Double-Eagle Emblem
on top of pine tree

Coat of Arms
of Austrian Empire (1815)

Catching a Poem

"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" is playing
on KDFC celebrating Mozart's birthday
while I'm reading about Macintosh's
30th anniversary in the Mercury News.

Two buses passed me by on my walk from
Phyllis to Castro Street, so I have time
to take photos of Bird of Paradise plants
along Mountain View Physical Therapy.

A leafless Y-shaped Black Oak is by the bench
at Bush Ave & El Camino Real while I wait for
the next bus, and sun shines through pine trees
across the street near Tattoo Revolution Ink shop.

The Daily Post tells me that Marlboro man
Eric Lawson died from respiratory disease
and before me is an empty Marlboro pack
with three cigarettes from recent smokers.

I've sat at this bus bench dozens of times
and only today did I notice the pine tree top
shaped like the double-eagle coat of arms
of Austria— Is Mozart talking to me?

My mind flies back 42 years to Salzburg
visiting Mozarts Geburtshaus in August '72
seeing his harpsichord and violin, then
watching a puppet show of The Magic Flute.

It's Mozart's 258th birthday
and Macintosh's 30th anniversary.
I was upset in missing my bus
but happy in catching this poem.

        — Peter Y. Chou
            Mountain View, 1-27-2014

Bird of Paradise Plant
490 El Camino Real, Mountain View

Marlboro Cigarette Pack
at Bus Stop, Bush Ave & El Camino Real

Double Eagle Emblem on Pine
near Tattoo Revolution Ink Shop