On the Number 12

12 in Mathematics
1) The 6th even number = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
2) The 6th composite number = 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12
3) The 1st abundant number = 12, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36
4) The 4th superfactorial = 1, 1, 2, 12
(Product of the first 4 factorials = 0!x1!x2!x3! = 1 x 1 x 2 x 6 = 12)
5) The 3rd Pentagonal number = 1, 5, 12, 22, 35, 51, 70
6) The 5th 2-highly polygonal number = 1, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 21, 28
7) The 5th Pell number = 0, 1, 2, 5, 12
8) The 11th Harshad number = 12
(a positive integer which is divisible by the sum of its digits, i.e., 12/3 = 4)
9) Sum of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd even numbers = 2 + 4 + 6 = 12
10) Sum of the first 5 Fibonacci numbers = 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 12
( Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci, 1170-1250)
11) Sum of the 3rd & 4th odd numbers = 5 + 7 = 12
Sum of the 3rd & 4th prime numbers = 5 + 7 = 12
12) Sum of the 2nd & 4th even numbers = 4 + 8 = 12
Sum of the 1st & 3rd composite numbers = 4 + 8 = 12
13) Sum of the 1st & 5th even numbers = 2 + 10 = 12
14) Sum of the 1st & 6th odd numbers = 1 + 11 = 12
15) Sum of the 2nd & 5th odd numbers = 2 + 9 = 12
16) The sum of the 2nd & 4th lucky numbers = 3 + 9 = 12
17) Sum of the 3rd even & 3rd triangular number = 6 + 6 = 12
18) Sum of the sides of the
1st primitive Pythagorean triangle
= 3 + 4 + 5 = 12
19) One of the sides of the
2nd primitive Pythagorean triangle,
5-12-13 is 12
20) Sum of the 2nd square number and the 2nd cube number = 22 + 23 = 4 + 8 = 12
21) Difference in the 4th and 2nd square numbers = 42 + 22 = 16 - 4 = 12
22) Difference in the 5th and 2nd triangular numbers = 15 - 3 = 12
Difference in the 6th and 2nd lucky numbers = 15 - 3 = 12
23) Difference in the 7th and 3rd prime numbers = 17 - 5 = 12
24) Product of the 1st & 3rd even numbers = 2 x 6 = 12
25) Product of the 2nd odd & 2nd even numbers = 3 x 4 = 12
26) The middle digits of the 3rd perfect number = 8128
27) Square 12 = 144 which when reversed 441, is the square of 12-reversed, 21
(12x12 = 144, 21x21 = 441). William Hartston's Book of Numbers (p. 36)
says: "The only other pair of numbers with a similar property are 13 and 31"
(13 x 13 = 169, 31 x 31 = 961). However more examples of these
"reversed squares" may be found at Fascinating Squares:
(102, 201): (102x102 = 10404, 201x201 = 40401); (112, 211): (112x112 = 12544, 211x211 = 44521)
(103, 301): (103x103 = 10609, 301x301 = 90601); (122, 221): (122x122 = 14884, 221x221 = 48841)
28) Square root of 12 = 3.464101615
29) Cube root of 12 = 2.289428485
30) ln 12 = 2.48490665 (natural log to the base e)
31) log 12 = 1.079181246 (logarithm to the base 10)
32) Sin 12o = 0.20791169
Cos 12o = 0.9781476
Tan 12o = 0.212556561
33) 1/12 expressed as a decimal = 0.083333333
34) Factorial 12 =12! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x 10 x 11 x 12
= 479001600 ( sequence of factorials)
35) Trillion = 1012 = 1 followed by 12 zeros
In the British system, trillion = 1018
36) The 148th & 149th digits of pi, π = 12
The 220th & 221st digits of pi, π = 12
37) The 121st & 122nd digits of phi, φ = 12
The 267th & 268th digits of phi, φ = 12
38) The 370th & 371st digits of e = 12
The 429th & 430th digits of e = 12
(e = 2.7182818284 5904523536...)
39) Binary number for 12 = 1100
(Decimal & Binary Equivalence; Program for conversion)
40) ASCII value for 12 = FF
(Hexadecimal # & ASCII Code Chart)
41) Hexadecimal number for 12 = 0C
(Hexadecimal # & ASCII Code Chart)
42) Octal number for 12 = 014
(Octal #, Hexadecimal #, & ASCII Code Chart)
43) The Greek-based numeric prefix dodeca- means 12.
44) A Dodecagon is a polygon with 12 angles and 12 sides.
The interior angle of a dodecagon = 150o.
45) The Latin-based numeric prefix duodeci- means 12.
46) The adjective "duodecennial" means "recurring every 12 years."
47) The noun "duodecimo (12mo)" means "a book with leaves
printed on one twelfth of the printer sheet".
48) The verb, adjective, adverb, and noun "duodecuple" means "multiply by 12".
49) The adjective and noun "duodenary" means "12th in order or importance".
The adjective "duodenary" means "having 12 parts".
50) The Roman numeral for 12 is XII.
51) Shi Èri is the Chinese ideograph for 12.
52) is the Babylonian number for 12.
53) is the Mayan number for 12.
54) 12 in different languages:
Dutch: twaalf, French: douze, German: zwölf, Hungarian: tizenkettó,
Italian: dodici, Spanish: doce, Swahili: kumi na mbili, Swedish: tolv
55) Dozen means a group of 12.
Etymology: Middle English dozeine, from Middle French dozaine,
from doze twelve, from Latin duodecim, from duo two + decem ten
56) One gross = 12 dozen or a group of 144 items.
(Units of measure)
57) One foot = 12 inches (Units of length)
58) One year = 12 months.
(Egyptian calendar; Hebrew calendar)
59) 12-hour clock is a timekeeping convention in which
the 24 hours of the day are divided into two periods called ante meridiem
(am, Latin for "before noon") and post meridiem (pm, Latin for "after noon").
Each period consists of 12 hours numbered from 1-12. 12 o'clock midnight
is denoted as 12:00 am or 12:00 M and 12 o'clock noon is 12:00 pm or 12:00 N.
60) One shilling = 12 pence. (Victorian coinage)
(English weights & measures)
12 in Science
61) Number of edges in a cube = 12 (Platonic solids)
62) Number of edges in an octahedron = 12 (Platonic solids)
63) Number of vertices in an icosahedron = 12 (Platonic solids)
64) Number of faces in a dodecahedron = 12 (Platonic solids)
65) Atomic Number of Magnesium (Mg) = 12 (12 protons & 12 electrons).
Magnesium is a grayish-white, fairly tough metal. It is the eighth most abundant
element in the earth's crust although not found in it's elemental form. Finely divided
magnesium readily ignites upon heating in air and burns with a dazzling white flame.
66) Atomic Weight of Carbon (B) = 12 (12.0107). Carbon is distributed very widely in nature.
It is found in abundance in the sun, stars, comets, and atmospheres of most planets.
The atmosphere of Mars contains 96% CO2. Carbon is found free in nature in
three allotropic forms: amorphous, graphite, and diamond. Graphite is one of the
softest known materials while diamond is one of the hardest. In 1961 the International
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) adopted the isotope 12C as the basis
for atomic weights. Organic chemistry is the study of carbon & its compounds.
67) The 12th amino acid in the 141-residue alpha-chain of Human Hemoglobin is Alanine (A)
The 12th amino acid in the 146-residue beta-chain of Human Hemoglobin is Threonine (T)
Single-Letter Amino Acid Code
Alpha-chain sequence of human hemoglobin:
Beta-chain sequence of human hemoglobin:
68) The 12th amino acid in the 153-residue sequence of sperm whale myoglobin
is Histidine (H). It is next to Leucine-11 and Valine-13.
[A.B. Edmundson, Nature 205, 883-887 (1965)]
69) The 12th amino acid in the 124-residue enzyme Bovine Ribonuclease
is Histidine (M). It is next to Glutamine-11 and Methionine-13.
[C. H. W. Hirs, S. Moore, and W. H. Stein, J. Biol. Chem. 235, 633 (1960)]
68) Lavender Delight
Miniature Rose
Hybridized by
Ralph Moore,
USA, 1993
(Orangeade x Cherry Magic)
12 petals
mauve & mauve blend
12 in Mythology & History
81) 12 Symbolism: Chastity, established power, grace, harmony, holiness, joy,
judgment, love, meekness, modesty, moon, patience, peace, perfection, suffering,
sun, temperance, time. Composed of 3 (deity number) times 4 (man's number), or
points of the compass. The most divisible number; it can be halved, quartered,
parted into thirds and sixths. According to the mystics the throat is under its
influence. In a name or cycle it has divine guidance and protects travelers.
It produces one who is intuitive and given to self-sacrifice. According to
cabalists the traits are spirituality, sweet manners; in low form, sexual passion.
Gertrude Jobes, Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore and Symbols
     Scarecrow Press, New York, 1962, Part 2, p. 1611
82) From the 5th century B.C. onward, there were 12 gods in the Greek & Roman pantheon:
Zeus & Jupiter (king), Hera & Juno (queen), Poseidon & Neptune (sea), Demeter & Ceres (earth),
[or Hades & Pluto (underworld)], Phoebus & Apollo (sun), Artemis & Diana (moon), Ares & Mars
(war), Aphrodite & Venus (beauty & love), Hermes & Mercury (wind), Athena & Minerva (wisdom),
Hephaestus & Vulcan (smith), and Hestia & Vesta (hearth) [often supplanted by Dionysus & Bacchus
(wine)]. In Athens, an altar was sacred to "the Twelve". (Pantheon; Olympians)
Hans Biedermann, Dictionary of Symbolism
Facts On File, New York, 1992, p. 241 & G. Jobes, Op. Cit., p. 1612
83) 12 signs of the Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquariius, and Pisces.
84) Silk is the traditional gift celebrating the 12th Wedding Anniversary
(Modern gift is pearl or colored gems.)
85) The 12th day of the year = January 12
(January 12 Birthdays: Jack London 1876,
John Hancock 1737, John Singer Sargent 1856)
86) L is the 12th letter of the English alphabet .
87) Lamed is the 12th letter
of the Hebrew alphabet,
and means "tower soaring in air",
with a numeric value of 30.
88) Mu (Μ μ) is the 12th letter
of the Greek alphabet
with numeric value of 40.
It is the symbol for a micron (a thousandth of a millimetre).
89) Siin is the 12th letter
of the Arabic alphabet.
90) 12th President
of the United States
is Zachary Taylor (1784-1850)
who served (1845-1849).
Taylor was on the 12¢ stamp
(Scott# 817) issued on Sept. 14, 1938
in the Presidential Series.
91) 12th State to enter the Union is North Carolina (Nov. 21, 1789)
92) Stanford Bronze Plaque 12
is on the ground 15 yards to the right of
Stanford University's Memorial Church.
It is dedicated to the Class of 1912.
The curved white spot at the upper right
of the photo is from sunlight coming through
the Arcade pathway two yards from the plaque.
The first graduating class at Stanford was 1892.
In 1980, Stanford Provost Don Kennedy strolled
around the Inner Quad and calculated that it
would take 512 years for the bronze class plaques
embedded in the walkways to circle the entire
area ending with the Class of 2403.
(Photo by Peter Y. Chou, April 2005)
12 in Sports and Games
141) Baseball's 12th All-Star Game was played at Forbes Field,
Pittsburgh, PA, on July 11, 1944.
The National League beat the American League 7-1. This was the second time
the game was played at night. For the 7th time, Yankees Joe McCarty managed
the American League team. The National League scored 4 runs in the 5th inning
to put the game out of reach. Phil Cavarretta of the Nationals tripled, and
reached on base four additional times on a single and three walks for a new
All-Star on-base record. Raffensberger was the winning pitcher, Hughson the loser.
Total Baseball, 4th Ed., Viking, NY (1995), p. 258
(The Baseball Encyclopedia, 8th Edition, Macmillan, NY, 1990, p. 2765)
142) Baseball's 12th World Series (1915): Boston Red Sox defeats Philadelphia Phillies 4-1
Philadelphia's Grover Alexander beat Boston's Ernie Shore in the 1st game 3-1.
Boston won the next three games by scores of 2-1 and the final 5th game 5-4.
It was the most closely contested World Series: the deciding run was not scored
until the 9th inning in three of the games, and only in Game 1 was the margin
of victory as much as two runs. Total ERA for Philadelphia 2.27 & Boston 1.84
Total Baseball, 4th Ed., Viking, NY (1995), p. 307
(The Baseball Encyclopedia, 8th Edition, Macmillan, NY, 1990, p. 2640)
143) Grover Alexander (1915) and Christy Mathewson (1908) are tied
for 4th place with pitching 12 shutouts in a single season.
[1st: Grover Alexander (1916) 16, 2nd: Bob Gibson (1968) & Jack Coombs (1910) 13]
Ed Morris (1886), Tommy Bond (1879), Pud Gavin (1884) had 12 shutouts in pitching before 1893.
(The Baseball Encyclopedia, 8th Edition, Macmillan, NY, 1990, pp. 35-36)
144) Yogi Berra is ranked in 3rd place with home runs in World Series games: 12.
(1st: Mickey Mantle 18, 2nd: Babe Ruth 15, 4th: Duke Snider 11)
(The Baseball Encyclopedia, 8th Edition, Macmillan, NY, 1990, p. 53)
145) NFL Super Bowl XII (1978): Dallas Cowboys defeats Denver Broncos 27-10
at Superdome, New Orleans, LA
January 15, 1978; Attendance: 76,400
Co-MVPs: Randy White & Harvey Martin
World Almanac & Book of Facts 2005, p. 920
146) 12 Touchdowns in a season by AFL Receiving Leaders:
1960 Lionel Taylor, Denver Broncos, 92 receptions, 1235 yards, 12 TD
1983 Todd Christensen, L.A. Raiders, 92 receptions, 1247 yards, 12 TD
1996 Carl Pickens, Cincinnati Bengals, 100 receptions, 1180 yards, 12 TD
World Almanac & Book of Facts 2005, pp. 921-922
147) 12 Touchdowns in a season by AFL Rushing Leaders:
1973 O.J. Simpson, Buffalo Bills, 2003 yards, 322 attempts, 12 TD
1989 Christian Okoye, Kansas City, 1480 yards, 370 attempts, 12 TD
World Almanac & Book of Facts 2005, p. 922
148) 12 Touchdowns in a season by NFL Receiving Leaders:
1965 Dave Parks, San Francisco 49ers, 80 receptions, 1344 yards, 12 TD
1966 Charley Taylor, Washington Redskins, 72 receptions, 1119 yards, 12 TD
1989 Sterling Sharpe, Green Bay Packers, 90 receptions, 1423 yards, 12 TD
World Almanac & Book of Facts 2005, pp. 922-923
149) 12 Touchdowns in a season by NFL Rushing Leaders:
1963 Jim Brown, Cleveland Browns, 1863 yards, 291 attempts, 12 TD
1991 Emmitt Smith, Dallas Cowboys, 1563 yards, 365 attempts, 12 TD
World Almanac & Book of Facts 2005, p. 922
154) Most field goals in one quarter of a NBA game is 13
by David Thompson, Denver at Detroit, April 9, 1978 (1st Quarter),
Second most field goals in one quarter of a NBA game is 12
by Cliff Hagan, St. Louis at New York, February 4, 1958 (4th Qtr),
Wilt Chamberlain, Philadelphia vs. New York, at Hershey, PA, March 2, 1962 (4th Qtr),
George Gervin, San Antonio at New Orleans, April 9, 1978 (2nd Qtr),
Jeff Malone, Washington at Phoenix, February 27, 1988 (3rd Qtr)
The Official NBA Encyclopedia, 3rd Ed. (2000), p. 859
155) Most consecutive seasons, 1000-or-more rebounds is 12
by Bill Russell, Boston Celtics, 1957-58 to 1968-69
(2nd: Wilt Chamberlain 10, 3rd: Bob Pettit 9)
The Official NBA Encyclopedia, 3rd Ed. (2000), p. 862
156) Most field goals, none missed, in a NBA playoff game 12
by Larry McNeill, Kansas City/Omaha vs. Chicago, April 13, 1975
(2nd: Scott Wedman 11, 3rd: Don Nelson 10)
The Official NBA Encyclopedia, 3rd Ed. (2000), p. 868
157) Most field goals, one quarter, in a NBA playoff game is 12
by Sleepy Floyd, Golden Gate vs. L.A. Lakers, May 10, 1987
The Official NBA Encyclopedia, 3rd Ed. (2000), p. 868
158) Most free throws made, one quarter in a NBA playoff game is 13
by Michael Jordan, Chicago vs. Detroit, May 21, 1991
2nd Most free throws made, one quarter in a NBA game is 12
by Reggie Miller, Indiana vs. New York, April 30, 1993
Shaquille O'Neal, L.A. Lakers vs. Portland, May 20, 2000
The Official NBA Encyclopedia, 3rd Ed. (2000), p. 869
158A) Most 3-poin field goal attemps in a NBA FINALS game is 12
by Nick Anderson, Orlando at Houston, June 11, 1995
The Official NBA Encyclopedia, 3rd Ed. (2000), p. 877
159) 2nd most consecutive games, 20 or more rebounds in a NBA FINALS game is 12
by Wilt Chamberlain, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, April 18, 1964-April 23, 1969
(1st: Bill Russell 15, Boston Celtics, April 9, 1960-April 16, 1963)
The Official NBA Encyclopedia, 3rd Ed. (2000), p. 877
160) 12th Wimbledon Men's Tennis:
Ernest Renshaw beats Herbert Lawford (6-3, 7-5, 6-0) in 1888.
161) 12th Wimbledon Women's Tennis:
C. Cooper Sterry beats Helen Jackson (7-5, 8-6) in 1895.
162) 12th Kentucky Derby was won by Ben Ali 2:36
with Jockey Paul Duffy aboard (May 14, 1886).
163) 12th Preakness Stakes was won by Knight of Ellerslie in 2:39
with Jockey S. Fisher aboard (May 23, 1884).
164) 12th Belmont Stakes was won by Duke of Magenta in 2:43
with Jockey L. Hughes aboard (June 8, 1878).
165) 12th U.S. Golf Open: Alex Smith shoots a 295
at Onwentsia Club, Illinois (June 29, 1906)
166) Afleet Alex wearing #12 wins the 130th Preakness Stakes in 1:55.04
with Jockey Jeremy Rose aboard (May 21, 2005).
12 in Postage Stamps, Coins, & Collectibles
12¢ stamps of the United States:

Scott# 17
(issued Aug. 4, 1851)

Scott# 69
(issued Aug. 30, 1861)

S.S. Adriatic
Scott# 117
(issued April 5, 1869)

Henry Clay
Scott# 162
(issued 1873)

Benjamin Franklin
Scott# 417
(issued April 29, 1914)

Grover Cleveland
Scott# 564
(issued March 20, 1923)

Benjamin Harrison
Scott# 1045
(issued June 6, 1959)

Henry Ford
Scott# 1286A
(issued July 30, 1968)

Freedom of Conscience
Scott# 1594
(issued April 8, 1981)

Pushcart 1880s
Scott# 2133
(issued April 18, 1985)
12¢ & $12 Newspaper Stamps of the United States:

(Scott# PR16, 1875)

(Scott# PR28, 1875)
103) Postage Stamps with Denominations of 12 (Scott Catalogue # cited)
Note: Stamps were downloaded from the web or scanned and
resized in same proportion as originals. Some stamps were retouched
in Adobe Photoshop for brightness & contrast, centering or perforations.

Austria #360—
Upper Austria Costume
12 groschen
Dark brown
Issued 1934
Set of 20 values
(Scott #354-373)
Austria #491—
Franz Schubert
12 groschen
Dark green
Issued March 31, 1947
to commemorate the
150th anniversary of
Franz Schubert
musician & composer
Bulgaria #1005—
12 stotinski
Red Deer (doe)
Slate green & red brown
Issued April 5, 1958
Set of 6 animals
(Scott #1004-1009)
Bulgaria #1057—
12 stotinki
Issued August 29, 1959
to publicize the
7th International
Youth Festival in Vienna.
Set of 6 values
(Scott #1056-1061)
Bulgaria #1130—
12 stotinki
Costume from Kyustendil
Salmon, slate green & yellow
Issued January 28, 1961
Set of 6 values
Regional costumes
(Scott #1130-1135)
Bulgaria #1080—
12 stotinki
Woman holding
tobacco leaves
Red brown
Issued in 1959
to commemorate
early completion of
the 5-year plan
Set of 17 values
(Scott #1077-1091)
Canada #145—
Canada's Map
12¢ Dark blue
June 29, 1927
Set of 5 values
(Scott 141-145)
for the 60th
year of
Canada #174—
Citadel at Quebec
Gray black
Issued 1930
Regular issue
from 1¢ to $1
Set of 16 values
(Scott 162-177)
Cuba #C150—
12 centavos
Benjamin Franklin
Red brown
for the 250th
anniversary of
Ben Franklin's birth.
North Borneo #200—
Murat with Blowgun
Ultramarine & green
Issued Jan. 1, 1938
Set of 15
(Scott #193-207)
France #641—
12 francs
Madame Recamier
Portrait by Gérald
Musée Carnavalet
French writer
Dark green
Issued 1950
Set of 2 values
French women
(Scott #641-642)
India #205—
12 annas
Mahatma Gandhi
Dark gray green
Issued August 15, 1948
Set of 4 (Scott #203-206)
104) Royal Provence Plage
12 francs token
105) There are 200 cards in Wings: Friend or Foe
Card #12 is "B-57 Canberra", British Jet Bomber (Topps 1952)
106) There are 160 cards in World on Wheels (Topps 1953)
Card #12 is "Mack Diesel Tractor"
107) Card #12 of Flags of the World: Venezuela (Topps 1956)
12 in Books & Quotes
188) Bolligen Series XXVIII is Paracelsus: Selected Writings
Edited by Jolande Jacobi, Translated by Norbert Guterman,
Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1951, 362 pp.
Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus (1493-1541)
189) Volume 28 of Time Magazine (1st issue: March 3, 1923)
runs from July 6, 1936, XXVIII, No. 1 (Cover: John Llewellyn Lewis)
to December 28, 1936, XXVIII, No. 26 (Cover: Japan's Ears & Emperor)
Joe DiMaggio on Time cover, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2 (July 13, 1936)
Clark Gable on Time cover, Vol. XXVIII, No. 9 (Aug. 31, 1936)
Lou Gehrig & Carl Hubbel on Time cover, Vol. XXVIII, No. 14 (Oct. 5, 1936)
Marlene Dietrich on Time cover, Vol. XXVIII, No. 22 (Nov. 30, 1936)
190) Volume 28 of Life Magazine (1st issue: Nov. 23, 1936)
runs from Jan. 2, 1950, XXVIII, No. 1 (Cover: American Life & Times 1900-1950)
to June 26, 1950, XXVIII, No. 26 (Cover: Actress Cecile Aubry)
Jackie Robinson on Life cover, Vol. XXVIII, No. 19 (May 8, 1950)
191) Volume 12 of the Dictionary of Literary Biography
is titled "American Realists and Naturalists"
Edited by Donald Pizer & Earl N. Harbert, Gale Research Co., Detroit, 1982
The 42 authors include Henry Adams, Ambrose Bierce, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Stephen Crane,
Theodore Dreiser, Bret Harte, Lafcadio Hearn, Henry James, Jack London, Frank Norris,
William S. Porter (O. Henry), Frederic Remington, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Edith Wharton.
12 in Art, Music, Film
162) Numerology: words whose letters add up to 12

ABYSS: 1 + 2 + 7 + 1 + 1 = 12

ART: 1 + 9 + 2 = 12

BAND: 2 + 1 + 5 + 4 = 12

BAR: 2 + 1 + 9 = 12

BLY: 2 + 3 + 7 = 12

DUCK: 4 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 12

JEAN: 1 + 5 + 1 + 5 = 12

LAKES: 3 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 1 = 12

NET: 5 + 5 + 2 = 12

SIT: 1 + 9 + 2 = 12

SOMA: 1 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 12

STEM: 1 + 2 + 5 + 4 = 12

SWAN: 1 + 5 + 1 + 5 = 12

SON: 1 + 5 + 6 = 12

TEN: 2 + 5 + 5 = 12

WALL: 5 + 1 + 3 + 3 = 12

WEB: 5 + 5 + 2 = 12

WET: 5 + 5 + 2 = 12

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© Peter Y. Chou, WisdomPortal.com
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: peter@wisdomportal.com (4-11-2005)