Notes to Poem:
Most Miraculous Growth

Peter Y. Chou

Preface: This poem was composed during my hour-long walk from my Mountain View apartment to Cubberley Pavilion
in Palo Alto on several Saturdays (April 6, 13, 20) for ballroom dancing. The Acorn image was downloaded on April 8. However, other projects took precedence— Notes to "Meditations on 42" (4-10), Notes to "Found" (4-12), Notes to
"My New Mantra"
(4-18), "Homage to Notre Dame" (4-16), and Notes (4-22). This poem was finally finished on
4-22-2019. Now I'm having a lot of fun searching through Google Images to illustrate the poem.

Commentary on Poem: "Most Miraculous Growth"

Out in a green field of summer
a contest was raging on who
has the most miraculous growth.

Green Field of Summer
with Squirrel Eating Acorn

U.S. #778a Charter Oak
(issued May 9, 1936)

Connecticut State Quarter
Reverse side (issued 1999)
Found an image of "Green Field of Summer" from my LINC 58 class "Project-Based Learning" (May 27, 2018).
Since this poem talks about squirrels eating acorns, took out the rabbit from the drawing. The oak in the drawing
resembles the Charter Oak from Connecticut which is a white oak tree. Connecticut's Royal Charter of 1662 was
hidden within the hollow of the tree to thwart its confiscation by the English governor-general. The oak became
a symbol of American independence and is commemorated on the 1999 Connecticut State Quarter. It was also
shown on the Connecticut Tercentenary U.S. #778a 3¢ postage stamp (1936) shown above.
Photo Sources: Green Field of Summer (; U.S. 778a Charter Oak stamp (; State Quarter (

An acorn boasts "From this tiny
3 grams seed sprang the mighty oak
weighing 24 tons— increase

3 grams in weight

Angel Oak, South Carolina
24.4 tons in weight
Acorn, or oaknut, is the nut of Oak trees (Querus). An acorn is one inch high, half-inch diameter, and weighs approximately 3 grams. (Earlier estimate of 5-6 grams weight turned out to be Acorn jewelry!). Angel Oak
in Charleston, South Carolina, stands 65 feet tall with 28 feet circumference. It provides shade over an area
that covers some 17,200 square feet, and its longest branch measures 187 feet. Since its weight is not given
on sites of this tree, it was calculated using Weight of Standing Hardwood Trees (University of Arkansas).
Tree Circumference 113 inches weighs 8.21 tons; Angel Oak 28 feet = 336 inches
113/336 = 8.21 tons/x; x = 8.21/0.3363 = 24.41 tons = 48,820 lbs = 2.2 x 10 kg
Oak / Acorn = 2.2 x 10 kg / 0.003 kg = 733 million times
Photo Sources: Acorn (; Angel Oak (

730 million times— Squirrels
that would eat me are now living
in my branches— Hard to top that!"

Squirrel Eating Acorn

Squirrel on Branches

Squirrels in Tree Trunk

Squirrel in Black Oak
Before my calculations of 730 million times increase in weight from Acorn to Oak, I was inspired earlier
by Master Subramuniya's observation: "as the mighty oak tree unfolds into all its glory from the tiny acorn.
For truly, the poetential of the oak lies vibrating with the atomic structure of the acorn, as does the flower
live within the bud, and the SELF within man." (Cognizantability, 1970, p. 156).
Photo Sources: Squirrel Eating Acorn (; Squirrel on Branches (;
Squirrels in Tree Trunk (; Squirrel in Black Oak (

Redwood seed laughed— "A pound
holds 100,000 of me that grows
to 16 trillion times in weight."

Redwood Cone

Redwood Seeds

Hyperion Redwood (1.6 million lbs)

Coast Redwoods
I've written about Platonic Lambda Λ Redwoods based on my hikes encountering Coast Redwoods
in the Bay Area (2008-2012). A Redwood Cone is 3/4 inch to an inch long. Each cone contains
14 to 24 tiny seeds about the size of a tomato seed. It takes 100,000 seeds to weigh a pound.
Hyperion Tree is a coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) in California that was measured at
115.92 m (380.3 ft), which ranks it as the world's tallest known living tree. Hyperion reaches
379.7 feet with diameter of 24 feet & 1.6 million lbs. Redwood seed weights 1/100,000 lb.
Hyperion Tree weight / Redwood Seed weight = 1.6 x 106 lb / 0.1 x 10-6 lb = 16 x 1012
That's an increase of 16 trillion times!
Photo Sources: Redwood Cone (; Rewood Seeds (;
Hyperion Redwood (; Coast Redwoods (

The Sperm said "I weigh much less—
yet I grow as tall as Yao Ming
and as big as Haystack Calhoun.


Yao Ming (7'6")

Haystack Calhoun (663 lbs)
Sperm cell head is 5 x 3 μm with a tail 50 μm long. Cell weighs 3.5 x 10-9 gm. Another source: Cell
weighs 27 picograms (10-12 gm), Basketball player Yao Ming is 7 feet 6 inches tall. He played for the
NBA Houston Rockets (2002-2011). Haystack Calhoun was a professional wrestler (from 1960-1973)
who was 6 feet 4 inches tall and weighed 663 lbs. Yao Ming is 2.286 meters tall; Sperm head is μm—
increase of 2 million times. Haystack weighs 663 lbs = 3 x 105 gm; Cell weights 3.5 x10-9 gm—
increase 100 trillion times. Quite a surprise— it beats the Redwood Seed by 6.25 times!
Photo Sources: Sperm (; Yao Ming (; Haystack Calhoun (

The Hydrogen atom chuckled—
"I make up the Sun whose warmth
and light endow you all with life."

Hydrogen Atom

Sun (2x1030 kg)

Sun in the Sky
The Hydrogen Atom is much smaller than the Acorn, Redwood Seed, and the Sperm Cell.
Atom's diameter is 0.5 nanometer or 5 x 10-10 m. So it's 10,000 times smaller than the Sperm.
The Sun is 73.5% Hydrogen and 24.8% Helium. Without the Sun's warmth and photosynthesis,
none of the plants or trees can grow. That's why Hydrogen atom had a hearty laugh.
Photo Sources: Hydrogen Atom (; Sun (; Sun in the Sky (

The proton weighs 1.67 x 10-27 kg,
the Sun 2x1030 kg— jump of
an octodecillion (1057) times.

Proton (1.67 x 10-27 kg)

Eclipse of the Sun (2x1030 kg)
Since Hydrogen consists of a single proton (1.67 x 10-27 kg)
and electron (9.1 x 10-31 kg), and the Sun weighs 2x1030 kg—
we have a weight jump of an octodecillion (1057) times.
Photo Sources: Proton (; Eclipse of Sun (

The Black Hole was last to speak—
From a Point of no dimension
or weight— this universe was born.

Black Hole
Messier 87 (4-10-2019)

No Dimension or Weight

Born 13.8 billion years ago
Black Hole is a region of spacetime exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing—
not even particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light— can escape from inside it.
Just two weeks ago (April 10, 2019), the supermassive black hole at the core of supergiant
elliptical galaxy Messier 87, with a mass 7 billion times the Sun's, as depicted in the first
image was released by the Event Horizon Telescope. According to the Big Bang Theory,
this Universe was born from a singularity, a point, defined by Euclid as having no dimension.
Sources: Black Hole Messier 87 (; Single Point (; Birth of Universe (;

Universe weighs most of all (1053 kg),
that's infinite miraculous growth—
from nothing emerged everything.

Weight of Universe
by David Burgett (2012)

WMAP of Universe (1.5x1053 kg)
taken by NASA (2010)

Zero to Infinity
London Music Band
According to Quora, the mass of the Universe is 1.5x1053 kg. Since the Universe contains all the galaxies
and the atoms in it, it's the heaviest object of them all. Universe Weight / Weight of Point = 1053 kg / 0 kg
= Infinite! From nothing emerged everything— most miraculous growth of all!
Photo Sources: Weight of the Universe (; WMAP of Universe (; Zero to Infinity (/

— Peter Y. Chou
    Mountain View, 4-25-2019

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© Peter Y. Chou, Wisdom Portal
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (4-25-2019)