Meditations on 46: Open Your Heart

                                                  for Elisa

Pushing upward has supreme success—
putting you in the way of Divine Virtue.
See all minds and all things as One
universe— a harmonious oneness.

Hidden treasure dwells in righteousness.
Be still, and know that I am God—
from God all things come and is in all
Mystery of Mind will always remain.

Philosophy ascends from darkness to light—
O Light show me thy ways, guide me in thy light
Offer a cup filled with divine drink—
Go on and on and in and in and in.

Yes, springtime needed you!
Daisy called from hillside, I bring my Rose
today my life is all astir with joy—
within the seed are flowers, fruits, and shade.

Strength never comes through idleness—
Woohoo, what'll she doo!
Just see, just hear, just do it—
unify internal and external life.

The path not taken is not kept open—
She wanders alone in the garden,
Wanderer, your path is dark—
to walk away, walk away, to come again.

At twilight, fine rain was still falling,
in the sky only the moonlight stays:
such gaiety and glee, glorious to hear—
green sea, green chill, branchings of green.

Void's immobility makes all things move
Pure sky, level sand in the distance—
Leaves of blue came drifting down.
I'm just going to go out to sleep.

Open your heart, I'll give a piece of forever
stars in my eyes wishing to see blossoms
with an eye made quiet by the power
of great artists keep on sculpting Light.

              Peter Y. Chou
              Mountain View, 2-27-2023