Antonio Vivaldi, The Four Seasons (1717)

Love at First Listen

KDFC asks "What sparked your love
to classical music?" I remember
the moment well— June 15, 1968
at my apartment 109 Catherine Street

in Ithaca at Cornell, writing
my first poem "I See Joy" while
listening to Vivaldi's Four Seasons
the 2nd movement of "Winter" sparkled

my soul to flame— the solo violin
with pizzicato strings portraying
a steady falling of rain, giving me
the feeling of being a snowflake

or raindrop— I played this largo
movement over again and again—
while raindrops fell out musically,
36 poetic couplets poured forth

easily as from the sky— I would
contemplate on nature and the arts,
writing the first line of the couplet
while the second line flowed instantly.

At last I understood what Paul Klee meant
"My hand is the instrument of a distant sphere"—
finishing my poem in a day, inspired
by classical music's wondrous blessings.

I see joy in the harmonious expression of music
I see joy in music tender touches of the sublime.
I see joy in the dancer's eloquent leap across space
I see joy in the dancer's spiritual triumph over time.

Made header, later learned was an epigraph
of notes to Beethoven's 9th Symphony
with Schiller's Ode to Joy: "O you millions,
I embrace you. Here's a joyful kiss for all."

                Peter Y. Chou
                Mountain View, 9-26-2019