Meditations on 67:
Be Glad and Sing for Joy

Be glad and sing for joy—
sing prayers within your heart
with the gift of compassion
that will be blessed and multiply.

Hallelujah to those without desires—
Everyone receives what he deserves
in accordance with his inner state.
Without dispassion, no one can see God.

Go directly to core when teaching
as Daishi's lecture to Emperor Wu—
one bang on the lecturn & it's over—
going beyond jump to the other shore.

Superior man's learning renews itself daily,
thus his action will be always correct.
Purify the mind to be enlightened
and life becomes balanced & sublime.

In watching her, within me I was changed—
Thou art the sky and the nest as well.
Give me your kisses, water to my soul—
yes the mountains are dancing together.

What is emptiness for. To fill, fill.—
How fresh water is, coolness of far North.
When Love first spoke to me of love
I plunged to the bottom of her eyes.

Garden bridge to golden fountain,
phoenix tree on Christ mountain,
spring fire in magic sunflower,
dragon treasure is eternal spirit.

      Peter Y. Chou
      Mountain View, 8-5-2018