"Chuang Tzu Dreaming of Butterfly"
Painting in Cloud over Hand

What Is the Weight of a Dream?

I queried Google Search Engine—
400 million results on diets
to reduce weight and dream meanings

weight loss— less responsibilities,
weight gain— overburdened by work—
No philosophical answers.

Is the dream as heavy as Chuang Tzu
or as light as a butterfly?
Is the dream heavier than deep sleep

where there is no world, nothing but
pure emptiness— What is the weight
of empty space? Is it zero?

In Nature Neuroscience journal (2017)
they found "posterior cortical hot zone"
of the brain was involved in dreaming.

Siclari said "the dreaming brain and
waking brain are similar using
the same areas for their experiences."

Sage Ramana Maharshi declared:
"The same mind stuff making a dream
is creating the waking state now—

and both states are illusory!"
The sage abides in pure consciousness,
essence of waking, dream & deep sleep.

That's why Swami Chinmayananda sang—
"Get out! Get out! Roll up the universe
and carry it under your arms!"

      Peter Y. Chou
      Mountain View, 5-17-2019