"Love is for the lucky and the brave"

declared the fortune cookie Gillian puts
in my hand as I watched Chinese girls
doing ribbon dance at ballroom dancing
celebrating the Chinese New Year.

Lucky is the troubabour whose songs
win the heart of the woman he loves
as he goes off to battle in the age
of chivalry as a knight in combat.

"You are very brave" Marlene Dietrich
tells Gary Cooper when he pulls her
to his lap as she sells him an apple
that he has no money to purchase.

You are brave courting your beloved
abandoning all fears of rejection.
You are lucky if winds blow your way
when she says "Yes" to your proposal.

Brave is Sir Gawain when he accepts
Green Knight's challenge to be beheaded.
Lucky is he who receives three kisses
and the wife's garter for protection.

Joseph Campbell quotes Schopenhauer—
"How can one sacrifice one's life for another?"
and relates the story at Pali, Hawaii
where two policeman saw a man ready

to jump off a cliff— the policeman grabbed
him as he jumped & the other policeman
rescued them both. The police said "If I let
him go, I couldn't live for another day."

Schopenhauer's answer is that crisis
marks a breakthrough in realization—
that you and all the others are one—
Lucky & brave are those who have found this love.

  Peter Y. Chou
  Mountain View, 2-18-2019, 2:35 am

Troubadour from
Manesse Codex (1340)

Marlene Dietrich and
Gary Cooper in Morocco

Sir Gawain and the
Green Knight
(14th century)

Police rescued man jumping
off Pali cliff in Hawaii