My New Mantra

Whack! Whack!— The paddle cracked
down on my shoulder as I nodded
to sleep in my first Zen sesshin in
1971 at the filled Harvard gym.

Some two hundred have gathered here
to meditate and clear their mind in
six hours. Zen Master of Rochester
Philip Kapleau asked the crowd—

"How many of you are seeking
enlightenment?" All hands went
up in the gym including mine—
quite a wonderland sight to see.

Kapleau shook his head— you know
what Picasso said on this—
"I do not seek— I find."
Whoa! Whoa!— My mind leaped—

No wonder we're not enlightened—
hopping from guru to guru,
searching sacred texts for clues,
chanting "Om"s and getting nowhere!

From then on— Picasso's words became
my new manta— fly with his bird
"Peace Dove" to find treasure-trouves
in my protein structure research.

And I was the first to find helix,
sheet, and reverse-turn potentials
of amino acids in proteins and
predict their structures without computers.

The pain from those Zen stick whacks
have long faded away, but what
the Zen Master said that day remains—
Picasso's "I do not seek— I find."

  Peter Y. Chou
  Mountain View, 3-31-2019

Zen Stick Used
at Zen Sesshin

Philip Kapleau
Zen Master of Rochester

Graham Sutherland Meets
Picasso (11-20-1947) who
said: "I do not seek. I find."

Poland 487: Picasso Dove
(issued 11-13-1950)