Meditations on 71:
Shine divine lamplight into a bright morning

                                                                   for Cathy

The Moving Finger writes and moves on—
O falcon who rises from Primordial Water
the Sun, alone is ever Lord of riches.
O God, be not far from me:

Understand God's indivisible nature—
The Real is infinite, beyond all inclusion,
from fragrant mountains of eternal now
all songs of lands come sounding round me.

The man of God is pure in heart and a king within—
awakened one's actions are spontaneous & divine,
forsaking desires, reaching goal of peace supreme—
Heaven produced the virtue that is in me.

Eye cannot see itself, Truth cannot express itself,
For prayer means shedding of thoughts.
Our medicine is divine love and worship—
You are a God, immortal, incorruptible.

I know the beginnings and the ends of things,
enchanted moments when we have vision—
a thousand thousands, and ten thousand angels
hear the beautiful tinny voices of the trumpets.

Waver no more, think only of the Beloved—
every object is myself and all is me—
Eighth wonderful wonder, midnight sunburst—
Shine divine lamplight into a bright morning.

I woke up, and went out. Not yet dawn—
and a good south wind sprung up behind,
summer is here, fields want us to walk upright,
silence through twilight's mystery made flesh.

Last night clouds came from hills to the south,
waves rise up & sink again, dreams break & form,
live only in the kingdom of suspended wishes—
your look that is today my east and west.

Love crosses its islands, from grief to grief,
in your sweet thoughts— I love you so,
Love subjugated me, for she is strong—
but to love is firmer than to live.

              Peter Y. Chou
              Mountain View, 8-5-2022