A busload of overseas scholars
attending Taiwan's Education Seminar
arrives at the Tainan School for the Deaf,
and somehow I find myself first in line
at the school's entrance. "Come forward",
the principal waves us to the front
of the building where six young students
perform a sign-language song of greetings.

The girl second to my left has the smile
of an angel. She points to her heart
and sings to us "We love having you here".
Each gesture of hers seems pure and holy,
more so than the sacred books or holy men
that inspired my long quest of the spirit.

And suddenly her beatitude sweeps me
beyond vast forest green and ocean blue
above cathedral spires and temple shrines
so that if I'm split open now, you'll find
golden liquid light flowing through my veins
and ten thousand white angels would fly out.

Who are we to teach you, blessed girl,
when what you hear is the One Sound
where all sounds of the world are drowned.

What could you learn from us, dear angel,
when in your eyes shines that One Light
which remains when all the stars are dead.

     — Peter Y. Chou
          Tainan, 7-28-1988