothing else than purity in life, by prayer and holy thought.
26. Return, O mystic stream of Grecian thought, and mingle your
      clear waters with the flood of Spirit-life; and then the spirit
      consciousness will sleep no more, and man will know, and God will bless.
27. When Jesus had thus said he stepped aside. The Grecian masters
      were astonished at the wisdom of his words; they answered not.
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, Chapter 44
     Transcribed from the Akashic Records by Levi H. Dowling
     DeVorss & Co., Santa Monica, CA, 1908, Reset 1964, pp. 83-85

44 in Books on Philosophy and Religion

Book of the Dead cover
Chapter 43
for preventing a man's decapitation in the God's Domain
in The Papyrus of Ani, Egyptian Book of the Dead:
"I am a Great One, the son of a Great One,
I am a flame, the son of a flame, to whom
was given his head after it had been cut off.
The head of Osiris shall not be taken from him,
and my head shall not be taken from me.
I am knit together, just and young,
for I indeed am Osiris, the Lord of Eternity."
Egyptian Book of the Dead: Book of Going Forth by Day
    Complete Papyrus of Ani, Chapter 43, Plate 17 (circa 1250 B.C.)
    (translated by Raymond Faulkner), Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1994
    Image Sources:: Book Cover (wisdomportal.com)
188) Hymn 43 in Book 3 of the Rig Veda is a song to Indra, the God of Strength:
1. MOUNTED upon thy chariot-seat approach us: thine is the Soma-draught from days aforetime.
    Loose for the sacred grass thy dear companions. These men who bring oblation call thee hither.
2. Come our true Friend, passing by many people; come with thy two Bay Steeds to our devotions;.
    For these our hymns are calling thee, O Indra, hymns formed for praise, soliciting thy friendship.
3. Pleased, with thy Bay Steeds, Indra, God, come quickly to this our sacrifice that heightens worship;
    For with my thoughts, presenting oil to feed thee, I call thee to the feast of sweet libations.
6. Yoked to thy chariot, led thy tall Bays, Indra, companions of thy banquet, bear thee hither,,
    Who from of old press to heaven's farthest limits, the Bull's impetuous and well-groomed Horses.
7. Drink of the strong pressed out by strong ones, Indra, that which the Falcon brought thee when thou longedst;
    In whose wild joy thou stirrest up the people, in whose wild joy thou didst unbar the cow-stalls.
8. Call we on Indra, Makhavan, auspicious, best Hero in the fight where spoil is gathered;
    The Strong, who listens, who gives aid in battles, who slays the Vrtras, wins and gathers riches.
Rig Veda Book 3, 43.1-3. 6-8 (circa 1500 B.C.)
189) 43rd Hexagram of the I Ching: Kuai/Break-through (Resoluteness) (1000 B.C.)
Upper Trigram: Tui, The Joyous, Lake
Lower Trigram: Ch'ien, The Creative, Heaven
Break-through: One must resolutely make
the matter known at the court of the king.
It must be announced truthfully. Danger.
It is necessary to notify one's own city.
It does not further to resort to arms.
It furthers one to undertake something.
The lake has risen up to heaven:
the image of Break-Through.
Thus the superior man
dispenses riches downward
and refrains from resting on his virtue.
I Ching: The Book of Changes, Wilhelm/Baynes translation,
Princeton University Press, 3rd Ed., 1968, pp. 166-167
Image Source:: Hexagram 43 (psychic-revelation.com)
Lao Tzu (604-517 BC), Tao Te Ching, Verse 43:

The gentlest thing in the world
overcomes the hardest thing in the world.
That which has no substance
enters where there is no space.
This shows the value of non-action.
Teaching without words,
performing without actions:
that is the Master's way.

— translated by Stephen Mitchell
    Tao Te Ching, Harper Perennial, N.Y. (1994)

Lao Tzu
(604 B.C.-517 B.C.)
Chinese silk painting
from British Museum
191) Lao Tzu (604-517 BC), Hua Hu Ching Verse 43:
In ancient times, people lived holistic lives. They didn't overemphasize the intellect,
but integrated mind, body, and spirit in all things. This allowed them to become masters
of knowledge rather than victims of concepts. If a new invention appeared, they looked for
the troubles it might cause as well as the shortcuts it offered. They valued old ways that
had been proven effective, and they valued new ways if they could be proven effective.
If you want to stop being confused, then emulate these ancient folk: join your body,
mind, and spirit in all you do. Choose food, clothing, and shelter that accords with
nature. Rely on your own body for transportation. Allow your work and your
recreation to be one and the same. Do exercise that develops your whole being
and nor just your body. Listen to music that bridges the three spheres of your being.
Choose leaders for their virtue rather than their wealth or power. Serve others and
cultivate yourself simultaneously. Understand that true growth comes from meeting
and solving the problems of life in a way that is harmonizing to yourself and to others.
If you can follow these simple old ways, you will be continually renewed.

(translated by Brian Walker, Hua Hu Ching: Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu,
Harper San Francisco 1992)
Confucius (551 BC-479 BC), Confucian Analects, Book 14, Chapter 43
43:1 Tsze=chang said, "What is meant when the Shu says
that Kao-tsung, while observing the usual impeerial mourning,
was for three years without speaking?"
43:2 The Master said, "Why must Kao-tsung be referred to as
an example of this? The ancients all did so. When the sovereign
died, the officers all attended to their several duties, taking
instructins from the prime minister for three years."
Confucius (551 BC-479 BC), Confucian Analects, 14:43
translated by James Legge (1893); Hong Kong Edition (1962), p. 130
Note: A. Charles Muller lists above in Confucian Analects 14:40

China #741 Confucius
(issued 8-27-1946)
193) Verse 43 of Pythagoras's Golden Verses:
If in this examination thou find that thou hast
done amiss, reprimand thyself severely for it.

Pythagoras (580-500 B.C.), Golden Verses, Verse 43
(translated by A.E.A., Collectanea Hermetica, Vol. V, 1894)
reprinted in Percy Bullock, The Dream of Scipio, Aquarian Press,
Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, UK, 1983, p. 55
194) Aphorism 43 of Symbols of Pythagoras:
Coelestibus, imparia sacrificato; inferis vero paria.
Sacrifice an odd number to the Celestial Gods,
and to the Infernal an even number. — Dacier
Odd numbers cannot be halved and so were considered
the most perfect; even numbers could be equally divided.
Deity was typified by Unity, and Matter by the Dyad.
Pythagoras (580-500 B.C.), Symbols of Pythagoras
(translated by Sapere Aude, Collectanea Hermetica, Vol. V, 1894)
reprinted in Percy Bullock, The Dream of Scipio, Aquarian Press,
Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, UK, 1983, p. 78
195) Fragment 43 of Heraclitus (540 B.C.-480 B.C.):
Soul is the vaporization out of which everything
else is derived; moreover it is the least corporeal
of things and is in ceaseless flux, for the moving
world can only be known by what is in motion.

— Philip Wheelwright, Heraclitus,
Athenum, New York (1964), p. 58
Originally published by Princton University Press, 1959
Romania #1442, 10 Bani stamp honoring 2500th anniversary
of birth of Heraclitus of Ephesus (issued October 25, 1961)
Image Source: Heraclitus Romanian Stamp (stampsoftheworld.co.uk)
196) Section 43 of Plato's Philebus— Socrates to Protarchus on pleasure & pain:
You are perfectly right. But I expect you are going to tell me
that we are assured by the wise that one of these processes
must always be going on in us, since all thing are always
flowing up and down (43a). Great changes cause us pains
and pleasures, but moderate and small ones cause
no pain or pleasure whatsoever.
Plato (428-348 BC), Philebus 43a, 43c (360 BC)
(trans. R. Hackforth), Edited by Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns,
Plato: The Collected Dialogues, Bollingen Series LXXI,
Princeton University Press, 1961, pp. 1123-1124
197) Section 43 of Plato's Timaeus— Timaeus to Socrates on the creator of the universe:
Create a very great and mighty movement; uniting with
the ever-flowing stream in stirring up and violently shaking
the courses of the soul... the three double intervals [between 1, 2, 4, 8]
and the three triple intervals [between 1, 3, 9, 27], together with
the mean terms and connecting links which are expressed by the ratios
3:2 and 4:3 and of 9:8— these