William Blake
Albion Dance (1799)

"Lambda Λ: Sun to Earth"
Zahlenlehre der Natur (1794)

George William Russell (A.E.)
Bellerophon on Pegasus (1911)

The Awakened State

Ramana Maharshi declared
"The sage abides in pure consciousness,
essence of waking, dream, & deep sleep."

Searched through 700 pages of
Roob's Alchemy & Mysticism
for images of these three states.

"Sunrise" in Splendour Solis is a
good representation for waking.

"Jacob's Ladder" in Muter Liber
is fitting symbol for dream state,

and Goethe's "Colour Wheel" of
black circle is perfect for deep sleep.

For awakened state, need painting
by artist who are enlightened—
Blake's Albion Dance is illumined

"Awake! awake O sleeper... wake!
expand!... Ever expanding in God"
writes Blake in Jerusalem (1804).

A.E.'s Bellerophon on Pegasus shows
Christ-like figure on winged horse—
the vision of an Irish poet-sage.

I chose "Lambda Λ from Sun to Earth"
to represent the "awakened state"
as sun rays forming triangle shown

is the 10th triangular number,
same as Platonic Λ, "World Soul"
sum of 55, known to awakened sages.

            Peter Y. Chou
            Mountain View, 5-24-2019

"Sunrise" (Waking)
Splendor Solis (1535)

"Jacob's Ladder" (Dream)
Mutus Liber (1677)

"Black Circle" (Deep Sleep)
Goethe's Colour Wheel (1799)