Heaven & Hell in Il Bacio
Heaven and hell are not
angels singing above and
devil with pitchfork below.
They're states of mind we experience
Being accepted is heaven.
Being rejected is hell.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Furman Baldwin's Il Bacio "The Kiss"
is one of my all-time favorite photos
The two-year-old boy sits on the stoop
between two girls similar in age
like "The Lover" Tarot card image.
He turns to his right to kiss the girl
and they're happy while the girl at left
is mad with rage in being left out.
The girl to his left is unkempt
her dress rumpled, socks uneven,
all her fingers stretched outward
senses pointed to the physical
much like the five foolish virgins
no wonder she's experiencing hell.
The girl to his right is tidy
her dress smooth, her socks even,
her fingers encircled inward
mind focused to the spiritual
like Einstein's mudra & Buddha's
no wonder she is in heaven.
Peter Y. Chou
Mountain View, 2-28-2017
Vishuddha Mudra
Einstein's Wisdom Mudra
Einstein: Thumbs Touching
Buddha: Meditating Mudra