Audrey Hepburn
at Embassy Ball in
My Fair Lady (1964)

Marilyn Monroe
in a white dress

Marilyn Monroe in
Seven Year Itch (1955)

Marilyn in Korea (1954)
Woman in White

   Mario de Biasi, Italians Turn Their Heads, Milan (1954)

She walks toward a crowd of eyes—
dozens of men staring at her
on a busy street in Milan.

She's no ordinary lady
but Moira Orfei— circus queen
of Italy— elephant trainer,

lion tamer, star in forty films
seducing Samson and Hercules—
such is her worldwide fame & legend.

Mario de Biasi's 1954 photo
is full of curves— bumper of the car
and scooter, the cropped bicycle tire,

heads of the men, walk of the woman,
curved C's in the ZUCCA sign— Italian
meaning for pumpkin and an empty head.

Now I recall all eyes gazing at
Audrey Hepburn's Eliza dressed in white
at Embassy Ball dancing with the prince

in My Fair Lady, and men ogling at
Marilyn in white wherever she went—
in Seven Year Itch & by soldiers in Korea.

Famous paintings— Whistler's Girl in White
and Renoir's Dance at Bougival— swirling
in white at Boston Museum of Fine Arts.

But my favorite is another Renoir
in the room— Children at the Seashore
a girl in white with smile of an angel.

        — Peter Y. Chou
            Mountain View, 7-25-2019

Moira Orfei
Italy's Circus Queen

James Abbott Whistler
The Girl in White (1862)
National Gallery of Art

Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Dance at Bougival (1883)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts

Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Children at the Seashore (1883)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts