Lost Keys on Bus #40 Stop Bench
Jane Lane & Rengstorff Ave, Mountain View

Lost Keys Found

On Wednesday, August 15, 2018
can't open my front door—
house key in my pocket is gone!
Must have dropped it on the sidewalk

while getting out my watch at the
San Antonio Road & El Camino
bus stop to check if the 8:08 Bus #40
had come after shopping at Sprouts.

My neighbor Don Richards let me
use his phone to call "After Hours
Emergency" but they can't help
and tell me to call up a locksmith.

Don says locksmith charges $100
and drives me to the bus stop
where we search for my lost house
and mailbox keys but couldn't find them.

Don offers me dinner but I munch on
red grapes & chips bought at Sprouts.
We eatch NOVA programs on TV
and I slept on his couch overnight.

Next day, the manager Irene had
Junior make duplicate keys for $10.
I feel so fantastic to be back in my
apartment again after being locked out.

On Tuesday, August 21 at
Bus Stop 40 by Rengstorff & Jane Lane
my lost keys were lying on the bench—
must have fell out as I checked my watch.

But they were not there on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday while I waited
for the bus— miracle my lost keys
were found exactly one week later!

        Peter Y. Chou
        Mountain View, 9-11-2018