Commentary on Poem: "The Awakened State"
Ramana Maharshi declared
"The sage abides in pure consciousness,
essence of waking, dream, & deep sleep."
India #539: Ramana Maharshi
(issued 4-14-1971)
Ramana Maharshi
Talks with Sri Ramana
Maharshi (1968)
Ramana Maharishi (1879-1950) was introduced to the West by
Paul Brunton in his
Search in Secret India (1934).
Both sages have become my spiritual mentors, from whom I've learned much on
spiritual awakening. I have over
a dozen books by and about Ramana. In
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi (p. 1),
Ramana covers the three states of
consciousness: "In the waking state (jagrat),
the gross body perceives gross names and forms; in the dream state
(swapna), the mental body perceives the mental creations in their manifold forms and names;
in deep dreamless
sleep (sushupti), identification with the body being
lost, there are no perceptions; similarly in the Transcendental
state (turiya), identity with Brahman places man in harmony with everything, and there is
nothing apart from
his Self." (May 15, 1935). Paul Brunton's Notebooks:
"That this World, so solid to our touch,
so important to
our lives, is 'such stuff as dreams are made of',
in Shakespeare's haunting phrase, is incredible to the ordinary
shallow materialist, whether he be of a scientific or a pious mind."
Searched through 700 pages of
Roob's Alchemy & Mysticism
for images of these three states.
Alexander Roob
Alchemy & Mysticism |
Philosophical Tree, Splendour Solis #6
(pp. 260-261) in Alchemy & Mysticism (1996) |
Roob's Alchemy & Mysticism (1996)
has 712 pages with esoteric images
from art museums and rare book
collections in libraries all over
Europe. It is the best illustrated
book in my library. Browsed
through the entire book to find
the best images for the waking,
dream, and deep sleep states.
Photo Sources:
Alchemy & Mysticism (;
Philosophical Tree,
(pp. 260-261) in book (
"Sunrise" in Splendour Solis is a
good representation for waking.
"Sunrise": Plate #22 of
Splendour Solis (1535)
Splendor Solis ("The Splendour of the Sun") is a version dated around 1582
of well-known beautifully illuminated alchemical text attributed to Salomon Trismosin,
(fl. late 15th & early 16th-century), a legendary Renaissance alchemist, claimed possessor of the
philosopher's stone and teacher of
Paracelsus (1493-1541).
The earliest version of Splendour Solis is dated 1532-1535 and is housed at the
Kupferstichkabinett Berlin at State Museums in Berlin.
The work itself consists
of 22 elaborate images, set in ornamental borders and niches. The symbolic process shows the classical
alchemical death and rebirth of the king, and incorporates a series of seven flasks, each associated with one of the planets. Within the flasks
a process is shown involving the transformation of bird and animal symbols into the Queen and King, the white and the red tincture.
I selected Splendor Solis 22: Sun rising over city"
to represent the waking state. The warm sunlight welcomes us from our sleep in the dark at night. It's interesting that
this image #22 is the last of Splendour Solis in the alchemical process of awakening.
Photo Source: "Sunrise" (
"Jacob's Ladder" in Muter Liber
is fitting symbol for dream state,
"Jacob's Ladder"
Muter Liber (1677)
William Blake
Jacob's Ladder (1806)
Jacob's Ladder is from his dream cited in Genesis 28:10-19:
"And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it."
William Blake's painting of Jacob's Ladder
(1806) is in the British Museum.
The painting shows Jacob, asleep, at its foot. Right by his head is a spiral staircase which
ascends to the top of the paper (presume to be heaven.) Figures ascend & descend the staircase:
although some bear angel's wings, many do not.
Whole scene appears to be taking place inside some sort of 'big top' tent,
with the starry sky of a moonlit night behind. There is no trace of any ladder in sight.
Unfortunately, Roob does not have this image in his book.
However I found on page 377 of Roob's Alchemy & Mysticism, "Jacob's Ladder"
Muter Liber (1677).
This Silent Book is a Hermetic philosophical work, showsing how to proceed to
achieve the magnum opus whose ultimate purpose is to obtain the philosopher's stone.
"Jacob's Dream" is
shown on the first edition cover (1677). Howard Oakley writes
an interesting blog (12-5-2016)
on Blake's
use of spiral staircase. Blake also painted
Lucia Carrying Dante in His Sleep (1827)
(Fogg Museum) from
Dante's Purgatorio 9.21-30, while Dante was dreaming of being Ganymede
snatched up by an Eagle (Zeus).
Photo Sources: Muter Liber's "Jacob's Ladder" (;
Blake's Jacob's Ladder (
and Goethe's "Colour Wheel" of
black circle is perfect for deep sleep.
Black Circle
Goethe's Colour Wheel (1799)
In deep sleep, the world is unmanifest, nothing but pure emptiness black
and dark. On page 689 of Roob's Alchemy & Mysticism, is a "Black Circle" from
Goethe's Colour Wheel (1799)
from his book Theory of Colors, his
treatise on the nature, function, and psychology of colors.
One of Goethe's
most radical points was a refutation of Newton's ideas about the color
spectrum, suggesting instead that darkness is an active ingredient rather than the mere passive absence of light.
"Light and darkness, brightness
and obscurity, or if a more general expression is preferred,
light and its
absence, are necessary to production of color... Color itself is a degree
of darkness." Vedantic sages say that which is most subtle is closer to reality and that which is dense is illusion (Sanskrit & Buddhist:
So deep dreamless sleep is more real than the waking or dream states.
"Lightness in Dante Purgatorio, Canto 9".
Ramana on deep sleep.
Photo Source: "Colour Circle"
For awakened state, need painting
by artist who are enlightened
Blake's Albion Dance is illumined
Romania #1220: Blake
(issued 5-31-1958)
William Blake
Albion Dance (1799)
William Blake (1757-1827)
was an enlightened mystic poet-
painter. In
Auguries of Innocence (1793),
Blake writes
"To see a World in a Grain of Sand /
And a Heaven
in a Wild Flower. /
Hold Infinity in the palm of your
hand /
And Eternity in an hour." Only an awakened
one could envision
space-time in a manner like this
Blake's Albion Dance (1799)
shows a youth with arms
and legs spread out like Leonardo da Vinci's portrait
of Vitruvian Man (1490).
While the youth's feet are anchored to rocky earth, his body is embraced by light.
Albion is illumined and enlightened.
Photo Sources:
Romania 1220 Blake
Albion Dance (
"Awake! awake O sleeper... wake!
expand!... Ever expanding in God"
writes Blake in Jerusalem (1804).
William Blake
Ancient of Days (1794) |
Blake's Title Page
of Jerusalem (1804)
Blake envisions in his poem "Europe" (1796):
My roots are brandish'd in the heavens, my fruits in earth beneath... /
And who shall bind the infinite with an eternal band?... /
Awake the thunders of the deep!... /
Spread nets in every secret path." Blake's painting
Ancient of Days (1794)
shows a bearded God from bright
Sun-like Heaven using
a compass to create the Earth from the dark Abyss.
The compass is shaped like the Platonic Lambda Λ; "Soul of the Universe"
(Timeaus 35b). In
Chapter 1 of Jerusalem, Blake exhorts us
"Awake! awake O sleeper of the land of shadows, wake! expand! / I am in you and you in me, mutual in love divine". Much like Beethoven's
Fifth Symphony telling us to wake up!
Photo Sources: Blake's
Ancient of Days (;
Blake's Jerusalem (
A.E.'s Bellerophon on Pegasus shows
Christ-like figure on winged horse
the vision of an Irish poet-sage.
George William Russell
(A.E.) (1867-1935)
Bellerophon on Pegasus
by A.E. (1911)
George William Russell (1867-1935)
was an Irish writer, editor, critic, poet, painter and Irish nationalist. He was also a writer on mysticism,
and a central figure in the group of devotees of theosophy which met in Dublin for many years.
James Joyce was
19-year old when he knocked on A.E.'s door at midnight (circa 1901) to ask
"What is the highest state of consciousness?" The 34-year old mystic welcomed him
and talked "about the spirit world until the small hours of the morning."
The enlightened British sage Paul Brunton has 8 citations of his friend
A.E. in his Notebooks,
saying "He was a gifted painter as well as poet, economist as well as a prose essayist, clairvoyant, seer, and, when I met him, more of a sage."
Hence, one sage recognizes another as they both dwelled in cosmic consciousness.
I chose "Lambda Λ from Sun to Earth"
to represent the "awakened state"
as sun rays forming triangle shown
William Blake's Albion Dance (1799) and George William Russell's
Bellerophon on Pegasus (1911)
are good examples of awakened states by painters who are enlightened.
I've selected from Roob's
Alchemy & Mysticism,
"Lambda Λ from Sun to Earth" (p. 267)
to represent the "Awakened State".
The image from
Zahlenlehre in Natur
(1794) was written by Karl von Eckartshausen (1752-1803),
a German Catholic mystic, author, and philosopher. It shows rays of the Sun descending to Earth
in the form of a triangle, that resembles the Platonic Lambda Λ "Soul of the Universe"
Timaeus 35b). In Leipzig's first edition (1794), this image is next to the Title Page.
illustrates Platonic Λ with even & odd series on page 89 of his book
Number Science in Nature.
The Lambda Λ image is also shown in the woman's dress revealing her thigh,
the compass in
her left hand, and between her right arm & the triangular rays. Another
esoteric symbol is the
wisdom mudra (thumb touching forefinger) of her right hand
from which the sun's rays descend
at the triangular top.
Albert Einstein is shown in the wisdom mudra pose in dozens of photos.
Image Sources: Awakened State, Turiya (;
Zahlenlehre der Natur
Page 89: Platonic Lambda Λ (
is the 10th triangular number,
same as Platonic Λ, "World Soul"
sum of 55, known to awakened sages.
The triangle
shown is 10th triangular number = 55, same as
Platonic Λ
(Number 55), the
"World Soul" known
to awakened sages, such as Dante Alighieri
(Dante's 55 & The Platonic Lambda). The awakened
Irish sage A.E.
writes in Song and its Fountains (1932):
"Upanishads seers speak of four state of the soul waking, dreaming,
deep sleep, and spirit waking
the last a state in which the spirit is unsleeping in its ecstasy of infinite vision...
Returning into the
Ancient of Days... in that mysterious journeying
from time to eternity, where the soul moves
on to ever
higher planes of its own being." (pp. 63-64).
Visiting British sage Paul Brunton in Switzerland (1976),
he told me about Ibn Tufayl's book
The Awakening of the Soul (1907)
which he read at age 15 that inspired him
on the spiritual quest (cited in Notebooks, Vol. 16: Enlightened Mind, Divine Mind (page 20,
Para 126). |
Peter Y. Chou
Mountain View, 5-30-2019
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