The Golden Bough

The Golden Bough is a book by
Sir James Frazier on myth & religion,
the golden thread running through
all cultures from ancient times to now.

The Golden Bough is a painting by
Turner inspired by Virgil's Aeneid
of Aeneas consulting the Sibyl
as he descends to the other side.

The Golden Bough is the tree where
Aeneas gathered the mistletoe for
his passageway to the Underworld
in Aeneid VI to meet his father.

The Golden Bough is the tree with
roots above, branches below—
with one bird eating the sweet fruit,
while the other watches in silence.

The Golden Bough is the Tree of Life
in the Garden of Eden guarded by
the Angel with a flaming sword
so man will not eat its immortal fruit.

The Golden Bough is the Cross of Christ
symbolizing the horizontal flow of time
and the vertical ascent to eternity—
their intersection beyond space & time.

The Golden Bough is the Bodhi Tree
where Buddha became enlightened
and we will too under any tree
if we sit still in mindfulness.

The Golden Bough is the Kabbalah—
esoteric Judaiac Tree of Life
with eleven Sephirot emanations
from dense matter to sublime spirit.

The Golden Bough is our spine—
an inner tree of seven wheels
ascending to the Crown Chakra
with thousand-petalled lotus of light.

The Golden Bough is our Sun's weaving
threads of gold spun around the earth—
sunrise to sunset for countless years
this garment of light for warmth & life.

            — Peter Y. Chou
                Mountain View, 3-9-2010

J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851)
The Golden Bough (1834)
Tate Gallery, London