Fire Safety Medal
Taylor Painting crew is painting front doors
of all the apartments from 9 am to 3 pm
and we need to keep door open to dry.
With no computer at home, searched
through stacks of 17 boxes for folders
on chemistry classes taught but found none.
In a loose-leaf folder, found old Cornell
lecture on "Science & the Imagination"
autographed Nov. 1966 by P.B. Medawar.
But in a small box was a bronze medal won
for best essay on "Fire Safety at Home"
written in the 5th grade back in 1951.
Medal still has the French tricolor
attached to it, and I still remember
Mayor Impellitteri pinning it on me.
Recall Dad telling me to write essay
at home and memorize it so I'd be
relaxed repeating it in the classroom.
When I came to Foothill Krause Center
late at 4 pm, told Lisa DeLapo
had to stay home to let paint dry.
Showed her the bronze medal won
67 years ago, and found in a box
searched through today at home.
Lisa saw back of medal awarded
by the NYC Fire Department,
and said "Today is 9/11 !"
That's 17 years ago and I searched
through 17 boxes in my apartment
Did the spirit of NYC firefighters
let me find this momento today?
343 firefighters died on 9/11 saving
many lives at World Trade Center.
It's an honor to remember them
and this medal they gave me will be
even a greater treasure in my heart.
Peter Y. Chou
Mountain View, 9-15-2018
Front of Medal
"Fire Safety at Home"
Back of Medal
by NYC Fire Dept
World Trade Center
Crashed by Planes on 9-11-2001
NYC Fire Department Truck
at World Trade Center on 9-11-2001
Tribute of Lights on 9-11
Each Year at World Trade Center