"Speculations on the Soul" poem (1993),
"Dante's 55 & The Platonic Lambda" essay (2001),
and "Dante & Marilyn" (2001). Below
are 14 chapters written arranged chronologically with dates when they were finished.
Chapter 6:
"Newton's Prism: From the One Flows the Many"
shows a 23-year old student at Cambridge University in 1666,
Isaac Newton experimenting in optics to understand light & colors.
In a dark room, he placed a glass prism
in the sunbeam, projecting light onto a white sheet of paper.
The result was a multicolored band of light like a rainbow.
He divided the spectrum into 7 colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
Newton's Prism is in the shape of Greek letter Lambda Λ,
that Plato called "Soul of the Universe"
(Timaeus 35b).
Plato quotes Socrates to Parmenides
"The All is one" and Plato has an epiphany in
Philebus 16d
"From the gods a gift to the human race: thus I reckon
the gift of seeing the One in the many and the many in the One."
May the unity of
one white light (Heaven) pass through our soul's prism
to exhibit the multiplicity of colors (Earth) which we experience in life. (1-29-2013)
Chapter 1: Mountains was written (1-10-2018) five years after Chapter 6.
There are 12 sections in this chapter
Postage Stamps, and
Took six months writing this chapter, and even made a
(1-10-2018) and composed a
Preface (6-26-2018), to turn these 34 pages
into a separate book.
Irish sage Wei Wu Wei says
"an awakened sage lives & thinks vertically"
no wonder the Platonic Lambda Λ "Soul of the Universe" is shaped like
a mountain. Since mountain top
is the highest point of the earth, it is the
link to heaven. That's why Mt. Olympus is the home of the Greek gods.
Mountain symbolizes constancy; eternity; firmness; stillness.
On the spiritual level mountain tops represent the state of full consciousness.
Pilgrimages up sacred mountains symbolize aspiration, renunciation of worldly desires,
attaining to highest states. While mountains symbolize above & beyond, the soul is
within us right here on earth (Poem: "Above & Beyond").
Chapter 2: Platonic Lambda Λ Redwoods
Photo at left is the backside of Old Tree, 1200 years old, at Portola Redwoods, La Honda, CA, Shaped
like the Platonic Lambda Λ,
Sequoia sempervirens,
evergreen, ever-living, Coast Redwood is magnificient to
behold. From a tiny seed it grows to over 300 feet high, and lives over
2000 years, Coast Redwood is the world's tallest living miracle!
Tallest tree in the world is the Hyperion,
379.7 feet tall. Discovered 8-25-2006 by Chris Atkins & Michael Taylor.
in Redwood National and State Park.
From my hike portfolios (2006-2018), found 402 photos of Redwoods,
and described my encounters with them in this chapter.
Added news of August 2020 wildfires ravaging Big Basin Redwoods. (8-30-2018 & 9-2-2020)
Chapter 3: Goosepens in Redwoods Shaped Like
Platonic Lambda Λ The photo at left is a Goosepen shaped
like the Platonic Lambda Λ, at the base of a Redwood
at Portola Redwoods, La Honda, CA, "Goosepen" is not cited in American Heritage Dictionary or
Random House Unabridged Webster Dictionary. Consulted the 20 volumes Oxford English Dictionary,
and in Volume VI, page 685, found "goose-pen" under "goose". Definition: (a) a pen or enclosure for geese; (b) a quill pen. Usage: Shakespeare, Twelfth Night (1601), III.ii.48:
"Let there be gall enough in thy ink, though thou write with a goose-pen." Found 79 photos of Goosepens in my 2008-2012 hikes,
& shared 69 of them in this chapter. (9-10-2018)
Chapter 4: Giacometti's Walking Man
The geometric shape of Platonic Lambda Λ remained abstract to me for 30 years.
On February 3, 2010, at London Sotheby's auction, Giacometti's Walking Man I
sold for $104.3 million, new record for an artwork. It inspired two poems
Giacometti's Walking Man &
"Every Step You Make".
When I noticed man's legs walking by Giacometti's Walking Man at Sotheby's Auction, it suddenly
struck me that the soul's shape (upside down "V" or Greek letter Λ) is right before
our eyes manifesting
itself whenever we are walking or alive! (10-23-2018)
Chapter 5: Leonardo's Divine Proportions
Stephen Dobyns' first Stanford poetry class (1-18-2011) was to write a sonnet. I wrote
"Platonic Lambda Sonnet"
with Notes &
Cornford's diagram of
Plato's "Soul of the Universe". In writing this sonnet,
realized Plato's "World Soul" is not something abstract & invisible,
but quite tangible when we're
and breathing, since its shape
is our nose at center of our face! Image at left is Leonardo da Vinci's
Proportions of the Face (1498).
Leonardo's Divine Proportions
showed his studies with Luca Pacioli, & writing
De divina proportione,
drawing 5 Platonic Solids described in
Timaeus. (10-24-2018)
Chapter 7: Pyramids of Giza
Great Pyramid of Giza (aka Pyramid
of Khufu) is oldest & largest of the
three pyramids in Giza Necropolis, Egypt. It was the tallest man-made
structure (480.6 ft) in the world for over 3,800 years (since 2560 BC).
Its height was superceded by the Washington Monument at 555 ft (1884-1889).
Other record holders include 894 feet Eiffel Tower (1889-1930), 1046 feet Chrysler Building (1930-1931), and
1454 feet Empire State Building (1931-1970). It's interesting that the tallest world's man-made structures are all shaped
like Platonic Lambda Λ at the top (Soul Soaring to Heaven?). Found 17 postage stamps depicting the Giza Pyramids,
books and news stories on the Pyramid for this
chapter. (11-14-2018)
Chapter 8: Vanishing Point Geoff Martin's "Burgundian Vineyard" (2009) inspired my Notes to poem
"Vanishing Point" showing roads narrowing to an apex at the horizon.
I noticed the typography on page 196 of Finnegans Wake
is in the Platonic Lambda shape (symbol of the World Soul).
Since Joyce is well read in mystical literature, he's surely familiar with this sacred
Platonic symbol (page 293). While walking down
Palm Drive from Stanford to Palo Alto's Cal-Train Station,
it dawned upon me that the road's vanishing point is another image of the Platonic Lambda, inspiring this
poem. Mountaineers have conquered
all the peaks on earth. These are metaphors for worldly achievements. However, in the spiritual realm,
there is one vast peak that will elude all attempts at conquest. The vanishing point is a metaphor
for such spiritual goals that will keep questers busy for a lifetime and beyond. (7-15-2020)
Chapter 9: Wizard Hat
The Wizard's Hat is conical in shape resembling the Platonic Lambda Λ. The Pointed Hat
dates back to the Bronze Age.
The Golden Hat of Schifferstadt (1400-1300 BC)
and the Avanton Gold Cone (1000-900 BC) were
Golden Hats worn by the priesthood.
recall Mickey Mouse wearing a Wizard's Hat in the film
Fantasia (1940)
playing the "Sorcerer's Apprentice" written by
Paul Dukas
(1897) based
on Goethe's
1797 poem.
Merlin, a wizard in Arthurian legend
mentored King Arthur, and depicted
in a wizard hat (1493 Nuremberg Chronicle).
Amazing natural rock formation "Wizard's Hat"
on beach in Bandon, Oregon. (7-17-2020)
Chapter 10: Church Steepl
The Church Steeple
is triangular in shape like the Platonic Lambda Λ.
Towers were not a part of Christian churches until around 600 AD,
when they were adapted from military watchtowers. Over time, they
were incorporated into the church building and capped with ever-more-elaborate roofs until the steeple resulted.
Towers are a common element
of religious architecture worldwide and are generally viewed as attempts to reach skyward toward heavens and the divine.
A spire is a tapering conical or pyramidal structure on the top of a church tower.
Some famous cathedral spires include Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral
& Chartres in France,
Salisbury Cathedral in England, and
Germany's Cologne Cathedral. (7-28-2020)
Chapter 11: Ancient of Days & Compas
Ancient of Days is a painting by William Blake
published as frontispiece to the 1794 work Europe a Prophecy.
It draws its name from one of God's titles in the Book of Daniel 7:9
and shows Urizen crouching in a circular design with a cloud-like background.
His outstretched hand holds a compass over the darker void below. Here's an image
of God in the act
of creation. Similar illustrations of God holding a compass creating the
world are found in many medieval manuscripts
(Bible moralisée, 1220).
The compass & square
has been adopted as the logo of the
Freemasons. (8-1-2020)
Chapter 12: Flying Geese in Λ-Formation
An epiphany came on August 20, 2010 when
a flock of Canadian Geese flew in V-formation to Stanford's Lake Lagunita.
I realized that the geese were flying not in the V but the Λ-formation,
inspiring the poem "The
Spring Geese Are Flying North" (9-27-2010).
Found eight more photos of geese flying
in the Λ-formation.
Scientists found that geese flying in this formation reduces the drag force
that each bird experiences compared to if it were flying alone.
They can glide longer and increase their range by 70%
Nature's way to boosts efficiency. (12-1-2020)
Chapter 13: Arrowheads in Λ-Formation
Arrowhead was not shown
on the cover of
Platonic Lambda book.
Didn't have a poem or notes on arrowheads. Thought this would be a short easy chapter.
Invoked Michelangelo's art and the archery god & goddess Apollo & Diana for blessings
in writing this arrowheads chapter. Surprised it took me two weeks
writing the 21 sections Native Americans with Arrowheads Hunting Buffaloes,
Zen in the Art of Archery, Arrow in Traffic Signs, Traffic Cones, Arrow in Bike Lanes,
Platonic Λ-Shape in the Four Elements, Pierce-Arrow Automobile,
Cities with Arrowhead Names, Business Cards Showing the Platonic Λ-Shape,
Jewelry in the Platonic Λ-Shape,
Ferns in the Platonic Λ-Shape,
Leaves in the Platonic Λ-Shape,
Trees in the Platonic Λ-Shape,
Plants with Conical Shape,
Platonic Λ-Shape, Trees at Royal Palaces,
Platonic Λ-Shape, in Chiefs, Kings, and Popes,
Stones & Sculptures in the Platonic Λ-Shape,
Clouds in the Platonic Λ-Shape,
Christmas Trees in the Platonic Λ-Shape,
Comets as Arrowheads of Destruction,
Sperms as Arrowheads of Creation.
Planned ending chapter on a happy note with Christmas Trees.
However Giotto's depiction of "Star of Bethelehem" as Halley's Comet,
turned it negative to destruction. Luckily, the image
of "arrowhead sperm" saved the day with a positive
creative ending. (12-13-2020)
Chapter 14: Colliding Galaxies
Our Milky Way Galaxy will collide with its neighboring Andromeda Galaxy 3.75 billion years from now.
It is likely the sun will be flung into a new region of our galaxy, but our Earth and solar system
are in no danger of being destroyed. The solution came through painstaking NASA Hubble Space Telescope
measurements of the motion of Andromeda, which also is known as M31. The galaxy is now 2.5 million
light-years away, but it is inexorably falling toward the Milky Way under the mutual pull of gravity
between the two galaxies and the invisible dark matter that surrounds them both. Although the galaxies
will plow into each other, stars inside each galaxy are so far apart that they will not collide with
other stars during the encounter. However, the stars will be thrown into different orbits around the
new galactic center. Simulations show that our solar system will probably be tossed much farther from
the galactic core than it is today. It is amazing that when the two galaxies come in collision, they
form the Platonic Lambda Λ shape of Plato's "World Soul". Since each soul is assigned to a star
(Plato's Timaeus 41c),
we may compare the galactical collision of Andromeda and the Milky Way as
collision between World Souls. Computer simulations from Hubble Space Telescope data show that stars
within these two galaxies will not destroy each other but merge as one huge elliptical Galaxy
with a bright core.
(Poem: "Geese Playing Chicken: V-formation collision") (12-20-2020)
Peter Y. Chou
Mountain View, December 20, 2020