Front & Back of Business Cards of Sean Headrick, David Massolo, and Stephen Wolfram

Platonic Lambda
(Timaeus 35b)

Accura Logo

KIA Motors Logo

Mitsubishi Logo

American Airlines Logo

Platonic Lambda Λ Business Cards

Sean Headrick, David Massolo, Stephen Wolfram—
whose company logo resembles the image
of Platonic Lambda Λ or the World Soul.

June 12, 2015— Al Guzman invites Rudy
and me for food & drinks at Firehouse Grill
where we meet Sean Headrick who tells us

about Aerotestra, the company he founded,
making drones for aerial mapping surveys
and fighting forest fires in Brazil.

January 2, 2016— A friend and I attend
David Massolo's photography exhibt
opening at Gallery 9 in Los Altos

and I'm amazed at his black & white photo
"The Trees at Versailles" showing an array
of Platonic Lambda Λ that inspired a poem.

March 2, 2016— Rudy and I went to
"Knowledge-Based Computing" talk
by Stephen Wolfram in Mountain View,

whom I met last at Stanford in 2003
where his A New Kind of Science book
shows the Lambda Λ image on the cover.

Wrote a poem "Seeing the Soul Everywhere"
in trees on Mountain View streets where I walk
and now I find them in car logos all around—

Accura, Infiniti, KIA Motors,
Mitsubishi, Motorola, Willys Jeep,
also American Airlines and AAA.

But these Platonic Lambda Λ business cards
caught me by complete surprise— carrying
the soul's image in my pocket all the time.

        Peter Y. Chou
        Mountain View, 10-30-2017

Lambda Λ image on cover
A New Kind of Science (2003)

Infiniti Logo

Motorola Logo

Willys Overlands Jeep Logo

AAA Logo