Most Miraculous Growth

Out in a green field of summer
a contest was raging on who
has the most miraculous growth.

An acorn boasts "From this tiny
3 grams seed sprang the mighty oak
weighing 24 tons— increase

730 million times— Squirrels
that would eat me are now living
in my branches— Hard to top that!"

Redwood seed laughed— "A pound
holds 100,000 of me that grows
to 16 trillion times in weight."

The Sperm said "I weigh much less—
yet I grow as tall as Yao Ming
and as big as Haystack Calhoun.

The Hydrogen atom chuckled—
"I make up the Sun whose warmth
and light endow you all with life."

The proton weighs 1.67 x 10-27 kg,
the Sun 2x1030 kg— jump of
an octodecillion (1057) times.

The Black Hole was last to speak—
From a Point of no dimension
or weight— this universe was born.

Universe weighs most of all (1053 kg),
that's infinite miraculous growth—
from nothing emerged everything.

        Peter Y. Chou
        Mountain View, 4-22-2019