Commentary on Poem: "What Is the Weight of a Dream?"
I queried Google Search Engine
400 million results on diets
to reduce weight and dream meanings:
Google Search Engine
gave 400 million results
Once the question came up, decided to do a Google Search
"What is the weight of a dream?"
since it's the most popular
Search Engine. Whether the question is put in "quotes" or
without quotes, it fluctuated from 368 million to 440 million, averaging around 400 million.
Most of the answers are from
commercial sites touting diets
to reduce weights. Because
"dream" is in the questions,
lots of web sites offered dream
interpretations, which are cited below.
Photo Source: Google Search Results (
weight loss less responsibilities,
weight gain overburdened by work
No philosophical answers.
on Scale |
Dreaming of
Weight Loss |
Dreaming of
Weight Gain |
Browsed through several pages of Google
Search Results, but found no philosophical
answer to my query. However some of the
dream interpretation web sites offered intriquing answers.
If you dream that
you've lost weight, it means you got less
responsiblities so you could relax more.
However if you dream that you've gained
weight in your dream, it means that
you're tired, overburdened by work.
Photo Sources:
Weighing on Scale (;
Weight Loss (;
Weight Gain (
Is the dream as heavy as Chuang Tzu
or as light as a butterfly?
Is the dream heavier than deep sleep
"Chuang Tzu Dreaming of Butterfly"
Zen and Zenga, Worcester Art Museum, 1977
Child Sleeping
Yoni Freedhoff MD site
Chuang Tzu (369 BC-286 BC)
is considered the greatest Taoist sage of China after
Lao Tzu.
In Chapter II: The Identity of Contraries, Chuang Tzu recounts his "Butterfly Dream"
"Once upon a time, I, Chuang Tzu, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither,
to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of following my fancies as
a butterfly, and was unconscious of my individuality as a man. Suddenly, I awaked, and
there I lay, myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man. Between a man
and a butterfly there is necessarily a barrier. The transition is called Metempsychosis".
When I became an Assistant Professon in Chemistry at Worcester Polytechnic Institute
(Sept. 1977), there was an exhibit "Zen and Zenga" at the Worcester Art Museum.
I bought the Catalogue, & found a lovely painting of "Chuang Tzu Dreaming of Butterfly".
where there is no world, nothing but
pure emptiness What is the weight
of empty space? Is it zero?
"Deep Sleep" by Ana Yael
Deep Sleep Music Audio
Weighing Empty Space
In deep sleep, the world is unmanifest, nothing but pure emptiness.
So it seems lighter than the dream state
where lot of activities are going on.
Since deep sleep is like empty space, what is the weight of empty space?
Is it zero? The image of a bowl of space seems to weigh a
nanogram (10-9).
There is no weight
in outer space,
since there's no gravity. Does space have mass/weight?
is discussed in Physics Forums.
"Why are astronauts
weightless in space?" is discussed in Universe Today.
In Nature Neuroscience journal (2017)
they found "posterior cortical hot zone"
of the brain was involved in dreaming.
MRI Scans of Human Brain
Nature Neuroscience
Posterior Cortical Hot Zone
Nature Neuroscience 20, 872-878 (2017)
published "The neural correlates of dreaming" by Francesca Siclari, et. al.
This reseach was reported
by Guardian
"Scientists identify parts of brain involved in dreaming" (By Nicola Davis,
The Guardian, 4-10-2017) and
The Scientist
"Scientists Identify More-Precise Neural Correlates of Dreaming"
(By Ashley Taylor, The Scientist, 4-10-2017). The scientists reported that the
"posterior hot zone" is involved
with dreaming during both REM and non-REM sleep. |
Siclari said "the dreaming brain and
waking brain are similar using
the same areas for their experiences."
Dr. Francesca Siclari
University of Lausanne |
Picasso's The Dream (1932)
Steven A. Cohen collection
Heavy Dreamer
by Vanishing Kids
Dr. Francesca Siclari, from
University of Lausanne is the lead author in
the paper "The neural correlates of dreaming" publsihed by Nature Neuroscience (April 10, 2017)
with neurologists from Center for Sleep and Consciousness
at the University of Wisconsin. She's quoted in
The Guardian:
"Maybe the dreaming brain and the waking brain are much
more similar than one imagined because they partially recruit the same areas for the same type of experiences."
amazing that modern MRI research on the brain is leading scientists to observe similarities
between the waking and
dream states. This verifies the experience of enlightened sages that the
mind makes both waking and dream states
that are illusory. See quotes of Ramana Maharshi, Paul Brunton, Shankara, and Swami Chinmayananda below.
Sage Ramana Maharshi declared:
"The same mind stuff making a dream
is creating the waking state now
India #539: Ramana Maharshi
(issued 4-14-1971)
Ramana Maharshi
Talks with Sri Ramana
Maharshi (1968)
Ramana Maharishi (1879-1950) was introduced to the West by
Paul Brunton in his
Search in Secret India (1934).
Both sages have become my spiritual mentors, from whom I've learned much on
spiritual awakening. I have over
a dozen books by and about Ramana. In
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi (p. 1),
Ramana covers the three states of
consciousness: "In the waking state (jagrat),
the gross body perceives gross names and forms; in the dream state
(swapna), the mental body perceives the mental creations in their manifold forms and names;
in deep dreamless
sleep (sushupti), identification with the body being
lost, there are no perceptions; similarly in the Transcendental
state (turiya), identity with Brahman places man in harmony with everything, and there is
nothing apart from
his Self." (May 15, 1935). Paul Brunton's Notebooks:
"That this World, so solid to our touch,
so important to
our lives, is 'such stuff as dreams are made of',
in Shakespeare's haunting phrase, is incredible to the ordinary
shallow materialist, whether he be of a scientific or a pious mind."
and both states are illusory!"
The sage abides in pure consciousness,
essence of waking, dream & deep sleep.
Ramana: "There is no doubt whatsoever that the universe is the merest illusion...
the Vedas teach the true nature
of Brahman after showing the
illusory nature of the universe. That the world is illusory, every one can
know in the state of realization which is in the form of experience
of one's bliss-nature. [Collected Works of
Ramana Maharshi (1968), pp. 10-11]. "Beyond the reach of those who experience the
waking, dream, and
sleep states, there is a state of waking-sleep known as turiya
(literally 'the fourth', meaning transcendental
experience). As that state alone is real
and as the other three which appear are unreal, know that turiya is
itself turiyatita (beyond turiya). (p. 128).
From Alexander Roob's Alchemy & Mysticism (1997),
images depicting waking (p. 235), dream (p. 377), deep sleep (p. 689), and enlightened (p. 267) states.
There are 712 pages of images in Roob's Alchemy & Mysticism from
museums and libraries. Selected
"Lambda Λ from Sun to Earth" (p. 267)
to represent "Awakened State" as sun rays forming the triangle
shown is 10th triangular number = 55, same as
Platonic Λ, the
"World Soul" known to
awakened sages.
That's why Swami Chinmayananda sang
"Get out! Get out! Roll up the universe
and carry it under your arms!"
Shankara (788-820) is one of India's greatest sages.
He wrote numerous commentaries on the Vedas, Upanishads,
and Bhagavad Gita.
One of his classics, is the Vivekachudamani
(Crest Jewel of Discernment), a treatise within
the Advaita Vedanta tradition of Hinduism. Swami Chinmayananda has lectured on this text, translated it
with commentaries. In Verse #170:
"The waking state is similar to dream state, & both states are but a hallucination".
In his commentaries,
Chinmayananda sang: "Get out! Get out! Roll up the universe and carry it under your arms!"
It's interesting to find in Isaiah 34:4
"and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll". The sage can do it! |
Peter Y. Chou
Mountain View, 5-21-2019
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